Raw diet for shikoku

I'm thinking of starting a raw diet for katsu, he's a very finicky eater and refuses to eat the same kibble twice no matter how hungry he is. He has even starved himself to a point where he's vomited. I do the typical slabbed kibble with wet food routine and that barely works. I'm wondering if a raw diet would do him better? If anyone has advice on a raw diet for my pup i'd love some advice.


  • what kibble are you feeding him?

  • We had orijen, evo, and blue wilderness. He eats them fine the first time but right after he stops eating them.
  • There are several very detailed raw diet threads that will probably give you a lot of help on this.
  • edited December 2014
    TBH, it sounds like your dog is training you on feeding. Every Shikoku puppy owner has moments where the dog temporarily loses his appetite. I believe Kiyoshi's owner, Samantha had similar bouts and now she still complains from time to time about his finickiness.

    I do hope raw solves the issue for you but if it doesn't, then there's really a behavioral adjustment you and Katsu will have to work through. Even on the Shiba forum, if you search there are countless threads where their Nihonken go hungry for a day or two and then they'll eat again. Sometimes it's self-regulating, sometimes it's the dog pushing boundaries.

  • If there isn't a medical reason why your dog skips meals, then I really wouldn't worry too much about it. Raw is great, but if the dog has a habit of being picky then eventually they can get picky with raw too. If my dogs refuse to eat and are acting normal, no fuss about it I just pick up their bowls and offer them the same food the next meal. They may skip a meal or two but eventually they will eat it.

    Also, sometimes dogs will skip meals if they are being fed more than they need. Some dogs are great at self regulating and will skip a meal or two every once in a while, my shiba Tetsu will do this (even when on raw) and he has kept at a good weight with decent energy. You could try reducing the amount you are giving each meal and see how he does.
  • Definitely try putting his meals in a treat dispensing toy like a Kong Wobbler or a treat ball, etc. Some dogs prefer working for their meals because it's more fun.
    You could also buy multiple and switch up the toy from time to time to keep him interested in the toy as well. To make it extra exciting, put a small treat or two inside of the toy as well so he gets extra yummy things along with his meals and never let him play with those toys unless it's for a meal.
  • My concern is that since he is a puppy he won't get the nutrition he needs to grow up a healthy pup. I noticed with the spitz breeds in general, as pups if they don't eat properly as puppies. They tend to start looking weird, Their coats their head formation, everything pretty much. That's why it's such a hard choice, play the cold shoulder card and let him eat when he feels like it? or provide him good nutrition at all costs. I'lll try a few more methods before switching to raw diet.
  • edited December 2014
    For the record, I'm totally in favor of raw, and dogs will almost always eat it. No finicklyness with most raw fed dogs. I switch them to raw as soon as they can handle bones. My Shiba could at 7 weeks but my Akitas I didn't switch over til they were about 6 months old--they couldn't seem to tolerate as well as puppies as the Shibas. Kai was probably 4-5 months old. I think a raw diet is better for their health all around. (But more on all that in the raw threads).
  • TBH, it sounds like your dog is training you on feeding. Every Shikoku puppy owner has moments where the dog temporarily loses his appetite. I believe Kiyoshi's owner, Samantha had similar bouts and now she still complains from time to time about his finickiness.

    I do hope raw solves the issue for you but if it doesn't, then there's really a behavioral adjustment you and Katsu will have to work through. Even on the Shiba forum, if you search there are countless threads where their Nihonken go hungry for a day or two and then they'll eat again. Sometimes it's self-regulating, sometimes it's the dog pushing boundaries.

    VERY good advice because my shikoku has her moments like this. Sometimes if i leave her food out she will not eat it. I give her 5-10 mins, and if she hasn't finished her food- its picked right back up, or I let the shiba eat it (not recommended). the next day or so, I will feed her less or maybe once that day and plenty of water, but after that she is chowing down!

    Good luck
  • Oooh good reminder, are you doing free-feeding or timed feeding as @Shikoku pointed out?

  • We've been free feeding him for the most part. Sounds like we should stop that? :p
  • Oh good god yes! Stop the free-feeding for your puppy! :P

  • Figured as much. I think nick has read in many places that raw is better for your dog and is very set on trying it now anyways though. We'll see how this goes.
  • Even if you do raw, make sure you don't allow the dog all the time in the world to finish the food. Timed feeding, regardless of food type is essential to regulating your dog's feeding and -- more importantly -- eliminating habits (poop/pee).

