How to clean hard floors of dog fur?

edited July 2013 in General
WHO here has wood/concreate/misc hard flooring in their house? Very recently, Toki and I have moved a loft with poured concrete flooring. I love having concrete floors because Toki loves cool surfaces, it looks nice, and my dog matches everything in my apartment.

But good lord there is fur everywhere!!! I tried brooming it up but that kinda just stirs the fur everywhere. I guess with carpet, the fur gets attached. With hard flooring, the fur has no where to go except everywhere. I'm finding fur litterally in everything, including in my eggs this morning, lol!

Would a mop work well? Swifter? I don't have a lot of storage room, so I wanna know if its worth my time or should i just stick to laboriously cleaning my floors everyweek.


  • We have hardwood floors, I basically pick up the fur by hand and sweep the rest.
  • I guess I don't understand the question, because I absolutely love hardwood floors with my JA and am appalled at the thought of installing carpet... lol. All you have to do is sweep. Vacuum works too I guess but its overkill? My parents got us an EyeVac used in hair salons its pretty neat.
  • I vacuum first then go back and swiffer or sweep
  • I vacuum, but I'm sorely tempted to employ a Roomba for intermediate purposes...I would think it would suck the hair more than blow it around...anyone have thoughts on that?
  • We have an iRobot Roomba. It's awesome for hard floor, but might stuck on thick rug sometimes. Your cowhide should be totally fine. Just let it run once every 2, 3 days and make sure you clear it out after.

    Check out Costco, they carry a earlier pet model and price was the lowest I could find.

  • eyevac seems cool! gotta buy one!
  • edited July 2013
    Fur killed our Roomba three or four times (we kept fixing it) and then fried it permanently. Even before we had pets the Roomba was iffy at best. Its really not designed for anything more than tiny dust particles. Its container is tiny, its suction is weak, and its very susceptible to burning out the motor. I do NOT recommend a Roomba for any home that is actually inhabited by anyone or anything. Maybe for a vacation home or realtor trying to sell a house on the market a long time... haha.
  • I sweep first, then use a wet swiffer once a week :)
  • I vacuum first and then sweep the hard to reach places that the vacuum can't get. We have birds, too and sweeping first just kicks up feathers and fur so that's why we vacuum first.
  • @poeticdragon that doesn't sound good at all. We have a dyson, a eureka hand held and a roomba. All bought around last Sept/Oct. Dyson is the best but requires the most labor work. Roomba is the easiest, only require one click and some cleaning after, and it is the most often used one (coz I'm too lazy to vac lololol). The suction is kinda weak, can't compare with any normal vacuum machines but it does clean the area back & forth a few times so in the end it's clean. I'm guessing you probably have WAY more fur in the house than us lol. I clean the machine inside out almost every time after it's done the job just to make sure no hair or anything got stuck in the wheels. I hope it won't burn out soon lol.
  • I like swifter for chasing dust bunnies, and then swifter wet mop in between or the shark steam cleaner.
  • I have brick floors, which I love. I just sweep, and occasionally run the vaccum. (And I have four double coated dogs! :) ) But I have a high tolerance for the random hair, too. The swiffer is a great idea!
  • I have just one AA (my other dog is hairless) I have hard wood throughout the main floor, where he spends 99% of the time, ceramic tile kitchen, bath and the animals room, the two bedrooms are carpet. I vacuum 2-3 times a day, plus the couches (even though he's not suppose to be on those.. :) ) I find it is much quicker to just run the vac, rather than stoop to pick up clumps of hair, sweep and then mop. I use just a normal bagless upright Eureka, swifter/mop about once a week...of course because he hasn't learned to drink ALL the water in his mouth before he leaves his room..hahaha
    I'm not sure if I'm just not brushing him correctly or if it's the little dog pulling his fur out when they money is on the latter... :)
  • We have concrete throughout our house too. We Swiffer the dog areas daily (both Sweeper and SweeperVac), Dyson vacuum wkly, and if I have my way, hubby will also put the Hoover TwinTank Disinfecting Steam Mop to use monthly...
  • @jellyfart I totally know what you mean. Little hairs everywhere. I'm a clean freak so it drives me nuts. But no matter how much I clean they always come back. I vacuum everyday, sweep and swifter. If you have hard surfaces I think the little further tufts will always float around.
  • We have hardwood. We use one of those textured terrycloth sweepers to get everything in a few locations and follow up with a dustbuster for the individual piles. This is a daily thing for us (2 shibas) and during coat blows, it has to be thrice daily. Ideally we would do it twice and five times during regular and coat blow periods, respectively. We do a wet mop 1-2 times a week, and more frequently for the kitchen (open floor plan).
  • edited July 2013
    thanks everyone!!

    Looks like I will be investing in a swifter to try out first. Next option will def be the vaccuum! :D

    Its interesting to see that a few people clean the floors daily. I've never been bothered by fur until I've moved to the new place. I've also never been one to clean things on a daily basis, haha. I've been thinking about cleaning the floors everyday, so I'm glad to see others who do the same.

    @poeticdragon i hate carpet, too, good lord. i love you're wooden floors! :P
  • i have hardwood floors and i sweep everything up in one pile then completely vacuum the pile and then the whole floor. It pays when you a dyson. great investment :-) Oh and our floors are cleaned every other day because although nanook is the only dog for now his fur gets everywhere X( so fast
  • We have all hard surface floors in our home, hardwood, laminate and tile. We own two Dyson vacuum cleaners. A big one that plugs into the wall and a hand held one that is battery operated. We vacuum everyday and use both vacuums. Depends on the job. For quick hairball suck up we use the handheld. It actually has become a weird pleasure for us to the point our three year old now insists he wants to suck up the hairballs too. If its lots of fine hairs spread across the floor we use the larger model that plugs into the wall. There is something very satisfying about sucking up hairballs, kind of like popping bubble wrap.
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