Kuki Is 1 Year old Today !!!

edited December 2011 in General
Hello Everybody,

Sorry for not posting more often.
I thought today would be a good day to do so.

Kuki is a happy playful boy. He loves to go for walks. When my wife takes him out for a long walk of 3 miles,
he is pretty much tuckered out for the rest of the day. After I get home from work, if he hasn't had a walk, I may only walk for 15 minutes and he's good with that. When he is out, he loves to meet and play with every dog he is allowed to meet.

He is a favorite indoor toy is his "kong". We play with that all the time, tug-of-war, fetch, keep-away, etc.
Outside, I have baseballs I throw around that he likes to chase.

We do not crate him in the house. HIS spot is at the top of the stairs. From HIS spot, he can see out the window over the front door. This allows him to see everything going on outside. The picture is Kuki at the top of the stairs.

The first time he slept in one of the boys room was when one of them was sick with a fever.
This is his first winter in our house and lately I have been finding him sleeping in one of my boy's rooms.
It's probably a little warmer, than the open area at the top of the stairs.

A few months ago he did get in trouble for chewing a quarter size hole in the carpet of the living room (twice).
A couple of weeks ago, he got in trouble for chewing on my wife's outside garden clogs. Other than that, he really hasn't chewed anything he's not supposed to.

He completed obedience school. During class while sitting to my wife's left on leash, he would try to be sly and scoot himself back to try to sneak away so he could play with the other dogs.

Today, we were at the park for a photo session with a professional photographer.
We'll get the photos in about 10 days. Her pictures should be way better than anything I can do.
I'll post some after I get them.

Again, sorry for being away. I will try to be more active and describe my experiences as a first time Kai owner for future Kai owners.



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