Puppies Born!



  • @koyuki Congrats! How exciting!
  • have you guys decided? are you leaving early Brittany?
  • @ryananthony you have the easy job of not having to choose! they are all so perfect it was hard to pick :-P
  • on my way back sky (my puppy) really well behaved.

    my brother took pictures il post them soon. good looking litter and katja is really a great person had a great experience have a safe trip Brittany
  • which one is yours Ryan? congrats! how was my boy Shigeru?
  • Ryan I'm so glad everything went well! I'm sitting at the ferry terminal now, probably about four hours from being at Katja's. @koyuki, Ryan's is Mr. Blue. Mine is Mr. Green and Ill also be taking Mr. White back with me to @Mikochan.
  • nawww so cool! for a while we were set on Mr White but fell in love with mr orange. mr green has a very cheeky look to him and mr blue is also so stunning! yipee! give Shigeru a big kiss and cuddle from Australia lol
  • Awww....congrats to all the new Shikoku owners. What a handsome litter - good luck to all of you with your new puppies!
  • how has everyones first couple of nights been?
  • @koyuki haha I think it's safe to say that the lack of response means we have our hands full. I know I do anyways. I promise I'll post pics soon!
  • LOL im so jealous!!!!! and so excited for you guys i hope the babies are all settling in well..... i guess im kinda glad i miss the puppy stage with Shigeru ...poor Katja though :P
    Although today Kenji (my youngest of three Shibas) has decided it is 'make Mummy's ears bleed' day...Shiba scream has been out in full form!
  • AHHH the more I see and read the more I want one!!! hahaha
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