diarrhea and weight lost, help

edited April 2012 in Akita (秋田犬)
Hi, all
Ive tried searching but came across a few result. Our 1 yr old JA Yuki is having diarrhea off and on for about 1 month and notice weight lost. I felt her ribs when brushing her today. She is still eating and drinking fine and with good spirit. We went to the vet and all the test came back fine. About 1 month ago before The diarrhea started we found her sneaking cat food at night. Who knows when she started doing that so we put the cat bowl higher. Since then the diarrhea started. She have been on rice and chicken with a little yogurt.
For the last month with no improvement. ( vet suggestion) could the bland diet that lead to weight lost? Her regular kibbles are premium edge lamb and rice and we are thinking of switching to call of wild because I read it have good results.
It breaks our heart seeing her weight Withering down.


  • :"( no ideas from me... something's obviously wrong. Do they have an imodium for dogs? Temp. fix for ppl.
  • Is she regularly wormed? Have you considered switching to raw? Raw bone is the best way to harden the stool.
  • edited April 2012
    She could have an allergy to chicken, have you tried another meat type or one of the bland diet kibbles?

    Edit: Try adding in or switching the rice for cooked sweet potato. Sweet potato is a great weight gain food, and is often used in kibbles instead of grains.
  • I'd try ground beef and sweet potatoes maybe? We do ground beef and rice for bland diet never done chicken.

    Maybe try probiotic to help get the gut in line?

    Ark naturals makes one called gentle digest which works I read some people use human grade, but I dunno on that so I suggest dog kind..

    Hope things work out. Call of the wild do you mean taste of the wild? or is there a kibble brand named call of the wild?

    Hope it's nothing too bad. Darn kitty foods.

    She not sneaking kitty poop is she? dogs love those.
  • Try pumpkin for the diarrhea. (Canned pumpkin--make sure it is 100% pumpkin). I'd have the fecal test redone--certain parasites only "shed" at certain points in the cycle, so they may be missed in a fecal test at other times.

    A bland diet should not cause weight loss--it's just easier on the stomach. Does she have other allergy signs? Licking or chewing at paws? Inflamed or dirty ears? If so, she might have a food allergy, and you'd need to find another food for her. You can do an elimination diet--it's a pain, but it will absolutely tell you if a certain food is causing the problem. But I'd run another fecal test first, and you also might just try another kibble with a different protein first.
  • edited April 2012
    Thank you all for the reply.
    Shibamistress and Calia-We had the done 2 fecal test already plus blood work and will be back next tusday for a check up.I will try the pumpkin/sweet potato instead of rice. And will eliminate the chicken. We actualy started her back on the kibbles which have lamb.she looked much better in spirit this morning and stool is soft but not running. Maybe it's the chicken?? Ahhhh.

    Saya- sorry it is taste of the wild not " call of the wild" and will go get the probiotics. She shows no signs of allergy. We made sure they can't get get to the kitty poop "kitty almond rocca". Our Shiba got into it once and Licking our 5 yrs old afterward is not a pretty sight. LOL

    White_bear- we are thinking of beef bones from our butcher. What kind of bones do you buy?

    Once again thank you all who replied. Wish us luck. The vet bill is slowly piling on.
    At least our Shiba have a strong stomach. He sneaks food from everyone even the neighbors corgy and never a problem.
  • What kind beef bones some might not do much.. I haven't tried marrow bones, but the marrow might cause loose poop since it's rich stuff and needs be introduced slowly.. Saya had death farts after eating her first lamb shank she got lots of the soft marrow luckily second shank she had no farts. lol

    Saya does good with chicken bone in meals, but since chicken might be an issue might avoid it.. Dink our last old dog had issues with cooked turkey and kibble with turkey in it, but raw turkey necks she did just fine. I know some owners who dog is allergic or sensitive to raw and cooked chicken or raw and cooked turkey..

    Lamb ribs are yummy and very edible being it's a young animal Saya has easy time crunching the ribs with no issue. Saya also does good with pork ribs she has also had pork feet and pork shoulder eventually she gets to the bone and grinds the jointed parts.

    Pork feet is good, but very boney so I wouldn't let a dog chew it all take it away after a bit and give the next day.

    Any raw item be sure it isn't enhanced by broth, marinade, or any sodium solution.

    Only beef bone in items Saya has had has been beef ox tails they're cut up into segments I always get the kind with lots meat Saya usually grinds it all or sometimes half of the bone. I can never find whole ox tails I'm going to ask the butcher or meat proccessor next time I go if they can keep some intact with or without the skin on for extra chewiness.

    She has also had beef ribs and does good on it she can grind some of the bone on the outer part she mostly tears off the meat and grinds some of the bone she worked on it for long time then once it was bare bone with not a oz of meat she grind on the bone for a bit then she had enough with it.

    I recently started her on beef ribs bought a thing that was on decent price I cut it into individual ribs I did kept one cut where it has two or three ribs together for a meal for a extra hard work out.

    She is 20lb shiba so she mostly eat 6oz or 10oz at most a day.

    Yesterday Saya's meal was 2.29ozbeef kidney, 3.35oz chicken gizzards, and 8.36oz of beef rib. When she was finished eating the rib it weighed 2.40oz so she ate about 5.96oz of the rib before she had enough.

    I'm lucky she knows her limit even on kibble she would stop when she had enough.

