Shikoku talking....

Some video spam (playing with my new iphone) :-)


  • Did you get jealous of all the talking Hokka vids?

    This is super cute. Conker does similar things but it's more annoying than cute.
  • Those videos are adorable!

    My border collie will grunt, but it sounds nothing like that. :)
  • Haha, that was awesome! Her and Inu are alike in their mannerisms too. Inu was very interested in what Sachi had to say.
  • That is so funny! She is very vocal. Kurenai is the same way. Shika girls man...I swear they always have an opinion on everything.

  • Haha super cute!
  • This is so funny! Our Shousei makes exact the same noise when he's yawning, like in the first vid.
  • How cool! It sounds like Sachi is saying "I LOOOVE YOU!"
  • The quiet one finally speaks (and the noisy one is still noisy!)

  • LoL, they remind me of Tikaani...Love it!!
  • They are so cute! But I don't think Sachi likes it that you're giving kuma all the attention!
  • So funny!!! Fate doesn't do this at all. It's super cute :) ~
  • How cute :). This talking reminds me lots of how Finnish spitzs are talking. Couldn't find a video of it it's very similar.
  • Your dogs are awesome!
  • A Shikoku chorus. I know what I'm doing the next time I see Sachi and Kuma:-))
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