PICS of my dog ramps

edited August 2010 in Akita (秋田犬)
Here are some pics and info on my little pup rampage.
He's a great little dog and is learning fast.

His dad was No1 Akita in the UK his dad is called rampage as well ,This is there site.

His mum is here in Australia and here is a link for her.

here is my dog ramps





  • Look at those feet! He's going to be a big dude huh?
  • I like his wet head. Nice looking AA! :o)
  • he's beautiful, at first I thought you made dog ramps, when i saw the header. hahaha
  • I did too...I thought it was dog ramps :)

    How old is he? He's lovely!
  • edited August 2010
    Ok I missed the ramps, are they inside the box? Gosh I love the AA squishy just have to hug it. : )


    Duh...I get it....that's his name.....LOL : )
  • fuzzy wuzzy bear!
  • He is a big sweetie and has a partner in crime my 19 month old daughter they are like two peas in a pod. Ramps follows her around everywhere and he is very gentle and very protective of her he is also showing that he is going to be a great watch dog.
    I think he will be a big boy he's only 15 weeks and weighs 22kgs.
  • Wow, he's only 3 weeks older than my boy, and looks so much more like a dog than a puppy! My boy still has his fuzzy puppy fur....

    I love that their paws/legs are so stalks--straight up and down! It makes me laugh every time I look at them!
  • He's growing into a beautiful AA! The picture of him with the tiger is great!
  • He is really cute. I love his face and his ears.
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