日本 四国犬 - Japanese Shikoku Ken - Club & Registry

Our we agreed that in the event the Shikoku should become recognized within AKC that we are to have two separate clubs?


One that does not intergrate - Beikoku Shikoku Honzonkai (BSH)

One that does intergrate - American Shikoku Club (ASC)


The BSH would be responsible for the following:

- Running our own Registry (If you want, we can even do our own offical BSH Shikoku pedigrees on paper!)

- Our own Shows (Conformation)

- Our own Activity events (Agility, Hunting, Sledding, Obedience, Tracking and so forth)

We will be able to earn titles and shall abbrevate appropriately or simply just work in conjuction with an exsisting sport specific association and host an event or trial (would be best and less work for us!).

Although we may never compete in AKC (who cares! lol), we will still be able to earn titles within our own Club. National and International events should be obtainable for multi-breed competions.

For Shikoku specifics...we can hold our own National events. As Shikoku ownerships expands, we can invite other owners from other countries to compete to make for an International level competion. We can host it in a region wherever the most interest is held for convenience to our competitors, an ease for their travel there.

For Conformation Shows we will have to invite Judges from Japan for this to earn show titles.

What do you think?

This is actually the way I'd like to see it myself. I have an account that I made for the "Working Shikoku Club", but I think this is so much better. Same idea, but more expanded.

I, personally, want to have a Shikoku Association that is kept completely separate from the AKC (but again, we can make up another club for AKC should the need for it arise). 

I can get a website up and going right away, if we all agree. I'd just need to make a web address for it. I know it sounds like a lot (and it is). However, it's actually much easier then one may think. The only thing is that we'll need lots of donations and fund-rasing to get it going. In order for us to start holding events. Most of our Shikoku are still very young, so we have plenty of time to come up with the money and establish ourselves.

In October/November when I'm in Japan, I can make arrangements for our club to be recognized by Nippo. I will speak with the Shikoku breeders there, I believe the two out of the three breeders I met last year are Nippo Judges themselves, I'm sure they would LOVE to help us out.



  • edited November -1
    How would this work with the Canadian Kennel Club? All of Katja's dogs are CanKC registered, so I just wonder how that would fit in.

    I think it's great, though! It's a good way to keep the breed pure, in my opinion. As far as AKC, that wouldn't happen unless shikokus owners/breeders wanted it to, right? I mean, they don't recognize breeds unless there's demand?

    You know what would be cool and would sort of go beyond the scope of the shikoku? Having a nihon ken club, for all the Japanese dogs. Maybe even just a shika inu club, as it seems the shiba and akita have representation, but not the shikoku, kai, kishu, or hokkaido. I don't even know if that's possible, but it would be awesome.

    As far as the money goes... well... I'm not exactly well-off, however there are things I can do. I can make doggie wares to sell. I make leashes, collars, harnesses, and backpacks for my own dogs (and am currently working on a special order for a microfleece dog coat - not that shikokus need coats). Plus, I'm getting an embroidery machine at some point for my soon-to-be-online business. If suppliers and wholesalers could ship things on time, it would be my been-online-for-two-months business. As it turns out by the time I get everything, I'll be about to move, but I digress.

    Also, I'm sure I can have club events on my property. With 160 acres, we could set up practically anything... tracking, agility, scootering/sledding, lure coursing... we're already planning to have those things for our personal use and I don't mind visitors! The barbeques would be bring your own meat, though (Alberta beef is verrry tasty!). My husband and I want to get a 30' yurt for various purposes as well, which makes for a superb meeting hall.

    Sorry if those things aren't any help, I'm just brainstorming. I'm also trying to lure you all up here so I don't have to travel, I admit!

  • edited November -1
     i love the BSH name, I have to give myself a pat on the back with that one :) I have to admit I do not see the need for two clubs. Why have a devided front? 
  • edited November -1

    It wouldn't be divided persay, as it'd be the same people running both clubs...


    ...it can be the SAME club just registered under another name with the AKC should this occur in the near or far future. I know I had a reason for this...lol.

