Kekko spam

edited April 2010 in Shikoku Ken (四国犬)
Finally there is no snow anymore and I could take some pictures. Here is Kekko a bit more mature, he is 1 year old now.


  • edited November -1
    aww, Kekko is very gorgeous!
  • edited November -1
    Oh wow! Kekko is one handsome man! He looks so grown up. He is gorgeous. I can't get over it.
  • edited November -1
    What a beautiful dog.
  • edited November -1
    What a handsome boy!!
  • edited November -1
    Very handsome! He has such a broad masculine head!

    Who are his dam and sire again?
  • edited November -1
    Wow what a good looking Shikoku ken!
  • edited November -1
    They grow up so quickly!!! haha

    He's got a really interesting face :) ~
  • edited November -1
    Thanks for the new photos. I 've been waiting to see new shots of your boy. Kekko looks fabulous he is so well built & what a beautiful coat. How would you describe his temperament?
  • edited November -1
    Thank you all for nice comments.
    Kris- Kekko's mother is Saiki Aka-Shima van de Egmato and father Ommi-Seium van de Egmato, but I think he looks more like his grandfather KAZUHIDERYU GO KAZUSA OKAZAWASOW.
    As for the temperament I think its very shikokuish :))) He is brave and very active outside. Wants to play and run around, but in the house he is quiet and relaxed. About other dogs - its very hard to say, he likes some of them and is a bit aggressive to some others and I have really no idea what he likes or dislikes in the strange dogs (it does not matter if other dog is male or female). He does live together with my 3 male huskies with no problem, it seems like when he knows his position in the pack, all is ok.
    With stranger people he is a bit alert at first, but in 5 minutes he is their best friend :).
    Also I never stop to wonder how flexible and athletic this breed really is, like they have a little bit of a cat in them. Kekko climbed over our fence already when he was 7 months, the same fence my huskies have never climbed (although huskies are also quite good in escaping fences).
    Kekko is also quite good in obedience and agility.
    He is everything I was hoping for when I got a shikoku in the first place.
  • edited November -1
    Koshi is exactly the same way as your Kekko with people, other dogs,and obedience, and inside & outside behavior . Except for the climbing part, Koshi still spends 3 to 4 hrs every morning in a 3 ft x pen & she sleeps in her x pen at night also.She looks really silly when I come in to the room & she stands on her hind legs with her front legs dangling over the pen walls. I do sometimes wish Koshi were a better "UP" jumper ,she still can't or won't jump in my truck, the shibas jump in & look at her with disbelief when I help her in:) But she is a pouncer & is not afraid to jump down or at anything. I 'm so happy for both us, Koshi has also met all of our expectations.:)
  • edited November -1
    Kekko looks great!
  • edited November -1
    Kekko has grown up into such a handsome guy! Wow. :)
  • edited November -1
    Wow! That's a very handsome dog!
  • edited November -1
    David - about jumping in the car, this is different issue :)). Kekko also does not jump in the car and this is not because he can not do this, he is just not so keen on going to a drive, so he just does not jump. I think in Kekkos case this has something to do with the carsickness he had as a puppy. He does not get carsick anymore, but still kind of does not really want to get in the car. If I sit in the back of my car with a treat and call him, he jumps in just from the spot, no problem. But if I stand outside and tell him to go in, he doesn't. Stubborn boy :))

    I'm very happy for you too, that Kochi turned out to be such a nice shikokugirl :)
  • edited May 2010
    Well, Tini, your Kekko and my Kuma are related (Kuma is a Tekai (vd Egmato) and Sweety breeding). I don't have their full Japanese names here in front of me, can get that later if you are itnerested.

    Kuma loves to go in car rides, usually our big pick up in the extended cab (not in the bed, never). As a puppy I always had to lift him in and he would jump out when we wanted him to get out. Now, as an adult, he jumps up readily into the extended cab (and this is a Chevy 3500, so tall truck). BUT.....he mainly does that when we are going somewhere; when we want to come home, I can sometimes coax him to jump up or sometimes I have to lift him in. But leaving home he flies into the truck. I guess coming home is not as fun as going someplace. :-) He did get car sick as a puppy, but still seemed to like to go on rides. Sachi, my 4 mo old puppy like to go place but gets REALLY car sick if it is more than a 20 minute drive and then doesn't want to go near the car after that. Ten minute rides are fine and she likes new places.

    We have a steep front staircase. Kuma would only go down it for the longest time. Now he goes up and down. Sachi, on the other hand, even as an 8 week old puppy would go up the stairs, but it took her longer to go down them. So they were just the opposite (also opposite about liking water; Kuma hates it and Sachi loves it).
  • edited November -1
    That's very interesting about how Kuma took a while to jump in your truck. That gives me a little relief.:)
    I don't want to hijack Kekkoo thread though. :) Thanks Edgewood!
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