How thin does your NK's coat get?

I know we have had some crazy weather lately and it seems as though a lot of our pups are blowing coat now. I thought Kaiya's would end soon as we are going on week 3, but it just seems to be getting heavier. I feel as though her coat is very thin. You can see through to her skin in the areas around her "arm pits" and near her hip joints. My question is, how thin does your NKs coat get? Thanks!


  • It's always shocking how much hair comes off double coated breeds when they shed. Tyson just finished blowing his coat, and his timing was awful. Both Candice and I were insanely busy during the heaviest three weeks of his coat blowing, so no vacuuming got done. When we finally vacuumed the other night, his hair filled the canister three times. THREE TIMES! Overall, the coat blowing lasted between four and five weeks, with the heaviest period being about 3 weeks in the middle. He still looks naked.

    In other words, it doesn't sound like Kaiya is at all out of the ordinary. :-)
  • Koda is looking pretty naked today as well. I was actually checking his skin to make sure he wasn't having a reaction to any of the new herbal meds he gets. But he's also finishing up blowing coat. I haven't seen Mei in a bit since Koda and I are on lockdown, but I bet she looks the same way and she naturally has a thicker coat thank Koda.
  • glad to hear she is normal it at least one thing :) I guess I got my dyson at just the right time. I hope shes almost done or there wont be anything left!
  • Our kai pup is almost 8 months and he has been blowing his coat, but I would not describe it as thin.
    His coat is at it's normal thickness with alot of hair releasing.
  • None of my NKs ever got down that thin til this year. Then Toby (Shiba) had bad seasonal allergies and also blew his coat in the way you're describing--like he lost all his undercoat, and it was really thin in the same places. I thought it was a problem from the allergies, but it seems just to have been a pretty extensive coat blowing.
  • My Kishu Baron get's the thinnest coat when he sheds. You can actually see a fair amount of pink on his belly/armpits.
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