To neuter or not to neuter

What do you think about neutering a pet grade doggy? If you don't intend on showing or breeding, do you think neutring a dog is a good idea? With cats I know that it softens their temperament, but I have never neutered a male dog before so I don't really know. Are your pets neutered or spayed?

Sharing time! Hehe:)


  • I would neuter/spay if I didn't intend to show or breed my dog.
  • "do you think neutring a dog is a good idea?" you think it's a bad idea to neuter a pet dog?

    "With cats I know that it softens their temperament"

    That's an understatement lmao! I don't know how cat breeders do it. Intact cats makes me want to go on a homicidal rampage.
  • If you do not plan to show or breed your dog, then the responsible thing is to neuter him or spay her.

    Not only does this prevent an unplanned litter, but it also can prevent certain diseases as your dog ages. There may also be some behavioural benefits as well, but that is not a given.
  • Yeah that's what I have been thinking guys thanks for opinions... Though there isn't a general agreement of the timing of the neutering process... Some say it's healthier to do it early some say 6 months.... Some say a year. It's very confusing to me.
  • From what I've read/researched, my personal preference would be to wait at least until the dog is 1 year or 1 1/2 years for large breeds like the akita because from what I've read neutering too early can mess with a young dog's growth. Even 2 years if you feel like you could keep your dog from getting out and having unwanted litters, but, since you're experienced with having intact dogs, I think you should be fine :)
  • i would neuter if he was mine and you have no intensions of showing or breeding, but i;d give him chance to mature and wait til he is atleast 18months before doing so.
    and i had to laugh rina at your comment about entire cats, our boy isn't castrated cause he as a severe heart defect so the vets won't do him and he is evil, i quite often want to ring his neck then he'll be all sweet and come for a cuddle and all is forgiven til the next time. he is really hard work and i wouldn't ever want another cat because of that.
  • I have a cat I couldn't neuter until he was 2 years old, and he was quite evil as well. So glad he got his lovely boy parts removed, he is as sweet as pie now! But being a late neuter, he gained a lot of weight and is huge now. The rest of my boys got neutered at 6 months as kitten and they are normal sized cats:)
  • I think fixing a pet is the way to go, but prefer to wait till social maturity before we do it.
  • Curious... Is the potential growth issue just with neutering males too early or also with spaying females?? I can't remember the exact age that my female akita was spayed but it was definately prior to a year-old and before going into heat. And she ended up being very big for a female. Regardless of size, I would want what is best for my dog's health (and I don't want to breed!).
  • Early spay can lead to an increase in testosterone which can cause increased growth and aggression in females.
  • @venus Haha my own cat was neutered at 1.5 and I was ready to kill him when it got done. My old roommates back when I first turned 18 had 3 intact females that would pull each other into heat constantly...I still have no idea how I didn't end up killing anyone.
  • our AA bitch was spayed at 6months prior to her seasons and she is huge height wise but very narrow with it, i have no idea if she would have been different if we had waited to spay but i would never have a dog neutered that young again.
  • Ahi too, due to a health issue we had to spay her early and now she's the biggest Shikoku in the world. LOL
  • I guess cats work the opposite? We had Sassy spayed early and she was tiny. A little over 5lbs. (She was a siamese mix and both her parents were around 15-20lbs each)
  • To echo what everyone else has written - I would wait till atleast 2 years with a JA. I have no scientific proof but I feel that the JA grow and mature much slower. I really noticed a major jump in maturity(physical and mental) right after Kaeda turned 2.
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