Back Again....Banshee in Florida

Well I'll start this discussion with a quick write up on me and my Shikoku: Banshee (aka: Akashima's Kochi-Ken Gaijin) since I've been away for awhile and it looks like this website has gained a lot of new members. Banshee is a product of Katja's breed line; his father is Imiko and his mother is Murasaki (Mura). Banshee is currently 2 yrs, 3mo. old. I got him shipped to me in Florida from Katja in December 2008, and we currently live in Tallahassee, FL. He has grown up into quiet a unique doggy and has followed David Robert's write up on the Shikoku breed about 70%. He is smart, but I don't like the phrase "independent minded" which infers that Shikokus are stubborn. Banshee is eager to please and very intelligent which made him relatively easy to train (sit, stay, heel, come, etc.) He is extremely cautious with visitors/strangers and as dave stated, he has very strict socialization rules and often reacts to other dogs with growling, lunging, and correcting nips despite my serious attempts to socialize him and break him of these characteristics. He does have a very high prey drive, but I've managed to control this by strenuous command training on breaking contact when he initiates a chase (very difficult and only works about 90% of the time). Some recent issues for discussion:

- Possible Tumor (benign) on front right index toe: Banshee's front right index toe began to swell up and he was constantly chewing and licking on it until it was raw and inflamed. I took him to the vet who did a cytology (exam of cells in toe) and diagnosed it as a "possible" benign tumor which would likely have to be cut off (amputation of the toe). I decided to wait it out a little longer and put him on an anti-inflammatory and antibotics. The cyst subsided and his toe is back to normal.

- Food Allergies: Banshee has shown food allergies (skin scabbing and redness) with wheat, soy, beef and chicken (in dog food), and chicken meal. I currently have him eating Taste of the Wild Pacific with Salmon.

- Fear of Smoke/Fire....Break out and picked up by Animal Control: Banshee was acting very skittish (body low and tail hooked sideways running frantically) when I had a fire going in the house. I opened my front door to go outside and get more firewood when Banshee decided to run out the door and proceeded to disappear into the darkness of night. I live in a neighborhood just outside the city, so I began searching the neighborhood for him. After 12 hours of searching for him and having already called all the "agencies" to alert them of his disappearance, the Animal Shelter called me back to inform me that he was picked up. As I was picking him up, I spoke with the officer who captured him, and she told me that they found him fighting with and eating the dog food of a 75lbs pitbull who was chained up in the backyard of someones home (neither dog was injured). When she when to capture him, he bit her on the hand (she had kevlar gloves so it didn't injure her). She also stated that she initially thought he was a coyote or coyote/dog hybrid, and actually requested that I show her his paperwork because she was in disbelief that he was a pure bred dog (no one has ever heard of Shikoku Inus). In the end, everything turned out well and I've learned to watch him carefully when I have a fire going in the house.


  • Welcome back!

    Wow, 70% ain't half bad, I'll take it! :-) Although I can't take the credit, I just assembled years worth of anecdotes from Shikoku owners on the forum.

    Thanks for the update on Banshee. It sounds like he's doing quite well. Food allergies, IMO, if they are manageable with diet aren't a big concern. And the story about him and a big pitty is interesting. That's the second NK I've heard of going up against a much larger and probably stronger dog and holding their own. These dogs are bad a$$!
  • Welcome Back!!!

    My male Kai has that fear of smoke. I found out at a rib cookoff. Not a good place to find out that he is deathly afraid of smoke. I mean DEATHLY. My Kai would never bite, but that day he went for some guy's hand who thought patting the scared dog on the head to calm him would be ok. The guy was an idiot. He was trying to run as fast and far away as possible (not possible on lead though). lol.

    One thing I've admired about NK is their fight or flight instinct.

  • Yeah, I guess since the breed is so close to their wild ancestors they tend to have a strong fight or flight mentality and general fear of fire and smoke. My other dog is a mut from the shelter and she loves to stand next to the fire and stare at it (haha).
  • Welcome back...Can't wait to see more pics of Banshee:)
  • Welcome back! Yes, I would say that my two are also only about 70% of Dave's description too. As always, individual mileage may vary depending on your dog ;-).

    And I truly agree with you about "independent minded" = stubborn in many people's minds. I used to get that all the time with my Siberians, and I tended to agree that for obedience training, they could be stubborn at times. But my two shikoku are super training companions.

    I also concur with your assessment of the strong fight or flight instinct. Both of mine are afraid of different things, but both will take flight first. Kuma hates water crossings and loud noises like pans banging when you put them away. Sachi could care less about those 2 things, but is reserved with new people (Kuma drags me to new people if I allowed it). She also is shy of kids, he is not.

    I agree with you too that my biggest fear is someone confusing them with coyotes if they get loose. I live on farmland and I am sure that some people might shoot at them if they did get loose. Once Kuma got out, but a very nice man saw him near a busy road and called him and he came over right away (good thing he is NOT shy of people). We got him from the man when he called our phone. Peggy (O'Ikon) does hike with hers off lead and I have seen videos where she puts big blaze orange vests on them, good thinking since they do like like dog-hybrids.

    As far as fire, Kuma doesn't mind it and we have sat near a bonfire with no reaction. Haven't tried Sachi yet.
  • Glad to have you back! It has been quite a while since you have been on!

    And glad to see that Banshee is doing well. :)
  • Akana doesnt seem to bother anything basically..
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