Looking at GPS collars (again!)

edited December 2015 in General
Hey guys, so a few new technologies have caught my eye since I last came to the forums looking for information. I was wondering if anyone here had an opinion on them?

Earlier, the recommended product was TAGG. But TAGG GPS/Whistle only really works in the USA.

Garmin's tracking collars would have been my weapon of choice since there's no monthly fee, but it's taking a risk hoping it'll work outside of the USA. They're also kind of bulky and not optimal for casual use.

I've since discovered:
Tractive Seems simple and no nonsense?
POD 2 Tracker -- available and looks good? Works in over 170 countries... the POD 2 seems lighter and easier to use, too.
Squeaker's 'Buddy' System -- not available yet, but looks promising. And pretty hard to lose sight of your dog in the dark. Backers get an 'unlocked' SIM collar, don't know if that's beneficial or not. Not sure what a monthly fee would be for these ones once they work out deals with service providers.

Other mentions: Dogtelligent and Nuzzle Smart Collar (no information really available, seems early in development, so I'm not listing it above.)

Ever since Kaja didn't escape from the backyard (but easily could have joined those that did!) I've been a little on edge. ;)


  • edited December 2015
    When I was looking for something similar to kill time I found WUF which consists of the device that is attached to the dog's collar and a freemium app to download on your smart phone. Unfortunately, it isn't 100% clear on what the premium features are and their benefits over the free features (at least I don't think it's completely clear). Also, the first batch hasn't been shipped yet so it would be smarter to wait and see the reactions. Here are the links for you to read more about it. Just another option to consider!
  • Thanks @mb4i! I can't seem to find if it works outside the US or not, but I'll keep an eye on this one too.
  • US models of Garmin tracking collars do not work outside of the US, some older ones might but a new one won't.


    "Important information concerning customers who use U.S. models of Alpha/TT and Astro/DC outside of the United States:

    The radio communication frequencies used by U.S. models of Astro and and Alpha tracking handhelds and DC, T and TT dog devices are not authorized for use outside of the United States. To ensure compliance with local laws, the radio function that allows the dog collar products to communicate with the handheld device will be rendered inoperable when used outside of the United States.

    The products listed below are shipping with this modification. For products sold before this modification is implemented, the radio function will be rendered inoperable with future updates of those products' firmware or software."
  • @Calia Yeah! I was really interested in the Garmin a year or so ago, but there was no guarantee it'd work outside the US (unless you were fortunate and had an older one that never updated). I was told by someone on the forums the Nordic ones still worked, but I was still worried about losing functionality.

    A shame. It's such a powerful set.
  • That is a very good point regarding compatibility outside of the country. I'm guessing a Canadian spec one would be the same way?
  • @TheYeti - As far as Garmin collars go, There's no Canada version, so you would have to use a non-updated US model. Though looks like the Garmin collars aren't technically legal in Canada:

    "The sale and unlicensed use of the Garmin Astro dog-tracking system in any form is currently prohibited by the Canadian government. In June 2009, Industry Canada announced that the MURS radio frequency used by the Astro would be allowed in Canada following a 5-year transition period. However, in June 2014, Industry Canada reversed its position, noting “the Department does not feel that the introduction of MURS devices in Canada is warranted at this time,and has decided to defer the introduction of MURS devices in Canada until a clearer indication of actual need is provided by Canadian MURS advocates and/or stakeholders.” Garmin remains interested in offering the Astro to our Canadian customers, and will be contacting Industry Canada in support of that goal. Potential Canadian customers should also contact their local Industry Canada office to express their desire to have the product approved for use in the country."


  • Wow, thanks for looking into that calia. So you're saying what I should do is take my triathlon watch, link it to my phone and strap it to the dog then. Got it! What a strange rule to have to write!!
  • Hey, so far i have tried kippy and pawtrax, and i have a pod 2 tracker ordered and on its way.
    Kippy wasn't good, the way it attaches to the collar is bad and Hanzo ended up losing it. The other downside was that kippy requires really good cell reception and if you are going off leash walks with your dog, you might find it of no great value.

    Pawtrax was much better, it sends back an sms with a google maps link so it doesn't need great cell reception, but the casing is poor, Hanzo likes to swim, so pawtrax died on its first contact with water.

    Can't talk about pod 2 because its not here yet, but i like that it also has activity tracker and that it only requires 2g coverage.
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