NIPPO Classic 2013



  • This is going to be the most amazing meetup! :)
  • dunno where we will get that one other Shikoku... maybe @Edgewood can go???
  • The best of breed winner gets to compete for Supreme no matter how many are entered in the breed. What has happened in past years is sometimes when only 1 dog was entered for a breed, they withheld breed because they felt the dog was not worthy. in 2011 there were only 2 kai entered and Don was awarded Reserve Supreme. You have to have 5 entered in a breed for the breed and opposite sex winners to be automatically awarded a NIPPO USA Champion title. Now if the judge feels the dog is worthy, they can award it with less than 5 entered for the breed.
  • Can someone confirm if Peggy is coming? The one Shikoku would be me if she isn't coming...

  • I will try messaging her.
  • edited April 2013
    Peggy is going, but I'm not sure what dogs she is bringing. My guess is that she's bringing some kai since only Jesse has signed up a shikoku so far.
  • I hope there will be other Kai puppies so Matsu isnt all alone.
  • Peggy sent a message back that she is planning to enter some Shikoku.
  • We will have at least 7 kai entered. Both Pam and Marsha entered some kai.
  • Just spoke with Maggie- (and paid for my entrance fees!) there are 10 or 12 kai entered now, but Matsu is the only Kai puppy. No other Yochikens or Yokens unless they are in the mail- taking some of the suspense out of the Puppy Sweeps...
  • So far 50 Shibas, 12 Kai, 6 Shikoku, 5 Akita and 1 kishu
  • @sjp051993 do you if Marsha will bring Taka? I'd love to see Juno's sister!
  • Marsha is bringing Taka, but did not enter her.
  • Yay! I look forward to seeing her- and having Juno there. :)
  • I am getting so excited for this! :-D Less than three weeks away!!!
  • At this time I think I must cancel my trip to the NIPPO Classic. I'm sorry to disappoint anyone.
  • I was/am looking forward to meeting you and your crew, but by far the most important thing it that Angi is healthy and happy. She comes FIRST!
  • I'm thinking of supplies...?
    Im borrowing an Ez-Up tenty roof thing on legs- (so, Kai Kountry will have shade!)
    Ive got my wire crates- I have an expen too but I dont know how much I want to haul all the way to people bring shade and expens to outdoor dog shows? They seem to bring all that to lure coursing trials...hmmm

    We'll be arriving Thr nite- probably late.
    I hope to give the dogs a good walk at Oak Openings Friday morning- whomever is there and awake :) and wants to hike can come too! then lunch, then show Matsu in the Puppy Sweeps that afternoon. Dinner somewhere with whoever isnt going to the symposium dinner thing.
    Saturday is just watching the rest of you show! 'cept Juno will show in Evaluation at the end.
    Sunday we get up and drive home.

    What should I not forget?
  • I'll bring an expen I'm willing to share and ny foster isn't coming.
  • My schedule will basically be similar to you Wryly, minus the showing parts. Thurs will be traveling and we hope to be at the hotel by 6 or 7 depending on when we leave. Sunday will be travel back home, and hopefully will be back in time to settle in and get things done before bed. I would love to go to the symposium but don't really think I can get away with spending the money on it.

    Some of the musts that I'm making sure to pack are:

    -Ex-pen, to use as a barrier at the show just in case (loose dogs, too close set ups, etc)
    -Camera and all accessories, I'd hate to not be able to take pics due to dead batteries or lack of space
    -Laptop, to store extra pics and tease the forum (if there's internet access)
    -More clothes than I need
    -Tons of snacks for the trip
    -Treats for my pups
    -Extra leashes, collars, and tags just in case something gets lost
    -Temp tags containing contact info of the hotel, just in case one gets lost
    -Plenty of cash to spend.
    -Burlap sacks for sneaking out some extra pups when no one is looking :P
  • Ha! Beth! ...and you laughed at me for buying lunch with cash!! :)

    I will bring my expen, too then. and our brushes. water bowls. carabiners...snacks. oh- the dog towels, too.
  • Ha! Beth! ...and you laughed at me for buying lunch with cash!! :)
    LoL, not laugh, I thought it was cute. When taking long distance trips (more than 5hrs one way), we make sure to take cash should something happen where plastic can't be used. I know Tom is incredibly paranoid of people stealing his credit card number since it's happened to him several times. Plus, we keep forgetting to get an easypass, so tolls are cash only for us.
  • Oh that reminds me, we also need to pick up some bottled water. Never know when we might need some during the drive. Tom is packing a small selection of tools should there be some car or other mechanical issue. Will also be bringing a first aid kit.
  • Generally speaking, yes, people bring EZ-ups and x-pens to outdoor shows. I have no idea if there'll be wind there, but using the EZ-up anchors are a good idea if you plan on leaving them outside overnight. (Don't forget a mallet to pound them into the ground.)

    For the NK, I'd recommend that the x-pen has a top. Either one that comes with the x-pen, or something homemade (towel, sheet, etc.) that is clamped down.

    Lots of people use these plastic weave mats in combination with the x-pen to keep the dog clean or dry, but a blankie works in a pinch:

    You'll want a chair for yourself.

    Poop bags for the dogs.
  • Will anyone be at the Classic who is close to Claire who can take her t-shirt for her? It was sent in the group batch before I knew she wouldn't be able to make it.
  • I still really want to go and haven't cancelled my reservations for anything yet. I'm getting some of the money from the terribad ER vet refunded to me, not quite enough to cover the trip, but we'll see if the tax return comes in time...
  • If anything, maybe Claire's shirt can go back with someone who lives closer so that shipping for their house to Claire won't cost too much.
  • I hope you'll be able to go still...

    And shipping first class shouldn't be too much for the shirt anyway. It's around $3 depending on the weight of the envelope.
  • If Claire cannot make it I am more than happy to pick up her shirt (provided she agrees) and will send it to her. I'll have Kyuubi wear it first though so it will smell like him and Angi can snuggle with it for comfort while she is on the mend.
  • edited April 2013
    Corina and I should arrive very late on Thursday. So we will be (well, I will be, she may not - I dunno) up for a hike on Friday AM.

    I have to drop some Laika pups off in KY on the way there, so that may delay us a bit - which is why I wrote "late thursday".

    We'll have 3 Shikoku, 2 Kai, and 1 Kishu with us, plus a Laika pup... so we will be packed. Not sure I'll be able to bring much extra stuff.

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