Adopted Abused Akita



  • edited November -1
    I love the video of Tucker! I will try it. As I said, she will allow me to massage her feet as long as I have nothing in my hand. I will try the clicker training for this, we use clicker training for everything else I can't believe I did't think about it for the nails. That's what I love about this site. I get not just advice, but good advice! It sure beats the advice I'm getting from the local "Akita expert" who has been telling me that my problem is that I'm dealing with a powerful, dominant breed so I have to be rough with her so she understands I'm the boss. I hate that! I am not rough or forceful with her I just let her know that if she doesn't sit, she doesn't eat. Or, if she doesn't sit, she doesn't get her treat or if she pulls on the leash I stop moving ect. Not being mean to her she has still learned basic obediance and rather quickly too. Some of these "experts" I'd like to chain to a tree in the back yard and abuse them for awhile like was done to Kylee. OK, I'm kidding about that (or am I) ♥
  • edited November -1
    Remember to clear a nice quiet block of time, without interruptions and noise, so that you can take deep breaths and really concentrate. And make sure she is hungry.
  • edited November -1
    It's been 2 days, we are working with the clicker & her paws. It's going to take some time as we are going at it slowly. We practice 3 times a day for about 10 minutes. So far, so good. I leave a nail file laying where she can see it while we practice but she pays no attention to it so that's a good start. Now with the clicker at least she offers me her paw so we are on the right track. She may have talons by the time we get to the 'clipping' part but that's ok. We're both learning together with the help of all the wonderful people on here! :)
  • edited November -1
    How is it going with your girl?
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