Save Heidi

edited February 2012 in General
**Not Nihon Ken related but thought I'd share**
Came across this if you are able to sign the petition this is ridiculous


  • I signed it. I did wonder though, and still do, about what happened. There is also this story:

    that says the man really was bitten. I do have a hard time thinking that the city attorney would be saying that there was a bite if there wasn't....
  • Just read the news article, and based on the fact that they have pictures of puncture wounds on the guy, I think the city attorney is doing the right thing. He's not being particularly zealous about this, since he'd be happy with having the dog muzzled in public (meaning no rehoming or euthanizing or anything) and I think it's too bad the owner won't work with him. I understand why she's not---she probably hasn't seen these alleged pictures yet and really believes her dog headbutted the guy. Broken noses bleed a lot, and forward pressure from a headbutt does seem more likely to break a nose. Hopefully this all gets sorted out fine and the judge doesn't decide that she won't be able to handle the dog from denial or something and order it out of the county (I really don't think the judge will order it euthanized if the city attorney isn't pushing for it).

    Either way, sad situation all around. I feel badly for those involved.

    Thanks for the link to the news article, Shibamistress. I actually had a feeling there was more to this when I read the petition last night.
  • edited February 2012
    Thanks for posting the article shibamistress, read that and think if the city attorney is fine with the dog just being muzzled in public that's a reasonable thing. feel like a dork now for not seeing that other article before lol.. as mentioned nose bleeds do bleed alot so i can see maybe how she thought it was a head bump and he just got his nose broken... but going around saying the two worst things that can happen when you have them saying muzzling is fine I'd personally go with a muzzle.....

    Hopefully everything gets sorted out
  • Hey don't worry about it! I signed the petition, and then started thinking about it more, and decided to google it! :)

    In any case, I still hope all goes well with Heidi!
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