


  • edited November -1

    Well, it's probably not a new parasite, but was confused with Toxoplasma gondii infections in dogs until the late 1980s.

    Neospora infections are an important cause of abortions in cattle and other ruminants.

    Does Nori have an abnormal gait? Most puppies with Neospora infections have a characteristic ascending paresis/paralysis and an odd extension of the hind limbs, but they don't have to.

    Although transmission can be from cattle and the consumption of uncooked beef, the most likely mode of transmission is from her mom. N. caninum can be transmitted repeatedly though successive litters and litters of their progeny. The bitch could be seropositive but clinically normal, and the number of infected puppies born to her will vary. Of those, not all will develop clinical signs (which is how it can be transmitted repeatedly). There is no therapy to prevent a bitch from transmitting infection to her pups.
  • edited November -1
    Oh wow... I am speechless. :(

    I am thinking about you guys and hope that there is some other reason for Nori's seizures.
  • edited November -1
    Thinking positive thoughts. Hope she does not have the neospora infection and that the rest of the dogs are not at risk.

    Here is the "contacts" page for the UC Davis Vet School. They may be another resource for information about neospora and treatment.
  • edited November -1
    Oh bummer. That really sucks all around. :-( Poor puppy and poor you and Jen

    Also, not related to Nori, but to the Neospora infections, the scary part about where I live is that the Mennonites and Amish who run puppy mills around here also have dairy farms, so most likely a large percentage of the dogs on their farm might be at risk for Neospora.
  • edited November -1
    We are really hoping that there is a happy resolution to this very scary mystery. :( I'm so sorry you guys are going through this.
  • edited November -1
    I really hope it's not Neospora infection, sounds like really scary stuff. Here's to hoping what Nori has is not contageous
  • edited November -1
    Oh no, I will pray for the poor Nori, I really hope it's something she'll recover from.
  • edited November -1
    I know this must be extremely frustrating & scary for you guys. Hang in there, Brad & jen.

    Hopefully, it'll all work out. ~
  • edited November -1
    Oh my goodness...Wes and I are thinking positive thoughts for you guys and little Nori.
  • edited November -1
    Wow, I missed some of this! You guys have definitely been in my thoughts lately, and will continue to be!!
  • AmiAmi
    edited November -1
    I hope you find another, curable cause for the seizures. Best wishes for you and Nori!
  • edited April 2010
    Wow is right....I missed this ....hopefully it can be squared away soon.

    Sometimes on rare occasions puppies will outgrow seizures. Where both pups shipped together?
    If not, it is possible that oxygen deprivation on the flight with the girl could cause some issues, if the cargo pressure was not
    correct in the hold area. (I have heard of that in freak situations with people when the oxygen drops did not work correctly in an emergency situation. In the human case it did subside over time but there was residual some nerve damage and some memory loss for the person months later. Oh and not everyone is affected equally, it depends on body weight and blood cell production in the individual.)

    Rather than a freaky protozoa, let's hope it will be the normal type of illness that can be safely modified with medication
  • edited November -1
    Oh man this Neospora caninum sounds scary! I never knew anything about this till now.. =(

    I hope everything gets sorted out and Nori is OK.
  • edited April 2010
    Nori is Neospora clear!!!!!! The test results showed NO ANTIBODIES, so she has no infections at all. Having said that, the treatment with the antibiotic and deworming seems to be helping her. She still has tremors, but she is eating and still her crazy self.

    This also means our other dogs are not at risk, so we no longer have to quarantine Nori.

    The bad news is, now we have no idea what caused her seizures. Her liver seems fine and she has no brain infection... So now we start over, looking for a different cause. Or,maybe she will just grow out of it.

    Anyway, I am taking this as good news, I wish we knew for sure what to do for Nori, but for now we can reduce and manage the seizures and keep searching knowing she is no risk to our other dogs.

    Thanks all for the support and kind words! Jen and I have been so stressed out, its been ridiculous.

  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    what a relief!
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    Yayayayay!!!!! Having two kais now who have had adverse reactions to shots I'm wondering if she is having one.
  • edited November -1
    Wonderful!! :D
  • edited November -1
    oh yeah that reminds me, maybe she had an adverse reaction to a vaccination?
  • edited November -1
    She had her first seizure before getting shots, so that wouldn't be it either.

    Glad to hear it's not neospora or a shunt. I'm sure it's disappointing to still not know what is causing it. It is for me anyway.

    Regardless, happy to hear that you and Jen can breathe easier now. Hope Nori continues to do better.
  • edited November -1
    That is good news. We will still keep little Nori in our thoughts. Hopefully she will grow out of them.
  • edited November -1
    I'm so happy Nori's getting better :)
  • edited November -1
    On a lighter note, here are some updated pics (didn't get many of Nori as she is still a very busy little hell beast)...


    Tai and Nori (in a rare moment of calm)...

    Nori vs. Loa...

  • edited November -1
    On the vaccination tip, she has not had any. We have held off till we could figure something out with the seizures (not to imply we have figured anything out yet). Tomorrow we are gonna pick up a Parvo vaccination for her, we live in an area were Parvo is a really big concern (lots of wild canine), so we want to make sure she is safe from that.

    We will continue our testing & research for another week or so and then start her regular vaccinations. Its a tough call, we want to get her in puppy classes and get her socialized, but we don't want to over vaccinate and potentially make her situation worse. Puppy classes usually require at least 2 rounds of vaccination. So, we are taking it a day at a time. I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks for the suggestion and thoughtful responses.

  • edited November -1
    Well, Nori just had another seizure. Man, this is an emotional roller coaster. :o(
  • aykayk
    edited November -1
    Is there any environmental toxins that she could have picked up? Pesticides for instance? She seems more mouthy than Tai, especially with her shoe fetish.
  • edited November -1
    Thank God it's not Neospora!!!

    & hopefully you guys will find a cure soon! Hang in there! ~
  • edited November -1
    @Gail - We tested her blood sugar and glucose levels and they are fine, so hypoglycemia was ruled out.

    @Ann - A lot of her symptoms are similar to those of a dog that has been exposed to lead, but we can't figure out where she would have been exposed to lead. Certainly not here, and the seizures happened so early after arriving she barely had time to ingest anything here on the ranch.

This discussion has been closed.