Jealous puppies

edited June 2014 in General
We have four dogs, 2 Kais, 1 Shiba, and a Chihuahua. The Chihuahua is a non issue. He just tries to stay out of the way (poor guy). However, the issue is with the other three. I'm not sure of the Shiba's behavior. Keiko is a wonderful dog who has seemingly taken on the parental role with our little Kai, Kiyomi. But Keiko also wants to play with Kage, our 3 year old Kai and Kiyomi. Kiyomi LOVES Kage, and being the tiny terror she is, abuses Kage left and right. She plays him like a finally tuned violin. They have bonded beautifully. But Keiko tries to play with them but comes across as fussing when she incessantly barks at them even though her tail is wagging. They go elsewhere or stop altogether. My husband and I make sure we give all four individual attention with one on one time. But the three together is rough sometimes. I have two thoughts and please give me some insight. One, Keiko is jealous she can't play with Kiyomi like Kage does and feels left out. Kage consumes the majority of Kiyomi's time and attention. Two, Keiko is jealous she doesn't have Kage's full attention like she used to. I just don't know how to help her or if I should even be concerned. It may just take a little time.

What do y'all think?


  • Without actually viewing the behaviour, I can not say for sure, but it does not sound like jealousy... It sounds like she wants to jump in and play, but is unsure of herself. How does she do with Kage and Kiyomi separately? Does she play with them individually? If not, maybe some one on one time with each dog might be warranted so that she learns to play with them one on one before it gets to be overwhelming with two on one?

    If that is not it, she may be worried that Kage is going to hurt Kiyomi, especially if she is very maternal towards the puppy. I am not really sure how to work on that, but as the puppy grows, she may not be so protective. Maybe shove treats in her face while Kage and Kiyomi play?
  • I have 4 as well and my female kai is a bit of the Fun Police when Matsu and Reilly are playing indoors. She busts in and breaks them up- so I have worked with mixing and matching the dogs, giving Reilly a break and letting the 2 kais play. Or putting Juno with Sage and letting Matsu and Reilly play w/o Juno being a buzzkill. For short periods I will work on giving Juno my attention in the same room while the other two play, but its hard for her to ignore them for very long as the excitement generated is just too much for her to leave alone yet. She can do it for a bit but like all learning, it takes time to grow. Keep the sessions short and success-able.
  • Thanks guys. While Kage and Kiyomi play, I've gotten the laser pointer out and that seems to keep Keiko content. When my husband gets home in the evening, he gives Keiko one on one time. However, I think you're right in that she needs to learn to play with the other two one on one. I'll try that. Many thanks again.
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