Shelby and Friends! Updated 4/2/15!



  • Yeah, and mine were circled for 7 too hahaha xP i went to pick her up and i remember them saying that they had some trouble remembering who was who from the vet, but oh well! :P

    but seriously, Shelby AND Misaki just look like big Konas!! it's the cutest thing! and by the looks of it, they are ALL super energetic and happy! :D

    I'll try and start a thread for her now while i have some time to kill ^_^
  • Haha! I didn't know that! Well, whatever number she was, she's still Shelby :)

    I don't think I've seen pics of misaki yet. I'll have to poke around. And energetic doesn't even cover half of it. Shelbs is a morning person, and afternoon, and evening..... She goes non stop all day long. She is also extremely happy. I don't think I've ever met a dog who was this happy all the time and I love it!!!

  • ah! i couldn't find if Mandi ( @knecha ) has made a thread for her yet! but Misaki looks very similar too ^_^
  • So, I now have a computer again after our move and I am finally adding some pictures of Shelby and her friends. Please don't judge the quality too much. I am an absolutely awful photographer and I need to sign up for a class A.S.A.P.
    Anyways, here they are! Enjoy!


    Napping at a friends house.


    Me and Shelby


    She always ducks her head when I try to take her picture...


    Had to add one of the little Sophinator..


    I know the quality on this one really sucks. It was cute in theory.
    Anyways, Shelby playing with one of her favorite toys


    Again, the queen of blurry pictures strikes again


    Shelby and Mya


    Shelby and Sophie sleeping in the truck on the way to Wyoming


    Trying to nap in the truck


    Mya napping in the truck

  • awww... she looks like her mom! :)
  • Aww! Ayu is so pretty and of course I think Shelby is the most beautiful Kai I have ever seen! I don't think e could love her more <3
  • Sis is such a cutiee!!!
  • So, a new neighbor asked me if Mya and Shelby were Akita puppies. I told him their breeds, but I was shocked that he knew the diff between an AA and a JA!
  • I got a book on photography to help me out. I think I may be getting better and now everyone can see that my pictures are actually of dogs and not little blobs.
    Anyways, we went to the dog park today and Shelby and Mya had the best time! Here's the pics!

    Mya running through the park

    Shelbs was giving me "the eye"

    Having so much fun!

    They're ALWAYS together!!

    Shelby played in the pond




    Mya running with her new friend

    Having fun running together

    This face is priceless!

    Mya was the lifeguard

    The Goldendoodle has a look on her face that just screams "LET'S BE FRIENDS FOREVER!!"




    It was such a long day!!
  • Aw, Shelby is a swimmer too! :) great shots!
  • Shelby looks SOOO happy haha! I love the pond shots :) Ah! Thanks for the spam! ^_^
  • Thanks guys! I'm trying to get some good shots of her. She loves to swim and Mya loves being her life guard! I think Mya thinks she is Shelby's mom... She mothers her so much! :)
  • That is TOO freaking cute. Mama Mya :D
  • Mya mothers my husband as well... She will fuss if he doesn't let her groom him every night! :)
  • Great pics ! What a great park - it looks like they had a blast !
  • They absolutely love the park! When we were trying to decide whether or not to move up here, that was a big factor. The park is way bigger than the parks in baton Rouge and the pond is huge and really clean!
  • Dawww Shelby has grown up so much! She looks like she had a blast at the dog park, gotta love that happy Kai look in the last picture :D
  • Great pictures! Shelby is looking really nice too.
  • Thanks! She is such a happy girl!!
  • Her face on the last pict is great !! :D She seems so happy !! :D
  • We went to the dog park again... I'm getting better at this picture taking thing.
    Here's some more Shelby and Mya spam!!

    Shaking off after a good swim

    Playing with a German Shepherd. Kyle is the chaperone. :)

    I just adore Mya's happy run face!!

    A size guide for the ladies. This German Shepherd was a normal height and size for an adult male.

    Mama Mya making sure her baby is ok after a long swim.
  • Your pups are so cute. I agree that you're definitely getting better at that action shot. I'm not that familiar with GSD stats, what's normal for an adult male? I think that pictures like Mya's runny face are the reason people buy shibas. People think puppies that cute could never be evil....eeeeeeevil!
  • <3 these. :) Sis looks so happy!
  • @tmd firm stats on the gsd? I am not sure. I've groomed so many of the things that I just know when they're small or large or normal. I'm a weirdo. The action shots are the only way to get those crazy ladies to take a decent pic. I'm still working on getting them to sit still for the camera. :) and just look at Mya's ears when she runs, it's the evil coming out... Haha!!

    @mdokic she is a very happy girl. :)
  • edited August 2013
    mh, for a german sheperd it must be 66cm maximum, something like that ^^ I like a lot Mya happy running face !! :D

  • Dang your dog park is awesome. Ours is dirt and feces and pine cones and fence. That's it.
  • @Poeticdragon it is huge and amazing. Totally shocking considering we now live in the middle of nowhere!
    @eiden Ah, thank you for the height on a gsd
  • edited February 2014
    Well, I had to edit this because my pics don't seem to want to upload from Flickr. Any ideas on what's going wrong??
  • Love your pics of your kai and shiba. :) Lots of fun adventures.
  • Thank you!! I have new pics, but they won't load for some reason... :/
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