big dog=good pet??



  • I always go to the ASPCA since it is at only 5 mins from where I live. My present dog is a ASPCA rescue and I love him.However,I wish I had had more information on him at the time I got him.It would have made things a lot easier for him and me. Most of the dogs at my ASPCA have almost no history which I think could be a problem.

    Thanks shibamistress and sukoshismom)
  • What are people thoughts on the Cane Corso. I am looking for people who have/had one in home. I know Brad has a Cane Corso
  • If you are not looking for a working dog, I stand by my previous statement: go rescue a pit bull! You will get everything you are looking for.
  • @alban - While this may be late to the point of irrelevance, as I mentioned before, I have a Cane Corso and he is an amazing dog. He's adorable and very sweet. He's protective (as they should be), and he's very friendly. He's also a real show-stopper, I had 8 people pull me over yesterday asking what he was, and one person from Italy who said he remembered seeing them herd sheep and fight off wolves in his childhood. He is a fast learner and the coat maintenance is below minimum. I totally recommend them.

    But I do agree with JessicaRabbit. If you aren't being really picky on breeds, you should get a Pit Bull. They're just as sweet and very good with children.
  • It actually isn't irrelevant. I am in fact looking into learning as much as I can n the Corsos. I have come to realize that the breeder will make the difference . Where did you get your pupp? WouLd you mind telling me more about your experience with your dog?


  • @alban if you want some good info about the Tosa, check This is, besides myself, the only person I know that works her dogs.
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