Does Anyone Else Find This Hysterical?

edited May 2011 in General
I mean...'s really sad, her dog has issues but I can't stop laughing, I'm sorry!


  • edited May 2011
    Oh god, yes! I do find this hysterical! Now I can't stop That dog has some serious issues though...
  • OMG. That is too funny, and strange, and crazy. Forget the dog, it's the lady that has serious issues!

  • Hahaha. Oooooh lady. You so crazy.
  • What's sad is that she has TWO dogs. That privates-biting dog and the labrador. This is a clip but apparently it goes further. Corina, was this part of a show and does her dog get taken away?

    I'd find it hysterical if I didn't meet so many dog park owners that excuse small dog behavior like that with, "Oh isn't that cute? He's trying to behave like a big dog." or "Oh that's the way he says he likes you."

    LOL, "It's not my fault! He bites! I told you, 'He bites, RUN!' but you wouldn't listen!"

  • What show is that from?
  • I don't know what TV program this is from. The video clip was uploaded in July of 2008, so it's kinda "old".
  • I believe it is from an Animal Precinct episode.
  • It's amazing to me that someone would tolerate this behavior from their dog. Although on some level while this woman is clearly nuts, and both she and her dog need professional help, I will give her credit for not just dumping her dog. Because let's face it, many people would have gotten rid of that little terror.
  • Yea, I agree Jess. I was thinking about that too. Actually, I think about that a lot - how much people are willing to put up with from their dogs. I think about it when I watch "It's Me or The Dog" type of shows. But being bitten in the crotch, several times, that is just an impressive amount of tolerance IMHO.

  • I like what the trainer said about the dog mirroring the owner's behavior. Cripes, that is one household I would NOT want to grow up in, because the crazy is infectious...
  • omg, funny, but also very sad. holy crap about the dog biting private parts. ouch!
  • Theres a number of reasons why x person might not be the best candidate for dog ownership and insanity is totally one of them lol

    at least in this case we all get a good laugh out of it

    I couldn't imagine someone could say that stuff on camera with a straight face, thats what was really funny, she's pushed to such desperation by her vagina nipping menace
  • OMG! This was hilarious! (And sad, too.) At first, I just kept thinking, well, if the dog bites, why would you take it anywhere? (Bigger issue is why wouldn't you deal with it, but let's just leave that aside for a moment). But then when she said the "my dog bites me in my vagina!" I thought, uh oh, crazy lady!

    WCP, your comment made me choke on my coffee a bit. yes, indeed, this dog is a menace!
  • Oh wow... That was a little too crazy! I was also very curious to why she would take the dog out in public if it was a known biter, but then I heard about the vagina biting... AHHH... It all makes sense now.

    But seriously though... That lady should know better than to take her dog to public parks. :-/
  • I couldnt help but laugh out loud when I watched this.

    If she allows her dogs to behave this way, I wonder how her kids are... I guess its better to hope she never procreated :)
  • Holy wow...
    Funny yes, I did laugh but sad. That woman was insane, no wonder the dog bites. The man didn't even get bit that badly and was overreacting but that's how people are these days.

  • I don't know, if I got a puncture wound on my inner thigh from an unleashed dog, I would unleash holy hell on her.
  • "The man didn't even get bit that badly and was overreacting but that's how people are these days. "

    Isn't it that kind of mentality that is the real issue? Just because it's a small dog causing a small injury doesn't change the fact that it is an aggressive dog that will bite. It's ok to hurt others as long as you don't leave a mark.
  • Uhm, I'd say that's a serious enough bite to make a fuss about. And we don't know what it'll look like days from now.

    I got a bite that went from this to this in a matter of a day (and it got worse). The point is that it sucks extra lots because the guy has no idea what the dog or the woman are about. It's scary to be bitten by a strange dog. Even if it's a chihuahua.
  • Think what you want about my mentality, that's just how I see it.
    He was making a huge unneeded fuss and just getting the unstable woman even more upset.
    I'd be irate if someone's little dog bit me, for sure, but I wouldn't go about it like that man did. There is a better way to handle that sort of thing, that's what I was trying to say. Sorry I didn't phrase it correctly.
  • I'm going to be honest- if any unknown dog bit me and broke the skin, I would report it. She was running away, what was he supposed to do? He seemed pretty calm until she tried to evade responsibility.
  • edited May 2011
    I think the reason the man was 'overreacting' was because the woman was running away and not taking responsibility for her dog's actions. She kept telling him it was his own fault because she warned him that the dog bites. If the situation had happened to me, you bet I would be screaming my head off at that woman to get her to stop and face the consequences of not having control over her dog. This guy had no idea if the dog was vaccinated or not. And had he not made a big deal about it, that woman would have probably drove off without saying a word to him other than, 'see, i told you my dog bites'.

    It is my opinion that if you are going to have an unpredictable dog that you need to have 100% control over that dog at all times. She does get a point or two for keeping the dog and not dumping it at a shelter, but she still needs to manage the behavioural problems, which she is obviously not. (WHY oh WHY was this dog not on a leash?)

    Just my two cents...
  • Indeed, why would anyone let a known vagina-biting menace off leash? *lol* (I know the whole situation isn't funny, but damn, this and the part about the dog "biting the labrador's penis" were pretty hilarious).

  • LMAO!!! That woman is nuts! Everytime she said vagina or penis I felt like a school kid laughing.
  • Oh hell no... Thanks Corina for making my day! That was nuck'n futs! Me and the guys at work watch that thing over and over until we couldn't laugh anymore.
    Maybe the little mutt is just plain hungry or some thing. I guess it really doesn't help that the freak'n lady is 5149 and a half.

  • LOL... "vagina-biting menace"

    I would have yelled at that woman and reported it, too. To have a known biter running around off leash in a busy park? That's insane. Absolutely insane. And she says she tells kids to run away from her dog because he bites? Oh my word! Like any kid wants to go to the park so that some crazy lady can scream at you while her dog attacks you.
  • "The man didn't even get bit that badly and was overreacting but that's how people are these days. "

    Here's a thought exercise that I go through in my head regarding small dog behavior: replace the image of that small dog with a large breed (Rott, Staffie, GSD, Doberman, etc.) that inflicted the very same mark or did the exact same behavior. Would I still think that same thought that the man overreacted?

    I actually think he was handling it well until he saw the woman avoid him and the situation itself, and that's when he lost it. Dog owners should know proper etiquette and protocol with dog bites just like drivers know protocols for automobile accidents. In both cases, you do not try to avoid the victim and run off.

    And I agree with the others, now the man has to worry about whether the dog is fully vaccinated, getting a rabies and tetanus shot if he's not up-to-date, etc.

  • Well, she did give him a clear warning: "He bites, RUN!"


  • I totally agree! The owner of the dog should take full responsibility. ESPECIALLY, since the dog has a previous bite history and she knew it. Is responsibility too much to ask for these days? I've been told just that...that if a dog were to bite or if my dog were to bite should be treated as if it were a car accident and a police report should be filed.

    I've been biten by a BIG dog before and you know what? I was more pissed that the lady grabbed her dog and took off then I was about the actual bite. I wouldn't have pressed any charges but it would have been nice to know if the dog was UTD on vaccinations or for her to have at least paid for my visit to the clinic for the exam and that tetanus shot.

    You have to admit though, her accent just makes it that much more hysterical:
    "He bites the Labrador on his penis. I don't want him to bite my Labrador on the penis. My Labrador is baby, he's beautiful."
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