


  • edited November -1
    Has anyone heard of or dealt with Nakodo Akitas out of NH? I was looking at their website and wanted to see if anyone had heard of them before I make contact.
  • edited November -1
    @MnV - No need to apologize, I was not correcting you I just wanted to clarify. You are not careless - now worries - I hope I didn't come off as attacking or something.


    @Kati - I have not heard of them. Sorry. And, yes, you should post AA stuff in the Akita thread - I know it's confusing.

  • edited November -1
    Maybe the user Akitarise could chime in. Sounds like he may be a good resource for a reference.
  • MnVMnV
    edited November -1
    @brada1878 - Not at all. I have a lot of respect for this forum and the people who are running it.
  • edited November -1
    Not a question this time but something I thought was interesting. I was talking to my mom about Akita this weekend and she told me about how my grandfather had an Akita(he used to train all kinds of dogs for the Coast Guard and continued doing dog training even after he retired from the Coast Guard). She said that his Akita used to go to the bar with him. lol I just thought it was funny, I guess Akita love runs in my family.
  • edited November -1
    Has anyone heard of Akiko Akitas? They are based in Bellingham, MA. Thanks!
  • edited November -1
    our AA barks when theres something to bark at. Bin men and people at the door, mostly. He doesn't dig, at all, but he doesn't spend much time in the garden yet as we have no fence up which means I also can't comment on the escape artist thing though I know that in his original home he used to escape a lot but that was a mix of neglect coupled with lack of security, so I don't know if it's a breed trait as such :)
  • MnVMnV
    edited November -1
    No, Kati, I haven't heard of Akiko Akitas nor Nakodo Akitas. I didn't know our girl Aki (her full name IS Akiko) went to open her own kennel.

    Did you call and talk to them? That's what we did when we were searching for an Akita, we called people all around the world.

    Good luck.
  • edited November -1
    Ha! Maybe that's where I heard the name and thought someone went through them. :)

    I haven't called yet, I thought I might ask here first to see if anybody had heard about them or dealt with them. I'll probably contact them next week for some info.
  • edited November -1
    Not a question but I just looked into our home owners and Akita are OK! Our co is actually pretty relaxed by comparison to many others in MA. Though it is still sad to see that any dogs would make a person get denied home insurance(they have pits, chows and rottweilers as no cover dogs).

    However, I have located a company that is all dog friendly, if need be as a back up. :)
  • edited November -1
    I'm in contact now with a couple breeders. (they know my intent and my 2 year plan) Are there any special questions you ask breeders? So far I've asked them all my questions here. (I really like one of the breeders he's given great responses, is very prompt to return contact and has been very open) I've also asked about where they keep their dogs and puppies and how much interaction the pups get with dogs outside the family + if they've had any dogs with health problems in their breeding program.
  • MnVMnV
    edited November -1
    Don't know what to add besides the usual questions.

    If you haven't read this, you might want to check out Dr. Ian Dunbar's free book download at

    "Before and After You Get Your Puppy." I think it's a good foundation to build a great relationship with your pup.
  • edited November -1
    Hahaha maybe some day. ya never know! :) Koda is quite a adorable guy.
  • edited November -1
    Kati: This should get you started

    See also the section on "Questions they should ask you"
  • edited November -1
    Thanks Sarah!
  • edited November -1
    The more you learn sometimes ideas change. I have been browsing around, talking with people, etc.

    No, I didn't get a pup or anything exciting. But in my researching and pondering and blasting questions at various persons I am beginning to lean more toward JA than AA. Either way I still plan to be very careful and take my time with whatever breeder I do select. Life is not something to be rushed. I had began to contemplate Shikoku(I fell in love with Ahi when I watched her videos) but I would be neutering and thought that would be unfair to a breed that is not plentiful and I don't feel confident enough to join in a breeding program if I were to get one, so I decided to leave that to persons with experience and that comfort level.

    Just wanted to make an update that I'm not giving up on my plan, it just morphed a bit and probably became slightly more difficult but I look forward to it once we're ready. :)
  • edited November -1
    Just my 2 cents, but neutering a rare breed is responsible. You would be making sure that the breed stays pure, and that you would not be in-breeding because we do not have many bloodlines in the US.

