
edited May 2008 in General
I have been experimenting with taking pictures of the dogs at different points in the day to see how the lighting effects the shots... here are some of my pics from yesterday's sunset - some are less experimental:










  • edited May 2008
    kona is beautiful! how big is he now?

    when will ahi get to romp the yard?
  • edited November -1
    kind of agreeing with Dave in the other post - every time you post pics of your view, the hatred grows :-P
  • edited November -1
    The golden hour is thee time to take pictures. Very nice photos all around.

    I think the one with Loa is great. If you adjust the horizon and take out some of the foreground, I think it could be a really nice looking panoramic shot.
  • edited November -1
    Brandon, you mean the second to last one? That's the one that caught my eye as well. The colors are soft, but well balanced and Loa has this look of pure enjoyment on her face. I've constructed the story in my head that she was so overjoyed at the beauty that she decided to look back to make sure her friends were also enjoying it. Touch that one up and put it on your wall! :-)
  • edited November -1
    Yes, the second to last one. She looks very content surveying her land.
  • edited November -1
    I LOVE Lani!!! She's so beautiful!
  • edited November -1
    That is a great shot!
  • edited November -1
    Very good shots Brad!
    I get the feeling you were using flash on (at least) the first 2 pics of Lani and the one with Kaia. Is there any particular reason? At that time, you might want to use as much natural light as you can, it always gives the photos that "magic hour" look.
    I agree that the photo with Loa looking at the camera is great, and I agree with Brandon when he says to take out a bit of foreground and level the horizon. I would even get Loa of center a bit, leaving more "air" to the front of her.

    Keep on experimenting!
  • edited November -1
    I agree about the Loa pic, it needs some work but could be really nice. I should have kept her in focus but pointed the camera up and to the left more.


    I thin I need to work on my overall composition, but for now I am just trying to master the lighting thing. I am very new to photography (like 3 months).

    As I learned in art school tho, composition is what will make or break any piece.


    Rui - I did use flash in those because I was in an area that was heavily shadowed by ours house (our house faces west). It did wash out some of it. :o(


    The first two pics are of Lani looking into the sunset - it was hard to get them to work since she was being back-lit. I was hoping for a more dramatic effect of the light hitting her but it didn't work out well. Its rather hard to take pictures of the pups since they are always moving!

    The first one of Loa is not great, I just thought Loa looked cute in it... the color of the light mixed with the color of Loa kinda makes it all blend.


    Barbara - I love love love Lani's color! She is so pretty, but she is hard to get good pics of. Loa on the other hand seems very photogenic.


    Jen - Kona is 40lb now, he is a beast. lol. He is getting really good looking. Just so you have a reference point, Loa is 35lb and bigger than Kona... so Kona is a chunk of muscle.


    LJ - Don't hate me, you can come hangout in my TiPi too when I get it. :c)

  • edited November -1
    What type of TiPi is this that you're getting?
  • edited November -1
    Oh, I think I am going to order it from "Nomadics Tipi Makers" in Bend, OR:

    They make high quality Sioux style Tipis. I'm really stoked for it, they are super cool inside. Here are some pics:





  • edited November -1
    That's a big tipi! I'll look forward to the trip ;-)
  • edited May 2008
    wow. now I am envious. are you getting a specific painting scheme on your tipi?
  • edited November -1
    WOW what a view.

    Your dogs sure do have some good space to run around.

    Very nice pics.

    Them tipis are class looking.
  • edited November -1
    ok, I adjusted the Loa pic:

  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    oh yeah're not the only one with a view!


    MUAHAHAA!... :(
  • edited November -1
    Brad: Those tipis look super cool! I bet it's going to be tons of fun to chill out in there. I'm seriously looking forward to the opportunity! :-) Nice job on the Loa pic too. That's a keeper for sure!

    Romi: That just made me giggle. I'm still smiling. I needed it today, thanks a lot! :-)
  • edited November -1
    The Loa pic looks really nice.
  • edited November -1
    Off subject, how big is Loa? if kona is 40lbs Loa lookslike 60! of just really fluffy
  • edited November -1
    That's what is amazing, Loa is 35lb and Kona is 40lb and smaller... I mean Kona is only a little taller than Maui and Maui's is 16lb!
  • edited November -1
    Love the shot of Loa now that you cropped it some! cool shot!
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