Pug puppy pictures
My partner and I decided that our place just isn't big enough (and there aren't enough places for long walks) for a shikoku or shiba, so we're waiting for a few years until we live somewhere more appropriate. We've always wanted two dogs though, and she absolutely loves pugs (her family breeds them), so we now have a little pug puppy.
They aren't exactly the rarest of dogs, so might not have that much interest on here, but I couldn't resist posting a bit of spam anyway. Cuteness will out!
They aren't exactly the rarest of dogs, so might not have that much interest on here, but I couldn't resist posting a bit of spam anyway. Cuteness will out!
I like pugs they're cute my cousin has one sadly they feed her from the table and she's obsessed over people food even if there's a tiny bit of people food all she does is go beg for it or if it's on the table she'll jump on the chair then the table one birthday she jumped into her owner's cake.. it was so cute and funny sadly she ruined the cake it got all smashed up. lol
Pugs are such clowns. Please post more pictures or more about Mori. His name is cute.
Info wise, he's 9 weeks old, and crazily energetic. He goes insane in the garden, just runs around in circles. And he likes to carry big sticks (as you can see in this not wonderfully focussed picture).
So far he has learnt 'sit', but that seems to be about it. He sometimes responds to his name, but I think he's actually just responding to noise/tone. And it only works when he feels like it. It has been a pretty great week though. I think all three of us are having a lot of fun.
As long as you don't let your Pug get all fat like 99% of the Pugs I've seen, I won't mind seeing pictures of him every now and then.
You need to go rent or buy Milo and Otis a must for pug and dog owners! I love that movie I watched it a lot as a kid.
@Saya Somehow I've never heard of it, but it's on my list to search out now.
It's $4.99 on amazon.
(And also funny because the last time I saw him, I'd brought Oskar in as a pup, and they were near the same size. Now, of course, Oskar's head is bigger than the whole dog!)