Was only a matter of time.

edited March 2013 in General
I knew I would see this sooner or later. Un-freaking-believable!!!
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos


  • What is it? A mix I guess? But of what? Looks like one of the eyes is bigger than the other--wonder if it has micro, poor pup. Sad anyway. :(
  • It is a Shiba Chihuahua mix!!! and it is selling for $950!!
  • It's really odd looking o_O
  • It's kinda cute in a weird way lol. Not $950 cute though.
  • That's scary!
  • edited March 2013
    When I was young, I worked in a mall with a petshop and there were times I'd see some pretty unusual Shiba crosses.

    Shiba x Chihuahua
    Shiba x Poodle
    Shiba x American Eskimo

    I never understood it.
  • It's quite....different. it almost looks like a terrier in the pic.
  • Shiba Chis are actually growing in popularity as a designer mutt, not exactly sure why as a mixture of both breeds temperaments doesn't really sound like it would make a good pet. They don't generally look that pretty either, often looking like a bug eyed shiba:
  • Oh my...can you imagine the temperament of a shiba/chihuahua mix?? Barf.
  • Bug-eyed shiba, what a horror..
  • omg :( that's scary looking. like it's perpetually high. proportions are really strange...
  • Oh god, that's frightening... ಥ_ಥ
  • That's horrific! I hate, hate, hate those poppy eyes! But you know, chis are on my list of least favorite dogs.
  • That second picture is um... yeah.

  • edited March 2013
    I remember seeing several of these mixes when I searched for shiba inu on Petfinder :(
  • That is one ugly dog.
  • Oh fuck that.
  • Oh my gosh! Who in their sane mind would even breed a Shiba and a Chihuahua??!!! It's like breeding a dog who can kill you in your sleep!
  • Yeah shiba chi.. I seen shiba chihuahua mix on pet finder as adult and puppy.

    I don't like such mixing like this. :\
  • Eeks, it is quite scary looking...
  • We were in Shibuya today, walked past a pet store and couldnt figure out any of the breeds of the toy dogs. They were all cross breeds of one small dog with another...looked scary like the shibahuaua. 8->
  • wtf? That is absolutely tragic... Purposely creating such an atrocious looking dog should be punishable by death!
  • saw this at a pet store couple months back but just wondering it looks a little different from other shiba inu darker snout and different eyes, correct me if im wrong :$


  • Oh good lord that dog is f'in ugly. I'll stick with my non designer breeds thank you.
  • ryananthony that pup could be pure shiba, but not breed too well or to standard as puppy mills don't care if shiba is bigger, long legged or odd colorings and stuff.

    Or maybe a mix was in it at some point in it's lineage.
  • That Shiba looks off. Like Saya said, it could be a mill pup which are often off, but it's ears are really oddly shaped for a Shiba, and it's mismarked. I kind of suspect a mix in this case.
  • Oh my...I can't imagine mixing my shiba and chi together! Why do people do these things? Morkie, schnoodle, even dorkie... its all high priced mutts that usually have some sort of health/temperament issue.
  • That puppy's eye is all fucked up
  • That puppy's eye is all fucked up
    the top pic? The chi-Shiba mix? That's what I thought too. Micro or something.
  • Reminds me of Right Puppy Kennel's advertised "mame" shiba.

    Have you ever been to a puppy store? It smells disgusting. I saw a Shiba in a pet store once and decided to play with it. Upon careful examination, it was missing three toe nails.
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