Kai in movie?



  • RE: tjbart17 Post I rescued a dog in 2002, and thought it was a Chow Mix. I stumbled upon pics of Kai Ken on the web. I did my research and found 2 breeders here in Michigan. Just to be safe, I emailed both. This was about 4 years ago. I emailed Marsha and Marion, they both looked at the pictures of my Max and both said, "They believed beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was pure Kai". They both asked if he had been scanned. He looks a lot like Marion's Tomo. Marion did sell three of her dogs back in the early 90's to a lady in CA. They could have come from there. She never told me that my Max couldn't be a Kai, because he was a "rescue". Her and Marsha both asked if he had been scanned. By the way, the movie is Great...... ! It's a Family treat to watch.
  • Just viewed the video from Netflix. The movie is a little cheesy, but Little Bear makes it a great movie. Everyone loved the movie. Reminded me so much of Shadow. We have decided to get another Kai. We just decided to foster/adopt a Chihuahua. A neighbor is in the hospital with a major stroke. So we took him in. What an attitude the little runt has. Wish he had Shadow here to teach him the ropes.
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