Akashima Visit updated with pics.

Well what a weekend it was. Katja introduced Jess and I to all of her dogs and everyone had a great time! We got doggy hugs from all of them and have now officially fallen in love with Shikoku. All the pictures and videos we have looked at do not do Shikokus justice. They are truly an amazing breed. We saw Kuma in mid coat-blow and then fully combed out the next day! The rest of the pack was, mostly, holding on to their winter coats. It was nice to be able to see dogs with and without their winter undercoat. Yamato was there too and oh my goodness he looks amazing. Well they all! look amazing, but Yamato's red is so striking against his black. Oh, and she has one female black sesame pup there who is absolutley lovable! So cute!
Katja was so hospitable and helpful. She answered all the questions we had regarding the breed. Her love for her dogs is clear within moments of talking with her. Everything she does is in the best interest of the dogs. The weekend was a thoroughly enjoyable weekend for sure! In the end, we placed a deposit on a male Shikoku pup. Hopefully our number will come up next spring after we obtain our degrees.

We did take pictures and will be posting them as soon as possible. I just need to find the transfer cord for my camera and then email pics to Katja to make sure I have the names right for each of the dogs. We have pics of Yamato and the new girls Hana and Hima(spelling?) to post.


  • Awesome that you got to visit Akashima and meet Katja...Can't wait to see the pics (especially of Yamato)
  • That's so cool! I can't wait to see the pictures.
  • That little Shikoku girl is my new sister for my little Shiba inu Loki that I got from Katja 3.5 years ago. I couldn't be happier with Loki, he's a blessing in our lives. I've been on the wait list for a female Shikoku for about 2 years now, and the fellow ahead of me didn't want the little girl and decided to wait for the next litter. ( I guess her tail may or may not fully curl around, but I'm not a stickler for appearances, she has an amazing temperament from what Katja tells me.) Since Loki was the "unwanted" puppy in his litter as well, I thought it was only fitting for his sister to be a reject as well, haha. I'm used to taking in the unwanted ones. Here's a photo, she's Mura's little girl. [img]http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/196697_1792161337347_1639050025_31793974_4483344_n.jpg[/img]

    I'll be picking her up next monday, and you can be sure I'll have a ton more photos for you guys.
    edited April 2011
    add me to the folks patiently waiting on pics :)

    Nadia are you in the lower mainland as well? I see a lot of Shibas but never any Kochi
  • Add me to the list as well ... can't wait to see Pictures!
  • I am so glad that you guys got to go visit Katja! :) Can not wait to see those photos!
  • such a cute pup!
    i think it was me that passed on her. :(
    the timing was off for me because im flying out tonight for over a month and i dont want to miss a day of puppyhood!
    cant wait to see more pics of all of them and im keeping my fingers crossed the next litter to be soon!
  • She is really cute! I just love how grumpy some NK pups look when they are puppies!
  • Brad&Jess - we are on the wait-list right along with you! We just went up and visited in February.

    Here's to big litters :-)
  • Ohhh Ok! Yeah that's completely understandable about not wanting to miss out on that first month. I wouldn't want to either. That's a really important time for socializing, training and bonding. Katja said the other two should be breeding soon so hopefully that timing works out better for you. I'm sooooo excited to pick her up on monday, been busy re-puppy proofing the house and looking at Shika videos. As if getting asked if Loki is a Fox constantly wasn't enough, I'm sure it'll now be "is that a coyote/wolf and a fox?"

  • I love it when someone asks if we are walking a wolf. :)
  • edited April 2011
    Ok, 1st attempt at adding photos here so lets see if I did it right.
    Below should be Yamato.







    Awesome it worked! He just loved to shake a paw. Although he felt that every time he offered up his paw he was deserving of a treat. It was so funny, he would wave his paw at Katja and then cock his head to the side as if willing a treat from Katja.

    Next up is Hana, she was so lovable and playful. She was the huggiest of them all. She just loved to stand up on you and be loved.




    And last but not least is Hima, who is Hana's sister. These 2 girls are Katja's most recent imports.





