Car sickness

edited August 2014 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
So Tsuki has been car sick on long rides ever since we got her. Is there any remedy for this? I've been reading to slowly re-introduce them to the car(turning it on, not moving.. then a day later, going for a short trip(ie just backing out), then the next day going around the block, etc.)

But I would love to hear some opinions from this forum regarding this.



  • I would, too! Shelby gets sick on really curvy roads and, since I live near mountains... it's kind of unavoidable. I tried things that work for me, like rolling down the windows and letting her look out the windshield, but she still vomits.
  • Cerenia works well
  • The Akita I had years ago got carsick, and we just got her used it very slowly, with the slow re-introduction method. I gave her ginger capsules too. (Cerenia works MUCH better though! I had to use it regularly for another dog I had who had kidney problems and couldn't keep anything down).

    It does seem a matter of getting them slowly used to the car. Every dog I've had who either was carsick, or didn't like the car, eventually got over it.
  • Thanks! I'll have to try it.
  • Cerenia works well, but does make my dog excessively drool. Other times I've had to take my dog on a car ride is to 1.) pad the crap inside the car to insulate her from the car movement 2.) don't feed her 6 hours before the ride itself

  • My shiba used to get carsick, some small things you can try:
    - put a blanket/cushion under the dog so they are higher up, able to look out clearly
    - open the car window(s), or blast the fan. The blowing air helps. Cooler is better (don't keep the car too warm)
    - don't feed them too soon before the car ride.
  • I think I've fed them a bit too soon before the ride. I kept the windows down and Shelby had no problem seeing out. Rosie has a lookout car seat, so she can see out as well. Thanks for the input! I'll try feeding them a bit earlier and maybe not a full amount.
  • My Akita would always get carsick when she was younger. I would try to not feed her several hours before car rides, try to crack the window for a little for some breeze, have her look out the window, keep her engaged, and drive verrrry carefully. The only thing that seems to have gotten her over it is time. I bring her with me almost everywhere and now she doesn't get carsick at all. Doesn't matter if she's eaten a whole bowl of food or if I'm being less than an outstanding driver Dx. I would keep bringing her places in the car, and bring lots of towels lol.
  • I find that if I don't feed ChoCho breakfast before a car ride she pukes bile to high heaven for hours...
  • Ryoko had this problem massively when I first got her. She would vomit 3-4 times in a 30 minute car ride. She was first very apprehensive of the car and would be very scared in it. But I found if I just let her get used to the car in the garage and let her sit in it she became very comfortable. Also I actually have a harness and seat belt her into the car so she cannot move around.

    Basically you must understand that car is not anatomically designed for a dog. So they do not know how to sit in it. So restricting their movement teaches them that if they sit and don't move around they won't get sick. Even now if I don't seat belt her in she will get sick. I would be happy so show a picture of her in the car if you would like.
  • Hey Nix!
    Long time no hear from! We'd never turn down the opportunity to see how you and Ryoko are doing!

  • Not feeding them their total ration when traveling helps. Use ice cubes to water them so it melts slowly and they wont drink a ton at once. Also crating can help. This will keep them laying quiet and not bouncing around, I also cover the crate of one that gets car sick so that things aren't whizzing by. I have also read to face their crate looking out the back window helps. Cerenia helps.
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