Not sure if this is normal behavior or not...

edited September 2013 in Behavior & Training
My Shiba Inu (Kobe) keeps licking my other dog's (Roscoe) private parts.. he's not fixed (yet)


  • My dogs do this all the time. I've never thought it wasn't normal. Unless he is doing it near constantly, I wouldn't be concerned.
  • Normal enough. There was an unneutered dog at the dog park the other day who did this to Zim a couple of times. Zim didn't care so neither did I. It's his junk after all. ;)
  • @Losech he does it a lotttt. I've never experienced it w my other dogs and hardly ever witnessed it at the dog park, so I wasn't sure. Roscoe snaps at him sometimes, but otherwise he just let's him do it. Kobe would lick it sometimes and drool all over Roscoe. Lol I just thought it was a little weird. He would also make some weird squishy noises w his mouth/nose?
  • Ghidora gets a good sniff and lick from most of the girls every morning... lol.
  • my shiba dont do this. he only sniffs most the time. this can be stopped much the same way as ppl stop their dogs from humping. which is another thing that annoys ppl. both these actions can cause a fight. especially at a dog park. if he licks the wrong dog.
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