Anyone else's Kai or NK ball up comforters/sheets/dog beds?

edited November 2012 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
I have no idea why she does this but it's pretty hilarious to watch. If my bed is made then she'll take all my sheets and ball them up like this in a corner of the bed. Sometimes she does this to her dog bed too. There's never anything underneath for her to be trying to get at. And yes, I have given up on having sheets on my bed with Ren and Keanu jumping on/off at full speed, balling up the sheets, and wrestling. So I just make the bed every night :P


  • Omg YES. Jake loves blankets and comforters. Right before he settles down for a nap/sleep at night, it's a huge 5 min ordeal making his "nest" lol. He usually sleeps on our bed, and twice he actually tucked himself under the covers with his head poking out lol. I have too also given up on making the bed until night :)
  • edited November 2012
    Ha ha ha silly Ren!! Her uncle does a version of that but doesnt completely ball them up just moves them around and lays down.

    Mika carries dog beds around the house until she gets to where she wants to sleep. She can't get them on the bed so she'll carry them to the bed and bark for me to put it on the bed.
  • Haha, yes Taki does that - dramatic head flinging and all xD
  • Our Shibas do it, Suki in particular- sometimes he will carry the bed around the house, or bury himself under a doona or dog bed and sleep there.
  • Yep, both my Kais do that :D. Here is example from Nuuk's masterpiece:

    Ife has done this a lot lately because she just can't find right good position with her belly :D. Last night I even woke up to this nest making.
  • All of mine do it.
  • yep. Saru will search for the softest material on the floor and collect it in one place, put it in a Saru sized circle and knock out. Ciqala isn't quite the artisan at it but she'll usually wait for Saru to finish his and use his outer ring for a pillow.
  • Ours don't tear the sheets up but Kunai does this really weird little dance thing when he snuggles up on the bed - takes him a good 5 minutes to get just the right spot... I'll get a video of it when I get a new phone - he almost looks like he has a nervous "tick" when he does it! lol
    I guess I'm lucky they don't pull the sheets up - I'd be a mess trying to make the bed 20x's a day!!! lol (ocd) haha
  • Bella does this too... I have gotten to so I put a blanket on the bed just for her to ball up and toss off the bed. I also keep the pillows on top of the regular blanket and sheets so she is less likely to pull those up with the pillows on top (I have memory foam pillows, so they are heavier than normal).

    She also does this to Nola's crate... Which Nola HATES. She paws and whines at her crate until I go straighten it up. :)
  • @sunyata Hahaha poor Nola. That's not a bad idea I think I'm going to give that a try! It'd be nice to have sheets on there and only have to straighten them up :P

    @MirkaM Yesss my bed constantly looks exactly like that, what an artist

    @sjp051993 Ahhh so it was passed down!

    @lockshi3 Aww I'm still waiting for the day when Ren will tuck herself in lol.
  • Yes! My Akita's do this, too.

    That video is too funny =)
  • Yes, they learned it from momma. Kuma does it as well.
  • Yes, my Genji is a vigorous blanket baller upper! And the Kai I had before was a big time pillow fluffer...I love it; hysterical!
  • Leo does this too. He doesn't sleep on the blankets he balls up either--he just pushes them out of the way. We put a nice soft bed in his crate and he pushes it out of the way and sleeps under it. Finally, we put a piece of carpet in there that he can't ball up, and he's not thrilled with it, but he does lay on it now. He balls up his other blankets, though, and every night my husband "fixes his bed" and Leo waits, then goes in, balls up the blankets to a corner, and sleeps on the carpet piece.

    It's very wierd and funny.
  • LOL @shibamistress that's so funny, I thought it was just Ren being a weirdo. I've put blankets, towels, and pillows in her crate to see if she'd be more comfortable. Nope, she wants the smooth plastic bottom of the crate for her "me time" naps. At night she'll sleep on her dog bed above the crate or on my bed though.

    @carlikai It is! I laugh every time she does it. My Shiba never did this, he loved his soft pillows and blankets :)
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