Which to choose?

edited November 2012 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
This will be my first nihon ken. I don't know if I should choose an akita or shiba. Space isn't a problem and I have a large yard but no fence:( I want a one person dog that is pretty calm and laid back and isn't too energetic. I will be adopting from breed rescue groups since puppies aren't really my thing. I would also like to know how much Akitas eat. The dog will be living in the house and will have to be able to be on its own on weekdays until I get home at 2:30. I will be able to spend as much time as possible with it on weekends. I love the independent and catlike behavior of the nihon ken and would love if you all could help me with my choice. Thanks!


  • edited November 2012
    Wait... didn't you post a similar thread a few days ago? I guess it's slightly different.

    From what I remember reading everyone advised against the Shiba because they're energetic. If you're interested in a spitz breed like the Shiba and Akita I would put up a fence. Spitz are not good off leash dogs.

    I don't know what other members might think, but I feel that adopting a Shiba or Akita (although great for the rescues and the dog) is kind of risky. These breeds already have health and temperament problems as it is and not knowing who the breeder was, who the dog's parents were and what they were like-- is too much of a gamble for me. With these japanese breeds i would like to know what the breeder is doing to improve the breed and what traits they're breeding. I know too many people who have been screwed with an ill temperament Akita/shiba or a puppy mill dog with serious health issues. A simple adoption fee could turn into thousands of dollars and you in a tough position.

    I'm not against adopting by no means! I totally encourage it! But when it comes to these breeds I'm a little ify.
  • You should probably just continue on your previous thread instead of posting new ones each time you narrow it down: http://www.nihonken.org/forum/index.php?p=/discussion/7918/which-to-choose/#Item_1
  • Sorry about that I accidentally posted the other in introductions but it was moved and I didn't know where the post was.
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