New Agility Champion - Koji got his MACH - Updated 6/17/2013



  • Another great day for Koji - the Shiba Inu at the WSOTC Agility Trial. My goofy boy got Q'd in both Novice Jumper with Weaves (JWW) and Novice Standard with a perfect score of 100 and 1st placements again.

    I felt much more relaxed today and I think that helped him to run more confidently too. Great start for baby dog and newbie handler!

  • Great work!! He's really doing nicely !
  • Love the photo and videos! Congrats to both of you!
  • Just to add to what sandrat888, I visited a USDAA agiilty trial and at the lower levels some of the border collies had spectacular crashes because they were going so fast. One completely slide off the dogwalk because he didn't line up and still had too much side momentum. Another completely missed the tire jump and knocked the entire apparaus (frame and all) to the ground.
  • awesome to see a Shiba herd. good job on the agility too!
  • Koji pooped out after Day 1 of the trail. He could care less about me setting up the ribbons he earned for the photo shoot.

  • Koji (San Jo Kumi Rock N Roll Banjo Boy, RE, CA, NA, CGC) earned his 1st Agility title, Novice Agility (NA) today at the Bearded Collie trial in Auburn, WA with a perfect score of 100 and 1st placement under Judge Jeffery Ipser.

    He was about 22 seconds under Standard Course Time (SCT) too.

    I am especially impressed with his stopped contact on the Dog Walk, putting on a good break at the end of the Dog Walk and keeping his rear feet on there. He sure knows his job well!

    Very proud of Koji, qualifying back to back the 3 legs required with perfect scores of 100s.

  • The tire jump and chute are actually the most dangerous jumps. Well, we are off to day 2 of the trial!
  • The chute is one of the most dangerous? Why is that? I heard they shortened the length of the fabric that drops down. Were dogs getting stuck in the chute and panicking?

  • Slipping and tangling up and then tearing ligaments when they panic. I believe it after seeing how fast and hard some of these breeds hit the obstacles.
  • edited July 2012
    Day 2 of the Bearded Collie Agility Trial at Argus Ranch

    Koji got his first leg in Open Standard with a perfect score of 100 and 1st placement.

    He then finished the day with another clean run and first placement in Novice Jumper with Weaves, earning his 2nd Agility title, Novice Agility Jumper (NAJ).

    Picture from Day 1 of the WSTOC trial 2 weeks ago by Creative Indulgence

    The Judge Jeffery Isper is from Cleveland and runs Bearded Collie in Agility. He is very encouraging to us newbies and told me and Lindsay that he enjoyed watching our Shibas run.

    Great weekend at the trial.

    The weather was perfect (mostly cloudy and in the 70s or 80s, dry) for this time of the year.

    The company was great (Having Lindsay ran Farrah at the same trial is just so much fun. It was August last year that we started the same Agility foundation class together and now we are trialing together. How cool is that?)

    Both Koji and Farrah paid attention to their human running and came away with 3Qs out of 4 runs in 2 days.

    The Bearded Collie club put on a great trail with really yummy food for everyone.

    And even for Shibas/Kai that did not run in Agility, they too enjoyed their day out with their humans and doggie friends.
  • That picture of him in action is wonderful! I heard shibas are too independent to take direction...NOT. Love to watch him go. We started baby agaility and will go back in the it!
  • Go Koji!

    Nice pic!
  • Koji got his Open Agility (OA) title yesterday and also earned 2 legs in Open Jumper with Weaves (JWW) with the 2 day trials.

    It was hot this weekend, in the upper 80s and mid 90s in the Pacific Northwest and he still preformed.

    He got 1st placements in all 4 runs - 3 clean runs with perfect scores of 100 and 1 with a score of 95.

    Can't believe how fast we progressed through Novice Standard, Open Standard (in about a month with 3 trial weekends) and now he will be competing in Excellent A Standard and needs 1 more leg for his Open Agility Jumper (OAJ) title.

    Not too shabby for someone that never had a dog until 2 years ago. Shiba totally rocks!

    Here is his Open Standard run on Saturday.
  • Kudos to both of you performing in the heat:-)

    I visited a CPE trial when it was that hot and I wilted as a mere bystander.
  • Congrats Sandra. Koji got a ton of nice comments. I know he and Farrah had a great time running agility, even though it was hot. Thankfully we had a nice big tent, and fans.
  • Got a few shots from our Agility trial 2 weekends ago from the professional photographer today.

    Good sit/stay at the start line of Koji, so I can lead out.

    Jumping through a tire is fun!!!!

    Ok, where are we going next?

    Single wingless jump is the easiest!

    Koji clearing a triple jump in his Open Standard run, earning his Open Agility (OA) title with a 1st placement.

    Double winged jump. No problem!

    Shiba Koji weaving 12 poles.

    Jump! Good boy, jump!

    Hey buddy, we are turning after this jump.

    Flying through the last obstacle of the course.

  • Whee! I like that last one!
  • Koji (San Jo Kumi Rock N Roll Banjo Boy RE, CAA, OA, NAJ, CGC) earned his Coursing Ability Advanced (CAA) title on 08/20/2012 at the Olympic Kennel Club show in Enumclaw, WA.

    He is the first Shiba that earned the Coursing Ability Advanced title.

    Koji happily ran and passed the test 4 times in 2 days in addition to getting his 6th and 7th RAE (Rally Advanced Excellent) legs before his coursing runs. What a versatile little red dog he is!

    His housemate Maluko got her 9th RAE leg at the same show, celebrating her two year anniversary into my life.


  • love the smile!!
  • Koji at the Bearded Collie trial in late July.



  • nice pics!!!
  • Great pictures and videos!
  • edited September 2012
    Was testing software to make photo collage and created these 3 sets of Koji.

    Koji from puppy to about a year old. All pictures except the two on the left where he looked like an adult were taken by me. He came to me at 9 month old, so I did not raise him from puppyhood. Early puppy pictures were taken by his breeder and the adolescent pictures were taken by his previous owner.


    Pictures of Koji in different sports/activities - mostly Agility and some pictures of him swimming, herding, lure coursing. All the pictures are from when he was about a year old to now (2.5 years old)

    Collage of Koji, the beloved pet.
  • very nice.
  • Some of Koji's agility runs from the Cascade Dachshund Club Agility Trial this past weekend
  • Great job! Way to go .....

    Love your vest Sandra.....were did you get it? : )

  • oohhh! Very nice!
  • edited September 2012

    I love the vest. It is great for all weather and has pockets in the back, so I put leash, tug toys and whatnots there all the time.
    Got the vest from Zentek,
    The dogs have their own matching color coat too and crate mats too. :)
  • Koji's a star, of course!

    but I'm many dachshunds were there? and did any jump?
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