    Anyways...we can deal with that "issue" later. Right now, we should make a motion (vote) on the club name. All in favor say, "I" (For BSH - Beikoku Shikoku Honzonkai) <~~ yes Brad you are a genius! This is why the club is a GROUP effort.

    Heidi - That'd be PERFECT to have events hosted on your property. And YES BBQ are great and we can invite spectators and charge a small fee for club fundings. It's okay, you can stay home. We LOVEto travel. It'd be my 2 dogs and 1 of my cats! Road Trip...woo hoo!!!

    As for the registrations on the pups. Well...I'm not sure if Yana and Mike (Dutch imports) are NIPPO registered or not (but their parents should be, which means they too can be registered). All the other dogs are direct imports from Japan and should already be NIPPO registered, then so can their offspring, all you would need is an NIPPO application form and sea mail it over to Japan. I can bring papers, it's not an issue!

    I will speak with Katja and see what can be done. As I know she is VERY busy and cannot always rumage through our many posts.

    Oh wow, there is SO MUCH to be done. I'm going to reread past posts and WRITE everything down so that when I'm in Japan, I can remember everything I need to do, get and ask!

  • edited November -1
    Oh and Heidi...starting a Nihon Ken Specialty Club would be EXCELLENT. After we establish our Shikoku Club we can speak with the Akita and Shiba clubs about this idea.
  • edited November -1
    Well, my vote is "I" for the name.  We need a logo. 
  • edited November -1
     of course I am voting yes on the name :) I will have some more suggestions soon.  
  • edited November -1
    I like the name as well - I'm for it.
  • edited November -1

    I tried a Nihon Ken club, I found that getting support from the breed clubs is like getting blood from a turnip. Ideally, I would love to see Nihon Ken shows set up along with a Japanese cultural festival. Food, art's and crafts, Taiko concert and perhaps martial arts demo's and Ikebana? I would love for them to be "Basho" as in Sumo

    The classes for the dog show:

    Maegashira (puppy 4 to 6 month)

    Komusubi (Puppy 6 to 12 month)

    Sekiwake (12 month plus)


    Ozeki= Champion. Dog must be Sekiwake to qualify.

    Best in show.

    Yokozuna= Grand Champion (dog must return and defend title in order to maintain it.)


  • edited June 2007

    In Lethbridge (where I currently live for three more weeks) there is a place called Nikka Yuko Japanese Gardens (http://www.japanesegarden.ab.ca/). It gives group tours and holds all sorts of traditional Japanese events. They also have "Japanese Cultural Day". A lot of tourists come to see that. Maybe I should contact them to ask about hosting some of our events. I don't even know if they do that, but wouldn't it be neat to have a shikoku show in a Japanese garden?

    There are a lot of Japanese people around here.  I can't remember why... something about WWII... I should look into that.   

  • edited November -1

    Wait, did I vote? Um...I 4th that motion!

    Oh well Jurai (Brad). We can host a Nihon ken show anyways. At least we will have Shikoku and probably Kai. A few Akitas and some Shiba Inus as well. Most likely our dogs and our friend's dogs...we can encourage others in the those breed clubs to join. Send them photos of what they MISSED out on! MWAHAHAHA! -laughs-. We are brainstorming some great ideas! I love it! Continue on.

    WOW Heidi! That is GORGEOUS. Yeah for sure, check it out and see. It'd be FABULOUS if we could book a place like that. I love all that is Japanese. Really, tis the culture, the language and the anime that drew me and now their dogs!

    Fantastic! I think we are making progress...I'm SO HAPPY!

  • edited November -1

    I think it is time for all of us to make Nominations!

    This will run until December of 2007 (that should be more then enough time for fairness to all potential candidates, yes?). Make our votes before Christmas and then get the Beikoku Shikoku Honzonkai started and running in January of 2008. Any objections?

    I will also be needing someone to help out with Club rules & bi-laws. A group effort may be needed. It's all about the Teamwork!!!