    Chicken feet make yummy treats there's also duck or turkey if your not keen on chicken due to possible issue with chicken protein..

    I never fed beef marrow bones so have no issue, but for a dog having loose poop it's not good due to the marrow even if the dog grinds some of the bone the rich marrow might still cause loose poop..

    It's good to slowly introduce things..

    I'm no big expert so maybe someone who given marrow bones can help they're not meaty enough for my liking.. Saya probably do fine since she wouldn't crunch it down to break it in half, but still I'm not comfy with that yet.

    Bella the boxer she is mainly kibble fed, but she gets pork ribs, chicken quarters, turkey necks, wings, and lamb ribs plus bit of boneless meat in rotation twice a week sometimes more. She does good with it. I started with one protein and slowly did other proteins.

    Dink who had issues with turkey cooked and in kibble she has loose poop on wellness core, but once switched to their fish line core ocean she eventually had firm poop.

    Yeah pumpkin/sweet potatoes might be better option most dogs seem liken it's taste Saya hates rice, but she loves pumpkin and sweet potatoes.
  • @puig510 Hi there, we live in a very rural type area and so what we do is simply call the meat houses and ask for a bag of fresh/frozen dog bones. We get either buffalo or cow, throw the bag in the freezer and that is how I give them to the girls. Makes for extra nice when the weather starts getting really hot. The way the butcher sorts these out is for strength of bone (I think) because we always get good solid bones that don't chip easy, no little parts to get stuck in throat and usually have a bit of meat still attached. Our girls are very heavy chewers when it comes to bones and these are the only bones I've found that hold up to them. Also, for some reason our dogs never get stinky off of these when they get them (which is about once a week)
  • For loose stools, you want bones the dog can actually eat, like turkey neck.
  • @lindsayt How exactly does the bone matter itself help with loose stools? I'd love to know, I'd heard of the pumpkin before but would love to know more about the bone!! Thanks! :o)
  • It turns to chalk powder basically, and that helps stop them up.
  • Ah! Cool, thanks - makes sense!!
  • Sachi has a weak tummy too, canned pumpkin, like Shiba M said, always helps get her back on track.
  • Plain yogurt works well too. Good for overall digestive health. I use it when I don't have pumpkin, though. The pumpkin is my first choice.

    Ginger snap cookies....I've heard these treat upset tummies. Give one or two. You don't need much. I've never tried this though, so I am not advocating thru experience, just on the experience of others. I haven't done much research on ginger snap cookies because Toki hasn't had an upset stomach in quite a while, even when I switched his kibble here recently, which I provided a lot of yogurt to help him transition.
  • "How exactly does the bone matter itself help with loose stools? I'd love to know, I'd heard of the pumpkin before but would love to know more about the bone!! Thanks! "

    Like Lindsayt said.

    Saya eats full raw diet she doesn't get any veggies she sometimes get a fruit or veggie, but very rarely.

    She'd be having loose runny poop if she just ate meat and organs. Edible bone in meals help keep her firm.

    Saya's poop after a bone in meal can turn white and after bit crushes into powder.

    Our old dog dink got chicken quarters, pork ribs, and turkey necks she mostly got turkey necks and chicken quarters she did good with them and poop was nice and firm.

    Some dogs have issues with raw though so don't rush into it.
  • edited April 2012
    @Saya @lindsayt - great info, thanks! So, I've always been freaked out about the dogs getting a hold of chicken bones, smaller bones that can splinter in their throats etc.... does this just apply to cooked then? It would make sense of course, but it's always been one of my phobias!!
  • Cooked bones aren't good I believe due to being dried out. If the dog is big feed something appropiate like for Bella the boxer chicken quarter, pork ribs, turkey neck.

    Saya does good with all size some chew good some gulp gulpers better off eating bigger hard swallow items so the dog has to crunch the food up to eat it.

    Saya been on all raw diet and so far no issues with chicken, fish or turkey.
  • Very cool :o)
  • only raw chicken bones, never ever cooked! :)

    My guys enjoy chicken backs, necks. Reilly doesnt chew well, so I dont even let her have large chicken or turkey legs- she'll hurl up the ball joints. Its gross.
  • Raw bones can be sharp too, but cooked shards of bone don't break down well at all and can turn into little daggers. The raw bone is very soft by comparison, especially raw poultry bone. I like giving necks and backs since everything gets crunched up really well and the bones are very small.
  • Nice! That makes sense, I just have always been so freaked out about it!! lol I know that any "real" bone we ever bought from a pet food store that had been processed never ever would hold up which is why long ago we switched to raw bones from the butchers which are now the pups fav... I'll have to remember the raw poultry bones in case anyone here gets the runs... Thanks everybody! :o)
  • I gave Trooper a frozen bone....and then refrigerated it in between giving it to him....BAD idea....I left it out and apparently it could have been the cause of his his horrible diahrea. From now on I will bake it first....if I dare do it again. He loved it, but made him veryyyy ill....it just so happened it was the same time as the recall of Call of the Wild. I switched him to Natureal Balance and it apparentlyow has more protein. He has gained waight and looks like a real Akita now!!

  • Yuki is on a natural balance diet, we mixed pumpkin with her kibbles. He stool firmed up a bit. We are going back to the vet on weds to get her weighted. So wish her luck in gaining some weight.
  • Good luck!
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