Puppies Born!



  • @twobirds Yes I will be getting a pup from that litter. :D
  • I know recommended literature has been brought up in several threads, but since we're talking about folks getting new Shikoku puppies, I was wondering if Shikoku owners have any specific reading material that helped them in raising their puppies and then later on with training. I picked up the Art of Raising a Puppy at the library the other day as a jumping off point and I've also read Sophia Yin's puppy book.

    Howabout any specific methods for training recall that you've had success with?

  • I only had 1/2 shikoku pup and I don't think I want to raise a shikoku pup ever again, lol. They get into EVERYTHING and have an UNLIMITED amount of energy.

    @wrylybrindle has a great recall technique that I use with Kilbun. He is the only off-leash dog I have (well, I never really tested with Kaiju because I am afraid to lose him and we live in suburbia and he can be a jerk to other dogs so I don't want my neighbors to say anything. I am already known as the crazy dog lady with wolfy dogs :) Anyhow, I am digressing, but after taking Kilbun for a walk (so he is not sooo hyper, it doesn't work very well if he too hyper), I work on recall by treating him every time he comes when called, or even just when he "checks-in." I increase distance over time. Another game I play is hide-n-seek. I would hide, and call him and when he "finds" me, i treat the heck out of him and give him lots of love. What I learned from @wrylybrindle was to use a clothesline on his harness. The clothesline gives him tons of slack and it doesn't feel like he's really attached. Of course when he comes back or checks in, he gets lots of treats!!!
  • :D Yay! GO, KILBUN!!! :) Proud of you!
  • didn't get any updated pictures for this week yet =(

    do you know when you guys are heading down to pick up?
  • @ryananthony I was hoping for Memorial Day (May 24-27) weekend since I'll have an extra day off of work to get settled. It's like a 9 hour drive to Courtenay from Portland. I'd take the ferry from Port Angeles probably. Ever taken that one? I took the ferry from Anacortes to Orcas Island once and it was a total nightmare. When are you planning on picking up?
  • probably around the 25, wish she was back the week before because it's long weekend for us haha. @twobirds
  • Not sure if I can make it during those times since out of town. :( @twobirds I'll email you
  • Here's a update at 5 weeks. One of these guys is going to be mine. I feel lucky but know I'm going to deal with a handful.

  • Can I have all four? Lol :-) they are so cute! Love that you can start to see a bit of pattern.
  • One of these puppies is mine also :P We are very luky arent we? I still dont know which one is ours, but should find out soon.
    I live in South Australia, so our boy will be quite a bit older than the rest by the time he is eligible for quarantine etc.

    so very very very exciting.
    He will be joining our pack of Koyuki (red female Shiba Inu), Takeo (cream male Shiba Inu) and Thunder (black and tan Shiba Inu)- Thunder we will be getting flown to us from an interstate breeder on Monday the 13 May.

    The Shikoku puppy should be with us end of this year :) :) :)
  • So when do you guys get to take your puppy home?
  • big family koyuki super excited to know most of us are in the forums

    I will probably be going on may 25, how about everyone else
  • I will be out of town so @twobirds will be picking up my pup. She will be heading up the weekend of May 25th also.
  • @Koyuki - I am officially picking up puppies for myself and @mikochan on May 25th. I think the plan is for Katja to send pictures when she gets back on the 21st and then for everyone to pick (you get first pick, if I remember correctly!). Does anyone have a favorite yet? I just tried to pick favorites out of the above picture and I couldn't. They are all adorable.

    I'm a little nervous about bringing two tiny puppies over an international border on a ferry!
  • lol @twobirds puppy smuggling... also the first lil guy looks awesome.
  • i dont mind either they all look adorable
  • cant wait for the pics! wish i was free to go there that same weekend that you guys are picking up the pups!
  • Yes @twobirds we get first pick but we are unsure which one yet :) We are waiting to hear from Katja which one is pick of the litter so we can make a more informed decision...hopefully that will be soon so you guys will know before you leave to pick up your babies!!!
  • omg this week has been so long. the anticipation is killing me. A week from tomorrow I'll be starting the trip up to Courtenay. Crrrazy.
  • I guess I'll see you there twobirds haha
  • i am so excited for you guys!!! The time has gone so quickly i cant believe all the other pups will be going to their new homes in a few days :) I am still waiting to pick my puppy----BUT i have a huge favour to ask? If when you pick your baby/babies up, and you get to have cuddle and play time with all the pups can you get some photos of my boy too? I hope he isnt too bothered to be the last of the litter left for a little while!
  • All of the puppies are beautiful pups! I'm excited for you guys! I love the picture of that one puppy all spread eagle on the chair haha :P
  • will do @koyuki


    have you decided which one you wanted, theyre all so handsome id have a hard time choosing
  • The newest photos have been the cutest so far, i love seeing how much they have changed. yes we are having a hard time choosing they are all perfect. We are still waiting to hear back from Katja with her opinion of which one is pick of the litter, and then we can make our final decision :) Sorry to make you all wait so long, im sure we will know shortly :P
  • Too cute!! Congrats to all the new puppy owners!!! :D

    And regarding appearance... I can only imagine all the guesses you get! Even after I tell people my dog is a Thai Ridgeback Dog (from Thailand), they usually try to guess what mix he is and that there *must* be some pit bull in him. :P Also, does anyone know what an Australian Ridgeback is??? I sure don't. ;)
  • edited May 2013
    I have never heard of an 'Australian Ridgeback', although the Rhodesian Ridgeback is quite common and popular in Australia as a family dog. We also see ALOT of ridgeback crosses, the most recent litter i dealt with at the shelter was American Bulldog X Ridgeback- they were beautiful.
  • @koyuki I will be taking lots of photos while I'm up there and will be sure to get some of your little guy as well. Good luck choosing one of those handsome little guys and let us know when it happens! It's nice to have all of the siblings going to people on the forum so we can stay in touch and exchange photos and the like. Cheers!
  • hey guys, just thought i would let you know that we have picked a puppy. We have gone with Mr Orange (originally Mr Purple)- in the most recent photo posted by @ryananthony, he is the second in from the right. :)
  • edited May 2013
    congrats, can't wait to meet the pups
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