    It is great that you are taking your time and doing your research. It took me almost 3 years to put down a deposit on Koda. I may have thought it out a bit too much. lolol.
  • edited November -1
    I completely understand the over thinking. But I don't believe it's a bad thing.

    Right now with my change to searching for JA I have a real concern about shipping/travel for pups. I know that lots of people do or have done it.. I just worry that it would be a lot of stress for a puppy. After all they're put down in the cargo area and if memory serves, unlike the cabin there's no maintained pressure like there is in the cabin. Wouldn't that hurt them? Plus, they'll be alone for so long depending on where I go. I know eventually they should be fine being by themselves but a puppy in a strange place with strange noises, etc... Wouldn't that be stressful?

    I'm not sure if it's true but I thought I'd heard about someone being able to have their pup in the plane with them? (in a bag style crate) Maybe that's just my wishful brain...
  • edited November -1
    You can put a pup that's small enough on a Southwest flight now. Other airlines already to this. Koda was shipped to me from Michigan, but he was not in cargo. I paid for the VIP service, at the request of my breeder. It didn't traumatize him at all.

    You could always make a road trip! ;p
  • edited November -1
    Good to know.

    Haha, road trip might be even worse! lol I just went to google to figure out what the route would be from here (Cape Cod, MA) to Texcoco, Mexico (Where Mr. Fujimoto is). Google's illustrious response: "We could not calculate directions between bourne, ma and Texcoco, Me, Mexico."
  • edited November -1
    Yeah try an airplane! Didn't someone just pick up their Akita in Mexico not too long ago. I wonder if he/she was small enough to fit into this. It's the Southwest restrictions.

    Your pet carrier must be able to fit under the seat in front of you. The under-seat dimensions are as follows:
    Window Seat: 19"L x 14"W x 8.25"H
    Middle Seat: 19"L x 19"W x 8.25"H
    Aisle Seat: 19"L x 14"W x 8.25"H
  • edited November -1
    That was strange. Apparently google maps won't give driving directions within mexico at all. Even from two places a few miles apart.
  • edited November -1
    Okay, so obvious question that I seemed to have over looked.

    It seems like a lot of people work in a home office from what I read. I wfh 2 days a week so I'd be away Tues-Thurs (9-5). The pup would most likely be crated for those times. How do Akita(JA this time. lol) do with being left alone for the day? Are they fine so long as they get exercised before/after you go to work? From what I've ready Shikoku seem pretty sensitive about being left alone but I didn't know if Akita are similar.
  • edited November -1
    There are others who can answer more specifically about breed specific crating experience, but I would like to mention, that if you are going to be away for more than 5 hours you may want to look into hiring a dog walker.

    And obviously when the dog is a puppy maybe have the walker come a couple times during the day.
  • edited November -1
    I live about 2 miles from work so I would be able to go home on lunch, back up plan is to have my mother in law stop by since she's retired she & lives like 5 miles away she'd be able to stop in probably a few times. She's baby-sat Merlin when we've gone away. My plan is to take off the first week or two when the pup arrives and then work from home another week so hopefully the pup would be able to become comfortably acclimated to the house and Merlin.

    What has everyone else done in the first weeks when they've brought a new pup home?
  • edited November -1
    Our Akita do fine in a crate 6-8 hours if they get proper exercise before and after. Akita can tend to have a bit of separation anxiety, so I would mos def leave them in a crate w/ a chew while you are at work otherwise you come home to a chewed up house - not to imply Akita chew much, our 4 have NEVER shewed something they were not supposed to... tho we also didn't allow them to be free in the house (unsupervised) until 1+ years.

    Both my wife and I work from home, so I can't lend much more than what I just wrote. we do leave for Santa Fe on Saturdays and the dogs spend 6-10 hours in crates while we are gone - they all do fine.

    Rui (Leonberger) can probably give you some valuable insight as he has an Akita and sometimes works long hours.

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