    Awaiting an email from Katja confirming that we have the names right. Found my tranfer cable this morning though and just couldn't wait to share. We would have liked to have taken more pictures but in the excitement of the 1st day the camera was totally forgotten. These pictures are from the morning of day 2 and both Katja and ourselves were on limited time, and we had a contract to sign : D, so we only had time to shoot these 3 dogs as she was eager to showcase Yamato and the 2 new girls.
  • Awesome pics! Yamato is very handsome~ :)
  • Gorgeous dogs!
  • Great shots! I love seeing the new dogs that were just imported. All seem to have a bit more bone (an maybe a thicker coat? At least on the 1 female) than some of the other dogs that we have here.

    I know that Peggy (who co-owns Yamato) said that he was so cute and such a clown/ham when she recently visited me. I guess he had just left for Katja's a few weeks before Peggy came to see me.
  • I like the body structure of Yamato and Hana. I think Yamato makes a excellent sire.
  • I finally get to see pictures of the famous Yamato. He's gorgeous!
  • He IS quite gorgeous! *sigh* One day... :)
  • @Edgewood - I can attest to what Peggy said about Yamato...He absolutely loved my wife's and my attention when we went to visit. He wanted treat after treat after treat. Constantly licking. Yamato and Mason (his puppy) were so cute together. I felt really terrible for breaking their bond when we took him home. But, it would have happened a couple weeks later anyway when Yamato went to Katja.

    Mason is pretty much the same way. He is in your face with kisses as much as you let him.
  • Those are some great pictures and beautiful dogs!
  • Yay!! Yamato:) I've been dieing to see more pics of Miyu's daddy, and I have to say these are the best pics I've seen of him. He and the two girls look really great
  • Yes, Yamato is stunning. Kuma looked great too, though we unfortunatley didn't get a picture of him. He was in mid coat blow on day 1 and Katja had him totally combed out on day 2 and he looked awesome! He was so friendly and playful! Was hard to get some face time with him as he just wanted to go go go!
    Yamato did leave quite an impression. We would love it if he were the sire of our future pup but I don't think he will be with Katja next spring. There is talk of using his seed for AI but previous attempts have not been successful thus far.
    I really like Hana aswell. She was just so bold and playful and lovable all rolled into one.
    I suppose only time will tell who the sire and dam of our future pup will be.
    Yeah, I guess we could "wait it out" for a litter sired by Yamato but not sure if we can stand to wait longer than we must.
    T minus 1 year-ish and counting.
  • I love Hime's eyes. I think she has a gorgeous face. I am not usually drawn to the red shika's as I am a black sesame fan ... but I think she is turning out really nice. Yamato sure has a nice deep red in his coat ... love that too. I wonder if he will be siring this summers litters? I would love to visit her kennel this summer ... I just might. 17hour drive would make a great road trip!!! :o)

    Bradnjess - where you able to visit all the dogs?
  • Yes we did visit with all of the Shikoku and most of the Shiba as well.
    We spent most of a Friday evening there which is when we met all the dogs and played with them. This is when we had forgotten about the camera :/. We did remember the camera later that day but it was gloomy and rainy so we decided to wait until Saturday morning for pictures. On Saturday we were a little pressed for time as Katja had a busy day ahead of her and we wanted to sit down and talk about securing a future pup. So we only managed to get pictures of these 3 beautiful dogs. In hindsight we probably should have settled for pictures of damp dogs in a dim lit Island drizzle but oh well. We did get some good photos and had a glorious weekend. I do wish we had snapped a few picture of that adorable lil black sesame pup. So cute. She was not at all timid when we came into the house. She rushed us in an investigative frenzy full of licks, bites and cuteness.
    Sigh, soon-ish we will have a pup of our own. A year and a bit seems longer now than it did before we met all the dogs. hahah C'est la vie
  • Great pictures; thanks for sharing, those three were not at Akashima when I visited last fall. If I am lucky; they will be around on my next trip down.
  • What great shots! Aww...it's been nearly 5 years since I've last visited with Katja, George and the dogs. I've been meaning to go back soon. Lynx and I flew over there in August of 2006.

    I'm glad to hear you had such an amazing time! If you really want a Yamato pup, don't you think it'd be worth the extra wait for a Shikoku puppy? Or maybe...you can get 2 Shikoku puppies from Katja! =p
  • @ShikokuSpirit wait 2 years? Oh I don't know. I know some have waited 2+ years to get their pup. Now that we are on the wait list though and Katja tells us it will "most likely" be next spring for us to get a pup, waiting a second year just seems so hard to accept.
    Now a second pup, on the other hand, and one of Yamato's at that! Now there is a great idea!! :D
  • Great pictures I loved them all. =)
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