What will you feed if fish based food goes away?

I work in the pet industry and the new talk is that fish will not be nearly as available as it has been for dog food. Fish coming from Canada is being limited due to new restrictions from the Canadian government. Also salmon fishing in the Pacific has been banned in most areas and salmon rivers are at an all time low.
This means that fish will be isolated more for human consumption then the pet food industry.
Because of this news most dog food companies are changing their ingredients and cutting back or cutting out the fish.
What will you feed next if you cannot get the formula you are used to?

Our plan is to move from Timberwolf Ocean Blue & Barking at the Moon, to Timberwolf Wild & Natural. It is chicken based with some salmon. Then I will supplement with fresh salmon and other fish when I can get it in bulk.


  • edited November -1
    I've heard that same rumor. That would be a shame if it really happened, although there's something to be said for preserving fish and their habitat (not for human consumption, but for the sake of preservation).

    As for what to feed, that's a great question. Lucy's dietary constraints are strict enough that it won't effect her in the slightest; however the question does apply to Joey. He's been doing very well on Orijen Puppy so I'm pretty sure Orijen adult will be in the rotation. Other than that, I have no clear idea yet.
  • edited November -1
    good question.. i guess i'd try to stay within the realm of similar food.. but we had a toss up between the fish meal food and duck meal from Eagle Pack Holistic to begin with, so we'd go for Duck if we absolutely had to.
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