    I would like Officers to serve a term of two years before having the vote again. Does everyone agree with a 2 year term???

    Available Positions

    - President

    Presides over Club; Club Director.

    - Vice President

    An assistant to President, exercising full authority in the absence of President and equal authority in emergencies. Will also be assigned other Club tasks.

    - Secretary

    Handles correspondence, keep files, and does clerical work. Will keep records, takes minutes of meetings and answers correspondence.

    - Treasurer

    Has charge of funds or revenues; Chief financial officer.

    - Membership

    In charge of accepting applicants, keeping applicant files and collecting any club dues (and then sending it to Treasurer). Issuing and mailing out Membership Cards.

    - Website

    In charge of (creating), updating and maintaining web design and information.

     - Publicist

    Organizes Club Newsletters/Booklets. Collecting information, articles, photos, etc. Responsible for editing, arranging, printing/copying and/or electronic version. Then sending either by mail, e-mail or perhaps submitting to Website Manager for an "Online Newsletter".

    Any other positions you think we should have? Please let us know!

    Nomination Rules

    ANYONE can be nominated and YES you can nominate yourself! The Nominee(s) must then either accept or decline. In accepting, you understand that you will be a VITAL person to this club. It CANNOT function without its officers and members. It is voluntary work. And may even, at times, become stressful. You absolutely MUST be 100% reliable and dedicated. It'll be greatly appreciated! It may not be the kind of work for everyone. We understand should you decline. However, we do encourage you to be an active member. Our members are just as important as out staff. 

    Anyone can run for mutiple positions. Some positions can be combined if there aren't enough people or interest for individual ones.

    Example: Treasurer/Membership, Website/Publicist.

    President and Vice President should probably just focus on being just that. Of course, they will be there to lead a helping hand! 

    I believe that is all for now. Should I need to add more, I will post again.

     Let the nominations begin!

    And don't forget to vote "yay" or "nay" on a 2 year term for our upcoming Officers.


  • edited November -1

    I vote "yay" for the 2 year term.


    I have some nominations too, but I don't want anyone to feel like I'm calling them out - FYI

    Also, I would like to nominate some of the breeders but I feel they may be too busy - so I am going to stick to just forum members as nominations.


    -> I nominate Corina for President

    -> I nominate Heidi for Vice President

    -> I nominate Michelle for Publicist


  • edited November -1

    They may be busy, but I'm sure they'd love to be involved. Ya know, help out whenever they are able to put in the time.

    I accept the nomination! 

    And I would like to nominate Brad, for Club Website.

    -> You've done an awesome job on the forums!

    Anyone else interested in holding an office position???

    Come on, don't be shy! Speak up.

  • edited November -1
    I'm flattered that I have been nominated!  I'm very interested in holding a position, but I haven't responded because I've been thinking about it.  I guess I'd like to know what exactly is involved first. 
  • edited November -1

    I just realized I never responded to this - sorry.

    I accept the "Website Guy" position.

  • edited November -1
    We should be compiling information with the goal of writing a book about shikokus.  
  • edited November -1

    That sounds good to me. We can all contribute to it.

  • edited November -1
    I think that's a great idea!
  • edited November -1

    The time has come! I was able to speak with the President of Nippo. First we need to gain membership, then with enough membership and Shikoku entries he will decide whether or not he will send a judge for our Conformation show(s). Our future club website we be his deciding factor!

    To make it easy for them, it was suggested that the Shikoku also show at the same time the Shibas go (with BSA). And it can be as soon as 2009. I am planning on taking Kei to the next BSA Show in March. I encourage those locally (it'll be around the L.A. county area) and those within driving distance to please join us! With your Shikoku especially, but also other Japanese breeds are welcomed. Even if you do not yet have a J.dog, please come and watch and meet our dogs!

    As for the club name, my Japanese friend said that "Aikokai" is better because it means "loving and caring for our breed". Whereas "Hozonkai" is more formal and means "to the standard" and does not possess the warmth that Aikokai does. She signed up for the forums, but I have not yet seen her post to explain this.

