Introducing Mika! [Akashi x Ayu] Updated: 07/25/2014



  • Kai and Shepherds / Shepherd mixes seem to be amazing combos!
  • Mika went to puppy playtime at Petsmart today and found someone her size and speed to run around with! His name was Finn and he is a corgi/klee-kai mix. He was a little sassy just like her so they were a perfect match. She played nonstop and actually SAT DOWN at one point to take a break which has never happened before!

    Here are some pretty hilarious pictures and a few cute ones.


    Bonus pictures with me!

  • So cute!!! Looks like she had a blast ^_^
  • Congrats on getting mika! She is abs precious!!!
  • Aw, Mika is so cute! She and her new buddy are adorable.
  • Haha! Little miss Mika is quite the spitfire! So glad she had fun - love the one where all four paws are in the air. :D
  • Mika is adorable. I love the toybox rummage. Hanzo was the same way with food when he first came home. That sibling rivalry upped his need for food, but we used Kongs and other food toys to make him work for his meal and slow him down. Worked like a charm. Now he regulates his daily intake himself. We still use the toys and kong, but he doesn't always want it.
  • We took her for her 14 week check up and she got the last of her shots. She weighs 8.1 lbs now, I wonder how she is doing in comparison to her siblings since she was the smallest.

    Also, my work schedule is a little weird for the next few weeks but we are ready to meet up with our fellow Oregon/Washington members! Let's plan something!
  • I still want to meet Mika. :P
  • @WhoBitMe Just say when! She is cleared for hiking and such and we want to get her out to Lacamas Lake one morning when it isn't too hot out.
  • @TheSquatchQueen Right now. ;) (Kidding). For non-hiking meets later afternoon/evenings work well for me. For weekend meets/hikes, the only consideration on my part is Meitou's reactivity class in Portland. Mornings should be fine for something as long as it isn't too far away. Just curious, is Lacamas Lake a favorite hiking spot of yours? I've been there a few times. :)
  • @WhoBitMe Lacamas is our go to spot when we only have an hour or two and want to get Keanu out for some exercise. My husband and I rarely get a day off together so we haven't been able to do many day hikes out in the gorge. We also aren't too familiar with other local places to go for a quick hike :/

    This coming week my only evening off is Tuesday, if not we can try something next week?
  • edited July 2014
    @TheSquatchQueen Sent you a PM.

    P.S. More Mika photos please. And we wouldn't be opposed to Keanu photos either. :)
  • edited July 2014
    Haha ask and you shall receive!

    Here she is in the car after her last set of shots!

    All tuckered out after the farmer's market last weekend. She was a huge hit and a ton of people stopped us to ask what she was, pet her, and one guy even had his picture taken with her.


    Keanu staring longingly at the kids playing on the playground.

    This is her sitting on the dashboard of our car like a cat!

    Sitting still!

    Here is a video of my fearless pups on the fourth of july.
  • edited July 2014
    Bonus pictures of Keanu

    One of the first pictures I took of him. He used to have evil cartoon eyebrows and mange on his face.

    At his puppy school graduation. [We really thought he was going to be a short haired dog]

    Being a Florida Dog

    Going to the dog park/falling in love with his cousin Ren!

    And how he likes to keep it casual in the car
  • MIKA is SOOOO freaking teeny and adorable!!! I want to hold her. :( And loved the bonus Keanu pics...great pair you have. :)
  • If you're ever out this way just let me know!
  • @TheSquatchQueen I almost went to the farmer's market, lol. But I ran out of time. And Keanu's evil eyebrows were super cute!
  • So damn cute !!!! I want to kiss her when a see the first pict, where she is sitting in the car ! <3
  • Love the pics. :) Mika is growing up nicely.
  • She is adorable! I love the pictures of her " "helping" drive
  • Thank you! She is a total maniac and we love her. As of this week she can finally jump onto the couch and the bed so we're all in trouble now haha. We took her on her first hike last week, I forgot to post pictures!
  • Here are some videos and a few photos from our hike. I didn't take too many because she was sprinting the entire time! She did absolutely fantastic and didn't try to eat anything weird off of the ground like she does on walks at home. She just went into walk mode and stayed focused, we were very impressed. Sorry for the blurry photos and video, they are from my phone and I have shaky hands.

    Upset that she had to sit in the backseat instead of my lap


    Tired pups

    Mika gets her lunch in a treat ball now, just for fun. This is her upset look because it was empty.

    Trying to convince my brother @cezieg to share his food with her

    Almost 10 pounds now!

  • Oh my. way to cute. is that allowed? :)
    Gorgeous girl.
  • Mika is so freakin' cute!
  • Oh Mika! Almost 10 llbs! Keep it up, little girl! She is SO cute - so glad she did great on the hike. With those ears and bright eyes she looks like so much fun :D
  • Looks like Mika had fun! Where did she go for her first hike? Was Mika able to get food from @cezieg ? ;) It would be hard not to give her food with such an adorable face.
  • @WhoBitMe Somehow he was able to resist giving her some of his croissant haha. We took her out to Lacamas as a test run and she loved it! Today she tried to climb up every tree and log that we passed. She's a natural in the woods!
  • Mika is beautiful! I love her brindling in her coat.
  • @Kira_Inu Thank you! It's strange to think she was almost completely black when we got her two months ago. Her fur is starting to get nice and smooth as her puppy fluff falls out and the color is still changing every day!
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