Markings/Colors of Nihon Ken

edited May 2008 in General
I wondered if it was possible for those with knowledge to post the name of the marking and a color picture for example for each of the Nihon Ken.

For example, Shiba Inu can be

Cream / White Pinto

Red Sesame


  • edited November -1
    black brindle Kai
  • edited November -1
    black and tan Shiba
  • edited November -1
    in Kais BlackNbrindle with a white spot on the chest... like kiba ^.^
  • edited November -1
    Black brindle Kai-Ken:

    Black/Red brindle Akita Inu:

    (light) Red Akita Inu:

    Red Sesame [Akagoma] Shikoku-Ken:

    Black Sesame [Kurogoma] Shikoku-Ken:

  • edited May 2008
    Did something change for posting pictures again? I can't get it to work.
  • edited May 2008
    red akita inu
    red brindle akita inu
    silver brindle akita inu
  • edited May 2008
    Sesame Shiba

    red shiba

    *Also tsukitsune: Your "red sesame" is also called a dirty red because the black tipping does not cover all the red.
  • edited August 2008
    Digging up an old post :o)

    Keiko doesn't seem to have any black on her coat until the spot on her tail - Just wondering if she's a red or red-sesame? The breeder originally told us red, but on the AKC forms she filled out it says red-sesame. I really don't know, she's a cute pup and I'm happy with her color, but wondering what her coloring really is! *I have no idea if you can tell from the videos/pictures I've posted*
  • edited November -1
    A lot of time the colors change with age, I think by 7-8 months or until she's blown her puppy coat you really can't be too sure.
    I fostered a shiba that was considered just red that had some black hairs in his 'widow's peak' and at the tip of his tail. A shiba like Toby or my Kitsu had black hairs on their face, their tail and on their neck and back which is considered sesame. But then I've seen shibas that have hardly any discernible red in their coats, mostly the dark brown/black/white sesame coat.

    I guess you might have to wait to find out!
  • edited November -1
    Kind of exciting :o)

    Now I'm going to be like a little kid at Christmas waiting impatiently lol!
  • edited November -1
    It's har because a lot of colors had lots of nuances... But nuances are not new colors !

    A brindle Akita is brindle before all (it can be red brindle, "silver" brindle -we say "blue" here- , dark brindle...but it's just nuances)

    A real sesame (Akita) must have black hairs among all the red color (I never seen a real sesam Akita, but one or two dogs who can pretend to this name)
  • edited November -1
    Well... I've been waiting for changes... and Kieko is starting to give them to me :o)

    About a week and a half ago I noticed this 'black' ish triangle of fur growing in ... the largest part was from shoulder to shoulder and it tapered to her tail - ... the REALLY crazy thing is NOW the hairs are getting white!!! I know... I'm a doof for being so into her coat changes :o) I took a few pictures so you could see the black/white and her cute lil tail markings!

    Butt area




    Darkness of the shoulders

    ... so ... she's registered as Red still... is it a problem if I have to change that?
  • edited November -1
    And yes... that's my little peanut being a lap hog!
  • edited November -1
    :-) I was going to comment on how all of the pictures are of her in your lap.

    A lot of red Shibas have or develop some darker areas. I think some people refer to them as dirty red. Seasame Shibas look a lot different. They are significantly darker over their entire body. I don't know if its a problem to change her registration, but from the looks of it she is red, not seasame, so it shouldn't be an issue. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Toby is registered for the AKC as Red, but he's clearly a Red Sesame. I'm not if you can change it or not?
  • edited November -1
    Definitely a red, not a sesame.

    In Toby's case, I'm not sure how the AKC does the registration.
  • edited November -1
    Yeah, I have no idea, either. D: They kinda messed up his papers, anyways. His name for everything says Toby X.

    Not sure if that means anything. xD

    I just didn't want to change it, because they did the paperwork on my birthday, soo I like it all as is. n___n;
  • edited November -1
    Interesting, My shiba has ONE dark spot on her. Just on the inside curl of her tail. But I've noticed that Many red's seem to have that one spot. At least several in pictures I've seen have had it.
  • edited November -1
    Katie - that's exactly how Keiko's tail was when we first got her, just one spot.... now it's growing lol :o)
  • edited November -1
    I think it may just be me...but I see no black on her except for her tail. It could be that the hairs are too fine though. She looks like a red to me!
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