Guessing Ki's Breed Make-Up

edited September 2009 in Other Breeds
Yes, I know the breed of a rescued pup doesn't mean everything, but it is really useful to find information on temperment and common medical issues (and I'm horribly curious lol).

I got Ki from a Shiba rescue in California when he was about 1.5 years old. The woman who ran the rescue believed him to be a Korean Jindo/Shiba Inu mix based on previous experience with a Jindo (and, of course, her experience with Shibas).

He's about 45 pounds. He is definitely double-coated and I pull a chinchilla out of his coat a couple times per year. His top coat is much coarser than his downy undercoat with a distinctive stripe of coarse guard hair running down his spine to his tair. These guard hairs are very wirey compared to the rest of his rather soft top coat. His ears are pretty big and very mobile lol...they are usually erect but he likes to rotate them to listen to something and can fold them back when relaxed. His tail doesn't curl up on itself but he can carry it over his back (kinda like a question mark), stick it out straight with a curve up at the end, or tuck it down by his legs (always with the little curve out at the end). I don't have him with me right now to measure but I'm including pictures to give you an idea of his height/build (I'm almost 6ft tall so keep that in mind when you see him next to me in pictures hehe) as well as general looks.

I figured a forum full of people who know dogs and know asian spitz dogs in particular might be able to give me some more ideas about what his mix might be. All too often, people can only offer knowledge based on what the AKC considers valid. Thanks for any help, insight, ideas and apologies for the spamity calamity of pictures here!

A good look at his head in profile:
Ki at the park

The ears and coat:
the twice yearly super shedKi checks out the poolhe hears allKi chillin'enjoying the sun

With ears down:
happy doglazy dog

The tail (sorry I don't have a lot of tail pics):
Ki's giant rawhideKi on a walksleepy dog

Ki sitting with me (although not up straight):
kitsune graduation

Ki next to one of those chair pillow things (on a futon sofa) with a ~12" (that's a guess?) rawhide:
Ki chillin


  • edited November -1
    I am very bad at these games, but since I'm first, I can make mistakes! I'm guessing shiba with ACD/kelpie? something about the ears and his sturdiness...esp the harness pic and the giant rawhide pic. is he herdy at all?
  • edited November -1
    I don't know if he's really herdy (hehe) or if he's just hunty. Thinking back, there was one occassion at a dog park (the kind that doesn't separate by size...they make me nervous) where someone brought two small dogs black, one white. Ki ran around sheepdog style and kept them separated. He's also done the 'slow walk' move around ducks/geese at the park to force them away from the water without scaring them into flight. It's hard to tell if he's trying to separate due to 'herd' instinct or 'hunt' instinct though since they are based on the same sort of wolf hard-wiring and I don't let him get that far. lol

    I've never actually considered those herding breeds before though! Great recommendations for research. :D
  • edited November -1
    You could always have him DNA tested. The test isn't terribly expensive now. Chrys may be right with the Cattle dog call.
    What ever Ki may be he is handsome and you guys are lucky to have each other.
  • edited November -1
    I was considering the DNA test. I know they don't include all breeds but it would be neat to see what it came up with. :D Definitely something I want to look into when I get home.
  • edited November -1
    His ears seem a bit big to me to be a Jindo/Shiba mix as they have relatively small ears.

    Of the Nihonken, if I were to choose one, I would say Kai Ken - Kai Ken x Shiba Inu. He got his head, feet, and color from a Shiba and his Ear-set, tail, and build from a Kai Ken.

    BUT, Kai are pretty rare, so it's not as likely as a cattle dog or even an Icelandic Sheepdog. He could also be Finnish Spitz and not Shiba Inu for the color and type.

    I don't see any spots on his tongue, is that correct? If so that would rule out 50% of the Kai and make him even more unlikely to be a Kai Ken mix, also rules out Chow and rarer Nihonken (like Hokkaido).

    I bet you could get a dog similar to Ki if you mixed a Klee Kai and a Shiba.

    His build is what throws me off, he is stocky - not many stocky spitz breeds. That is why I leaned toward the Kai.

    He's really cute. :o)

  • edited November -1
    My guess is Jindo/Shiba/Corgi. He's stocky enough and his face kind of reminds me of a shiba/corgi mix I often see at the nearby dog park.

  • edited November -1
    Ok, I stink at the breed guessing thing but there are so many different types of Shiba mixes in California, as well as Jindo mixes so it's hard to tell. I can tell you that Ki is really cute, and looks very happy.

    If you want a 100% answer, I would go with DNA testing.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks all. :) It will be cool to see what DNA testing reveals. I'll definitely go that route when I get back home. In the meantime, I have some extra ideas and reading. :D
  • Did you ever get a DNA test done?
  • I don't know if amesylph is around anymore, given how old this thread is, and also I haven't seen the name around?

    I like the guessing games though! I liked the Shiba/ACD guess!
  • I don't know... This dog reminds me of a lot of different breeders. I see a bit of corgi and shiba, along with ACD. The side face shots, though, remind me of a Chihuahua... the slight boggy eyes and snout? No? Is it just me? Maybe lol
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