    My question is "how do we abbreviate it?" We can't possibly have two BSA's. Unless we were to do Beikoku Shikoku Ken Aikokai and do BSKA???

    What do you think???

    Also, it is now that time to start organizing all the club stuff and get it started as soon as possible. I have a friend who is involved with BSA. So she is going to help me out in establishing our club, basically all the guidelines and rules and things to consider.


    As for the Club positions:

    Corina for President

    Heidi for Vice President (Heidi do you accept?)

    Michelle for Publicist (Michelle do you accept?)

    Brad for Club Website

    Any objections to the current positions???

    Anyone still interested in holding office???

  • edited November -1

    Corina,  We are interested in attending the BSA show in March with Tenji.  Please let me know the particulars, i.e.; date and time, place, etc.   Are you planning on bringing both Lynx and Kei?  I can't wait to see Kei.

  • edited November -1

    For sure, will do.

    I know this past year it was March 11th, Lynx and I attended. So I imagine that it will be the 2nd week in March next year, but I will find out for sure and let you know. And yes, I do plan to bring both Lynx and Kei.

  • edited November -1

    Hey - we will try to be there too! Where is it? I guess we will try to bring Ahi and Loa... maybe Kona too.

    So what do I need to start doing for the wensite, and when do we need to have it complete? I can host it on my server - have we reg. a domain? Any thoughts?

  • edited December 2007

    I believe it is being held, again, at South Gardena Park in Gardena, California.

    Yes, please bring your crew! As well as some chairs. I have a tent that I can put up, it's fairly big. You are welcome to crate your dogs in there, when you're not walking them around. I can stack my crates if need be, so they'll be more room! (Dorothy...Tenji too, of course)! It should be large enough for 6 crates with dogs though. And I may be able to also accomindate (sp?) Minion and Aibo, if they decide to show too, lol. 8 dogs in 1 tent...that ought to be fun. 

    There is no need to "rush-rush" as of yet. We'll have plenty of time, I think. And it things can be done in sections.

    First off, no...we do not have a registered domain (I had set something up on Yahoo! but didn't pay for anything; it was just a username). So we'll need definitely need to acquire one:

    www.bska.org (hahah...nevermind, this domain is already taken!)

    www.northamericanshikokuclub.org <-- kinda long?!





    Other ideas???

    Secondly, once a domain is choosen, I think Information on the breed should be the first to go up. And also, figure out some kind of layout, but I'll leave that to you.

    Then maybe contact information and mailing addresses to certain office members. Once it's all official. Or we can get a private/P.O. Box that everything gets sent to and then just "re-send" the mail ourselves to the appropriate person responsible for that "department". Either way.

  • edited November -1
    Well, I own ShikokuDog.net we can use that if you like. Also it looks like ShikokuKen.net, *.org, *.com is available.
  • edited November -1

    I accept the nomination.  

    I like the bska abbreviation. 

  • edited November -1

    so - did we choose a domain name yet?

    I vote for ShikokuKen.org.

    I'm stoked to go tot the show in March... i will be hard to choose which pups to bring. Undecided... Probably the Shikas.

  • edited November -1
    Does anyone know when in March the BSA will be held? I need to know to try and schedule it w/ my parents - they want to come to Taos to Skin in March. Jen and I would like to be able to make it to BSA this year.
  • edited November -1

    shikokuken.org sounds good. You are now webmaster, go for it! I do not think anyone will object. Tis' simple and logical, lol.

    Yes, please bring Ahi and Loa! 


    I just called my friend (much quicker then e-mail), she is going to send me the general information later, so I will post it up when I receive it.

    The BSA show is taking place on Sunday, March 9th though.

  • edited November -1

    ok - done - I went ahead and purchased all three:




    I'll just point them all to the site.


  • edited November -1
    Wow, this is really cool you guys!  Really sounds exciting!!!  Well if you guys need help with anything, let me know!  I'd be glad to help!
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