Help with secret chewing

edited February 2011 in Behavior & Training
A little help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Tyson, as I've mentioned before, has a VERY hard mouth. I have 3-4 hard chew toys laying around the house for him to chew on when he wants. I have pretty much stopped giving him plush toys because he completely destroys them in a matter of two minutes and, truth be told, I hate cleaning up the fuzz all over the house. Things were copacetic with this arrangement until recently. My girlfriend has been spending more and more time at my house and she can be pretty scatter brained at times. I do my best go around and pick up her stuff or remind her to pick it up, but occasionally things slip through the cracks. So far she's down a bra, two pairs of underwear, four or five pairs of socks, and last night her favorite under armour jacket. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. The strange thing about this behavior is that Tyson won't touch my stuff if I leave it out. He seems to really like her---they snuggle together all the time.

Here's the rub. I've never actually caught him in the act. He always finds things in another room and chews them out of sight, so I can't interrupt and redirect him.

I do my best to limit his access. But given what has been lost, let's face it I'm not perfect at it. I feel like I need a two pronged approach to the problem. First, continue to try to limit his access to her stuff. Second, some training method I haven't thought of yet.

Here is what I dreamt up last night. First, I am going to start buying crap loads of the 2 for $1 plush toys from the store so he has an outlet for his desire to chew softer things. I'll just have to deal with cleaning up the mess. Second, I will try to construct teaching situations for him where I tempt him with an article of clothing left on the bed, and then encourage him to choose something else. I'm not too confident in this because he has never chewed anything in sight of me, so I don't think it will work.

Do you guys have any other ideas? Thanks!


  • Kohji did the exact same thing with my female former roommate's things. Never caught him in the act, but he constantly destroyed her things, primarily clothing. I don't have any other good advice for you other than telling her if she seriously doesn't want her things chewed up, she must pick them up and put them away. This may seem silly, but signs around the house to remind her couldn't hurt.

    Your training strategy sounds like a good approach. Maybe you could have your gf hold onto and cuddle with the toys to get her scent on them first before he chews on them. Good luck!
  • That is a problem...
    In addition to the cheap toys, try a brown paper sack from the grocery store. Solomon used to do the same stuff as a pup and one time, he got hold of a grocery bag. I was about 14 at the time, and my mom decided it was better to concede and clean up the occasional grocery bag than to wonder what that little peckerhead was going to destroy next. Good luck!
  • lol... Yeah... that is super fun to deal with. Nola did that for a while... She was a stealth clothing chewer. I have lost countless pairs of undies, bras, socks, and even a pair of pants due to her chewing. And I was SO sure that I was putting everything in the hamper and not leaving anything out (I am a bit of a neat freak)...

    As it turns out, she had chewed a hole in my hamper and was pulling the clothing out of the hole. The way I found this out was the pair of pants. They were too big to pull through the hole, so they were hanging half out with a nice hole in the leg. Grr.

    I got a new hamper and put it in the closet.

    BUT... I also purposely left a pair of socks on the floor in the room that I was occupied. I would pretend to be doing something else... She would sneak in (she really did sneak, it was SO cute) to steal it. As soon as she put her mouth on it, I said "AH AH" and redirected her to a plush toy for her to chew and praised when she put the toy in her mouth. After a couple of days, she stopped going for the socks. :)
  • That's hilarious Casey! Your story gives me hope I can solve this. :-) Thanks!
  • Hope it works for you! :)
  • OH! By the way, make sure the socks have been worn by your girlfriend... Freshly washed socks are apparently no where near as appealing.
  • Dave that's Ty saying "damn pop quit putting me on little birds and put me on a big mean hog". Its a scientific proof that big game dogs that chase game birds act out to get their owners to buy training hogs.
  • LOL @shishiinu

    Have you tried clicker training her? She may be less-likely to forget her stuff if you reinforce her for picking it up. :oP

  • edited February 2011
    @brada1878 LoL, reminds me of an episode of Big Bang Theory, maybe Dave can try it this way:
  • You guys are too funny! :-)
  • @shishiinu LMAO!

    I'm sure your girlfriend is really sweet, but the problem does seem to be hers a bit too. Can you clicker train her to make sure to pick up her dirty socks? :-) Use lots of positive reinforcement, and if you have to CM her with an alfa roll.
  • lol... I seriously think that if I ever had kids, I would clicker train them.

    And @tjbart17... LMAO at the CM Alpha Roll...
  • Psh..micah would just take the clicker from me and start clicker training me.
  • Oh I spelt Alpha wrong. I think I have a mental block when it comes to that word.
  • Akana (although still a puppy) Loves my daughters socks, when my wife is ironing in the living room and she drops a piece of clothing, Akana will leave it unless its a sock from little daughter.
    We correct her when she does it and it seems to go better now, but then again she doesnt do it sneaky and she's still very young..
    Sunyata's idea looks like it could work, good luck!
  • edited February 2011
    Well, a minor bump in the road. I went to the pet store today and bought about $20 worth of plush toys from the bargain bin. I put one down for Tyson today, and Lucy immediately stole it. She's been guarding it from under the dining room table for five hours now. Fail. lol.
  • ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!! That's hilarious. I can totally picture it in my head. Mei does the same stuff to Koda.
  • edited February 2011
    LMAO! I can totally see that as well... Nola does the same thing. Only, she sneaks in to grab it then slinks off with it.

    ETA: See, slinking off with Bella's lamb:
  • Well, another epic fail today. I don't know when it happened, but at some point between noon and 9pm a down pillow met an untimely death. :-(

    I think it's time to put this house on lockdown.
  • ha ha ha ha. Sorry I have to laugh. Is this an all of a sudden act up? Has there been any major change in his life? Maybe less exercise due to weather? Or has he always been a chewer?

    Yes it sounds like lockdown is inevitable.
  • For awhile there, Sukoshi liked to chew the back portion of my shoes, by the top of the heel. She even opened up a shoe box and took the shoe out of it. I got to the point where I had to secure shoes from her. She hasn't done this recently--probably because I've been around the house more. (I hope)
  • Ty has always been a chewer, but he seems to have gotten a lot worse in the last few months. This past month has been by far the worst, but I do have an explanation for that. I've been down with a (what seems to be very mild, thank god) case of mono, so he has barely been walked this month. That should change any day now as I'm definitely getting my strengths back finally. :-)
  • Get him some raw femur bones to keep him occupied. They seemed to really satisfy Koda more than anything.

    Sorry that you're not feeling well.
  • Ahhh hello Dave, its about time to build that bay penn in your yard. Just like the saying: you can take the banger out of the hood but you cant take the hood out of the banger, you can take a Kai out of the hog woods but you cant take the hog woods out of the Kai.
  • I missed most of the discussion somehow, and I'm afraid I have nothing at all productive to add, though clicker training, with clicking on chewing of "good" items could work.

    Mostly, I have to admit I was just laughing reading all the responses here, with all the "resourcefulness" of these NKs who manage to get the things they want in the most creative ways! Casey, the chewing a hole in the hamper was the best story yet!

    Bel used to steal things but didn't chew them, but since she took them outside, where they get lost in the woods, was effectively the same thing. Somewhere I like to imagine there is a stash of socks, underwear, and the occasional t-shirt that Bel has stolen. She did once steal a brandnew bra of mine (I was NOT happy) but I managed to catch her as she ran through the yard with it hanging from her mouth like a banner. It was relatively undamaged....
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