Early VS Modern Shibas

edited April 2016 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
I don't know where my Shiba came from. I have an Certificate of Pedigree from APRI that was given to me when I got her as a puppy from my friend (he didn't want her :(). It looks like she's from a line of backyard breeders :/. She doesn't look like your breed standard show Shiba:


She IS a cat in a dog's body. She seems to have a more "wild" phenotypes than show Shibas and is definitely a little hunter. She's very aloof, extremely independent and can't stand wearing collars/harnesses/anything. She's the most unique little dog I've ever met and feels like I'm living with some wild little creature. She's very smart, I can command her to bark at different volumes and "say" different words along with various other "tricks". I KNOW she knows when I want her to do something, but it has to be "worth" it to her (lol)

I've been trying to find pictures of "ancient" Shiba Inu. I know Shibas and JAs have been bred for show aesthetics and have seen the dramatic different in the modern JA VS JAs from earlier times, but can't seem to find any pictures of old/ancient Shibas. I forget what it's called (the term), but I know that stray/feral dogs from specific regions will gravitate toward certain physical characteristics (good example being Gambian street dogs).

TLDR; My Shiba killed a rat in the backyard yesterday morning in half a second, and after reading posts here about breed behaviors and modernization of breeds it got me wondering what ancient Shibas looked like and I can't seem to find any good examples online - I would love to see some!


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