[cross post] 365 photo challenge

edited January 2010 in General
[cross post from the shiba forum]
I've lost inspiration in these last few rainy winter months
and walking my dog has become more of a chore than an adventure
so I'm starting a 365 day photo challenge
my rules are
1 photo a walk a day
and the photo has to be taken outside
the content doesn't matter, but I'm gonna try to have toki somewhere in all the pics
I hope to see things in a new way, visit new places, and most importantly walk my dog.
I'll be posting the pics on flickr and it will run on my photostream in my profile
I would love if others would join me in this challenge as we are all from different places and seeing a little bit of everywhere would be refreshing


  • edited November -1
    Ooo good luck. I am always amazed when I read about 365 days goals. I could never do it, I'm horrible when it comes to things like that.
  • edited November -1
    That is such a great idea. Above all, have fun! :)
  • edited November -1
    i wish people would join me
    and it will help motivate me down the road
    I think we could motivate one another
  • edited November -1
    I didn't know if this was a nihonken only gig. Merlin and I would try to join. Weather pending though, it was almost hurricane winds past couple days on the cape. When are you starting? :)
  • edited November -1
    I'll try it too. I'll will start on March 4th. Should be able to get a couple good photos from 300+ shots. :)
  • edited November -1
    awesome, i started two days ago,
    I'd say start whenever,
    as long as it gets you out walking the dog
    thanks so much for joining in, I want to see the daily shots of wherever you are
  • edited January 2010
    When I get my pups I'll participate Cherie!

    We just don't know when that will be exactly :( [ hopefully some time this year ]~
  • edited January 2010
    oh I have to wait til March 3rd, that is when I pick up my pup, :o).
  • edited November -1
    Really Osy? Didn't realize you were that close already to bringing a pup home.
  • edited January 2010
    Well Merlin & I got up the gusto this morning because when I get home from work it's too dark out. Anywho, here's Merlin on his morning walk in a little forested area by our house. This weekend we're hoping to get the the canal. :) PS: sorry for the poor quality we're using a 10 year old nikon cool pics camera.

  • edited November -1
    I added you on flickr and will join your challenge on Feb 13th (the day we pick up Ki in California). :D This should be fun! Have you considered making a flickr Nihon Ken 365 Challenge group that we can submit our dailies to?
  • edited November -1
    We'll see Rina. We're hoping this year, maybe next year, you know how it is with dogs :p ~
  • edited November -1
    Good idea
    flickr group
    aww your gonna get a valentine's dog :)
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