Just needed to get this off my chest

edited January 2011 in General
I just found out that my first dog (who currently lives with my parents) has to be put down this afternoon after almost 15 good years. She got a kidney infection just after Christmas and has been falling apart ever since. She has a tumor on her bladder, kidney failure, cant eat, cant walk and wont stop shivering. The worst part is, I wont get to say goodbye. I know this is what's best for her, but I just cant believe its happening. Yesterday, she was seeming to do a little better...I know we will all miss her, she was a wonderful dog.


  • Oh, that's terrible news. I'm so sorry. It was really hard when my family lost our first dog, my childhood dog. I know how horrible it feels.
  • Awww more terrible news. I am so sorry.
  • Thanks for the moral support @brad and @ tara. 2011 is not off to a very good start with the 4 legged creatures in my life.
  • I think a few of us feel that way right now.
  • I'm so sorry....What terrible news!
  • I am so sorry to hear that, I share your pain...
  • How sad. My thoughts are with you and your folks.
  • Wow, when it rains it pours on this forum. I'm really sorry to hear that.
  • Wow, I'm so sorry...so far, 2011 is already turning out to be a crappy year for quite a few of us.
  • I am so sorry to hear that... It is never easy when a great friend passes on. You are in our thoughts.

    And yeah, I agree... When it rains it pours. :-/

  • So sorry to hear this.
  • Thanks everyone. My dad said she went peacefully though that doesn't make saying goodbye any easier.
  • I'm so sorry. I know how painful saying goodbye is.
  • I'm glad she went peacefully. That's all you can ask for. I hope I have the courage to let my dogs go peacefully when the time comes.
  • Hang in there man, I know what its like to loose a good dog. Just remember that she is in a better place then all of us.
  • I'm so sorry to hear this! It's never easy to make these kind of decisions!
  • I'm so sorry :(
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. 15 years is a good, long life, and passing peacefully is better than something drawn out. I know that doesn't really make it better, though. You're in my thoughts.
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