World Dog Show 2010 Danmark

edited June 2010 in General
Danmark was in the spotlite for a few days, dog wise, since they organized the World Dog Show 2010. It was very well organized, compliments!
Shikoku ken, Kekko, did extremely well and won the shikoku junior competition. His brother, Yuu (both from Egmato kennel), became second were Shousei got the third position in the Junior class. Both Kekko and Yuu are 16 months now, almost entering the next class, were Shousei just entered the junior class with 10 months. Obviously, the two experienced older guys did very well. Kekko's coat was fantastic, prepared for the cold weather in the North. But, trained well by the huskies, he was in great shape too, very muscular and looking most mature. Too tough for Shousei to compete with such a beauty and well developed shikoku. But his time is still to come in the future…
Kekko also won the overall shikoku class! Great show, great performance Stina!


  • edited November -1
    Here's a shot from Shousei, doing very well and in great shape but needs a bit more time to come near Kekko's or Yuu's shape. Also his coat is still not as full, he needs to be a bit older for this. This photo was taken a few days before the competition so no preparations were done on the coat. But it might give a good impression on how he looks at 10 months now.
  • edited November -1
    Congrats Kekko! Looking good Shousei!
  • edited November -1
    Congratulations on the show results! Your doggies are beautiful! I expect there will be many more awards to come, and for both of them! Thanks for sharing the pictures!
  • edited November -1
    Congrat to Kekko, he's beautyful! :)
    thanks for the pics ^^
  • edited November -1
    Congrats to both of you ,,They look awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • edited November -1
    I will also post a photo of Jiro, one beauty of an Akita from Hof van Bloemendaal kennel, who won the reserve World Champion. Jiro was in great shape, however the brindle akita just a small bit better developed. Much older too, btw.
  • edited November -1
    I was only at the WDS at a spectator, and man, there was some beautiful dogs! Ofcourse I was in the spitz corner ;)

    Denmark's only kai ken was judged unfairly in my opinion. She was the only kai, and the judge wanted her to look more like a shiba than a kai ken and she was awarded the label "Good" because of her un-shiba-ness. The owners said they're used to this, and even though they only needed one more certificate for their dog to become danish champion, they were able to laugh at it and have a good day anyways ;)
  • edited June 2010
    I saw the Kai too, first time I ever saw one. She looked very nice, but I expected a Kai to be some bigger. She was about the same size as an average Shikoku. At the photo you may see how is her height, compared to the lady handler.
    The judge, a Finish woman, was very much into coat. Since she lives in Finland, all dogs should have a winter coat :-) Many people were kind of astonished from her comments. If Shousei should have the coat she wanted he would be dead by now due to overheating. We had temperatures in the 90ºF/32ºC this week. Why would a dog keep his wintercoat?
    Some super shiba's winning super prices last year, even the show winner, got a good, or very good but not an excellent. Nowbody understood these comments. But she had to judge very many dogs, even 10 shikoku's in one show, what is unheart of outside Japan. The number of Shiba's I cannot even recall, but several dozens per category.
    Anyway, a tough job for her, and not so good for many dog owners. But everyone hopes for an excellent, well, would that be fair? Maybe the Kai-knowledgable people can make a comment on her (sorry for the not perfect picture). We were happy with the Very-Good note for Shousei; Kekko was simply so much better at this point.
  • edited November -1
    I'd feel for any judge that suddenly has to look at a breed for the first time. Even in Nippo, the judges for the 'small type' (Shiba) don't judge the 'medium type' at shows. Overseas judges that are used to seeing Shiba and Akita will tend to judge other Japanese breeds against them. The Japanese breeds seem similar, but they have subtle differences.

    The Kai in the picture does look a little bit short in coat, but it's difficult to tell just by looking at one picture.
  • edited November -1
    Here are total results from World Dog Show 2010 Shikoku:


    Number of entries by breed: 8

    Number of placed dogs in the breed: 8

    Judge: Elina Tan-Hietalahti, Finland

    World Junior Winner - Dog
    KEI-SAIKI V.D. EGMATO Catalogue number: 08587
    Owners: Stina Vool EE-74001 Harjumaa ESTLAND

    Junior class
    Placings Catalogue number Owner
    1 Excellent 08587 KEI-SAIKI V.D. EGMATO Stina Vool EE-74001 Harjumaa ESTLAND
    2 Very good 08586 YUU-SAIKI .V.D. EGMATO Egitte van Veghel NL-5341hg Oss HOLLAND
    3 Very good 08588 SHOUSEI HOMARE GO IZUMO Egitte v. Veghel, Richter, Reimeri NL 5341 HG OSS HOLLAND

    Open class
    Placings Catalogue number Owner
    1 Very good 08589 OMMI-SEIUM V.D. EGMATO Egitte van Veghel NL-5341 HG Oss HOLLAND

    Champion class
    Placings Catalogue number Owner
    1 Very good 08585 TAI-NANAKO V. D. EGMATO Egitte van Veghel NL-5341hg Oss HOLLAND

    Junior class
    Other results
    Catalogue number Owner
    Good 08590 MIKI-SAIKI V.D. EGMATO Egitte van Veghel NL-5341 HG Oss HOLLAND

    Champion class
    Placings Catalogue number Owner
    1 Very good 08591 SAIKI AKA-SHIMA V.D. EGMATO Egitte van Veghel NL-5341 hg Oss HOLLAND
    Other results
    Catalogue number Owner
  • edited November -1
    Hi Izyda!
  • edited November -1
    We are also finally back home from Denmark. I see you have already all the results and everything :). Thank you all for good words, I'm really pleased with Kekko's results of course. I must say the quality level of the Shikokus entered was really high. I'll add also a picture of Kekko posing as the World Junior Winner 2010.
  • edited November -1
    Shigeru >>
    The dog shown is the bitch I am supposed to get a puppy from. Mokii is 18 months old and yes her coat was a bit short. It is also really hot here, so that won't encourage thick, big coats...
  • edited November -1
    This is the same dog (Mokii)
  • edited August 2010
    Interesting discussion about the judge Ms. Elina Haapaniemi :). I would kindly like to remind everyone that in Finland we have the hardest judge education in the world. This judge has studied many years and still isn't allrounder.

    And we also have summer here, not always winter and dogs with winter coat. If it's said in the breed standard that dog should have "double coat" judge has right to discipline dog who don't have it. And also in Finland our dogs does chance summer coat. But they still have this double coat, it's just thinner. In fact many Finnish judges have judged many Japanese breeds before. I know couple judges who have judged Kais, Hokkaidos etc. even in Japan and Finnish judges do seek information from these rare breeds from internet.

    This was world dog show and breed winners became ww. Would it have been fair if every dog would have got excellent? I welcome you all to visit Finnish dog shows and there you really can see how classy our dogs are.

    This Kai is nearly same age than my Ife. Here is my opinion of her: Not typical Kai head ( too Akita type -> quite round and broad), earset isn't the best and ears seems to be little bit too big. In the earlier pic it looks like she don't have brindle (it's okey cause she is so young). And about the size. I have talk about it with couple Japanese breeder and they aren't so happy about this "American type". Ife is a bit too small (about 45 centemeters so she fills standard). That's why I'm looking bigger male for her to get "perfect" pups.
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