why oh why do you do this?
Everytime the beast and myself are out for a walk, she inevitably finds and eats the stool of other animals. Usually birds and rabbits. Granted she is only five months but geez little beasty, daddy is gonna think twice before you give him kisses! Any thoughts fellow nihon ken owners?
And really, what fun would that be?
For poop *eating* in particular, I've found that a good 'leave it' is usually enough to dissuade my dogs. But very little can get them to stop rolling once it starts.
Once upon a time I was extremely upset about Reilly eating horse poop, to the point where I'd get mad and yell at her ("Uh oh- I'm about to lose this 12 pack of munchkins- better eat faster! *gulp*!") and ultimately I let it go after I found my enraged self reaching into her throat to pull out a ball barehanded- and holding this slimy hay/shitball in my dog slobbery hand- its SO not worth the argument. Train your leave its and drop its, avoid, anticipate, redirect.
I know they're going to find and eat poop and other delicacies in the forest, and i dont mind so much if they snarf some deer duds or (rabbit) cocoa puffs here and there, but carcasses, bird turds and anything from a carnivore I get after them for. (I will take an interest while they sniff it, but try to hustle them along before open mouths and dropped shoulders.) Drop it, come, good dog, treat- now isnt that better than a nasty old poop? Let's go!
Wait for spring when there are worms and frogs mashed on the road- they seem unable to resist wanting to roll on that...practice up on the "leave its!" and choose your battles!
Bowdu generally leaves most carnivore poop alone. Certainly doesn't try to eat them. He loves chunky vomit though. Ugh.
I have read that raccoon poop can be especially parasite-laden, so I do worry about that.
And sometimes they roll in it, which in the case of some of our larger wild poopers, can make for a messy, MESSY dog. Reilly rolled on bear poop- the kind full of berries- and it was gross- her mane was all spiked up with it...she's so ladylike. ugh...
Bella used to roll in coyote poo and omg white boxer and poo does not mix she looked so gross she even got the poop on her harness and collar. Gah!
Luckily it was summer so we hosed the harness and collar off and washed in the washer to clean it and Bella got nice sudsy bath.
Bella likes to eat horse poo going for walk in woods nose to ground and searching for deer poo.
Saya she doesn't mess with deer poo much she did pick a thing of deer poo up once I told her drop it and she did. She had some still stuck on her mouth luckily I had tissue so I could wipe it up.
Saya did try to sample her horse friend's poo, but dropped it when I told her to drop it now she just sniffs the horse poo.
I find Saya is pretty smart with things it usually takes few times of her trying it and me telling her to leave it or drop it depends if she is about to or got it already and she seems to stop trying to eat the poo and just sniffs.
Bella no longer rolls in coyote poop so far, but never know. Luckily she mainly just sniffs it.
Only time Saya has ever rolled on ground was on just plain grass no dead animal or poo.
Gotta love dogs.
If the dog is a puppy they are curious and can pick up random things like a toddler. haha
Worms or roadkill frogs or toads is a issue coarse worm probably won't hurt a dog, but a toad or frog might.
He's great with other dogs stuff, but boy does he LOVE him some duck poop. We can't even walk near the edge of the lake anymore.