A visual representation of the KKA Kai Ken population (so far)



  • edited April 2012
    @poeticdragon - In the first post there is a link under the pic to the full-size version. When you click on it, be sure that it is showing at 100% (not zoomed out, not the way most browsers default to).
  • Well, I feel dumb now. I saw the text link, but assumed it was the same as the link from clicking on the image. Thanks!
  • lol @shibamistress, yeah - I really want to sit down and take a look-see at it, when I get a chance to match names to #'s I know I'll do better ;o) haha
  • @brada1878 -cool, it's like facebook for Kais. I really didn't know you had THAT many dogs. lol.
  • Some other network analysis software: Gephi, BioLayout Express3D, Pajek.
  • Oh, cool, thanks Dave!
  • Here is an updated graph, the pink nodes are female, blue are male. I also added the names of each node.


    Click here to view the full resolution version.

    Also, this one has the issue mentioned above corrected. I have some new Kai to add to the DB, I'll do that later and output an updated graph.

  • This is one of our new imports, Hana, sitting here in the mid-point between those 2 lines...


    We imported Hana from Ogawa-san thinking she was less related to most of our dogs, but after looking at this she actually bridges 2 of the lines we have imported before (Kishin and Mao). Seeing this makes me wonder if we are better off sticking to importing pups from known studs (or know dams) who have no relation on one side of their pedigree.

  • This one is a lot more informative IMO. So, Haru is (closely) related to... just about everyone?? lol I Can't wait to see Yamabushi and other preservation kennel's impact on this as time goes on. Nice work, Brad.
  • Brad, you are sabotaging my studies :D.
  • What exactly does each line represent eg, what is the relationship between two connected dots? If it is parent to child, how do you know the "direction"?
  • Yea, Haru is from Riki x Mako... Mako (Sai no Makohime) is one of the most used females in the graph and Riki is a lot more used than I realized he was. I knew he was related to Ristu (Sai no Fuji) via Momohime but I didn't realize he was behind a lot of the stuff over on Hana's side too.

    @MirkaM - I know, I need to stop doing this so I can get some work done. lol

  • Nice work, it kills my iPhone when I try and get a closer look, so I can't wait to explore it further this afternoon from the real computer
  • Haha, same here. I keep staring at it. I was supposed to go to sleep like 3 hours ago. Too much information! look what you've done brad. lol
  • @poeticdragon - It's not directional. Think of this as a population graph Instead of a typical pedigree study.

    For example, the relationship I pointed out above for Hana is pretty distant... The connection she bridges between 2 of our lines is made through her great great grandfather's brother... This would have been hard to find just looking at pedigrees, but is easy to see in this graph.

    It's not a suggested replacement for pedigrees, it's just another tool that can help show population "connectedness".

  • Is it easy to modify the graph? I'm wondering where the UKC population is and how tightly bunched together they are.
  • Okay, if there is no specific relationship, then what determines whether a line is drawn between A -> B -> C or directly from A -> C ?
  • aykayk
    edited April 2012
    There is a relationship, but you can't always tell if it's Gramps->Dad -> Son or Son-> Dad -> Gramps.

    You can sort of tell if there's Mom-> Offspring -> Dad by looking at the context, but it gets vague when one parent is missing from the database.
  • I'm not sure I have enough of the UKC dogs in the DB, but I can make a graph of it pretty easily...
  • Oh, now I get it! This latest one with names helped clear it up to me (well, and the explanations!) It's really pretty cool, and does seem very useful as a tool to see the degree of connectedness!
  • Just found this - thanks, Brad! Lindsay told me about it. I will see if I can do something similar for our Shibas. The only DB language I am familiar with is T-SQL.. but I'll play around with it!
  • @NWshibanut - I since switched to using the D3.js library to render the diagram in real time: http://www.yamabushikennel.org/apps/pedigree/
  • edited June 2015
    I'm not sure I have enough of the UKC dogs in the DB, but I can make a graph of it pretty easily...
    Brad, I'm not sure if you are listing all dogs, or just un-altered or??

    Nero is UKC (but altered)
    Classy's Emperor Neroon
    UKC# P759-236
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