  • Will do. Thanks for the advice (everyone else too)!! :)
  • So we're going to start time feeding him, however we will start him on a raw diet. We tried something simple today, raw turkey neck and some raw dog food mix and it worked out quite well. I'll take your advice and work on a better feeding strategy. Thanks for the feedback! heres a video of katsu listening to the tv.
  • Hey! I'm just seeing this :) Yes my boy Kiyoshi is still VERY picky. Drives me nuts sometimes! We were feeding him a raw diet at first but he was picky even with that. He'd refuse to eat even the best raw food. Now with his pano we've been sticking to a kibble diet where we can monitor everything easier. It's a lot more math to feed raw and keep track of all the protein levels and supplement proportions when it has to be monitored so closely. Although he hasn't had another pano attack in months now so I think that's a good sign.

    My advice to you. Let it go.
    I've been there and I remember pulling my hair out over it. Literally at my wits end trying to get my puppy to eat, almost in tears with a food bowl in my hands begging him to take even a bite after refusing to eat for days at a time. It's frustrating.

    Kiyoshi might eat once a day, he might not eat for 3-5 days, he might eat 4 meals in a day. He's always very lean and I suppose he'll always be like that. I can't make him eat but I assume he won't starve himself to death. I've tried raw, cooked meals, canned food, EVERY brand of kibble out there, and nothing works.

    In all honesty, I sometimes just stock up on samples and feed him those...which can last us more than a week, he eats so little. I offer him food a couple times and if he's not hungry then he doesn't eat. Sometimes he will come to me or go to the food bin and I'll feed him when he shows he's hungry.

    Vet says he's perfectly healthy. Nothing more I can do for him. I give him everything he wants but I quit playing the food game.
  • Even with raw food, dogs can get picky. It's the same idea with kibble, if you feed him raw for all of his meals every day, then it becomes "normal" to him which might mean boring. So this is just a warning that he might do fine on it for a while, then start getting picky again. Sometimes picky dogs are just picky. (On that note, he also might do just fine on it, which I hope is the case!)
    I've had similar issues with Suki. She's not only picky but has food allergies so it can make it tough. It's just a matter of figuring out what works best for him. Good luck :)
  • Which is really hilarious @Dragonfly because his brother is a ravenous eater. I have to water his kibble to get him to slow down.

  • Wanna trade? @CrimsonO2 Hahaha

    I have noticed though that Kiyoshi is a social eater. If I start eating something and then put his food out for him there's a 75% chance he'll eat while I'm eating too. He'll watch me eat and beg for food but eventually go to his bowl once he figures out I'm not giving him anything. lol So we eat together most of the time.
  • @Dragonfly - I have a friend whose dog is the same way. If you just give him his food, he will not eat it. But if you sit down to eat, he will beg for food from you, then when he does not get any, will go eat out of his bowl. So you are not alone! :)
  • Thanks @sunyata lol Funny how that works :)
  • Thanks for the advice! :) it's funny how different siblings can be :p. Katsu's been on raw for a week now and no sign of pickiness yet. He scarfs down his meals within 10 minutes. We're considering making his last meal kibble though. We did have one incident where he threw up in the morning. We probably fed him his previous night's meal too early. Going to be more careful with timing between meals or we'll give him a snack before bed time every night. If he turns out picky with this, we'll likely just let it go (or try to). We have a friend's dog that also has a pickiness issue and did actually end up malnourished because of it... So we're both kind of paranoid :(
  • @emi802 I'm glad it's working out so far! We have Suki on a raw breakfast, kibble dinner diet also since she used to have issues from throwing up on an empty stomach in the morning. We also feed both her and Luna a handful of kibble when they get into their crates at bedtime (so there is something to hold them over until breakfast) if you wanted to try that before switching over to a raw/kibble combo.
  • @sukiandluna that's a good idea! We'll try that tonight :)
  • I feed my puppy The Honest Kitchen brand of dehydrated food and she has had absolutely no finickiness with any of the flavours. I did have her on puppy kibble when I first got her and she had diarrhea for a week and had to bring her into the vet. I then switched her to the Honest Kitchen and she loves it.
  • I forgot to mention that this Honest Kitchen brand does come in grain-free and poultry free flavours as well if there is an intolerance to something :)
  • Sounds like you got a lot of advice already but if you're in the Bay Area and want to continue on raw, I recommend FeedThis. Nyx eats their raw food frozen in kongs. It takes her about 45min- 1hr to finish one of her meals and she sleeps for 1-2 hours after she's done. It's awesome.

    She had a phase as a puppy where she would ignore her food and puke but it worked itself out. And her head is normally shaped! All will be ok. She will still occasionally chose not to eat but we'll usually just fast her for the day and everything gets back on track the next day. Nyx responds really well to a regular schedule so her eating became more consistent when we started being more consistent about feeding times.
  • Oh haha, we've been good for his food problem. He stopped being picky after a few adjustments to our habits feeding him. He's currently on kibble, but i will switch him back to raw as soon as he's a full grown adult to maintain his health and promote better hygiene.
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