how would they do on our game
Okay need some input from the more experienced hunters on here. After I read about theses dogs were expected to work deer hog and bear in just pairs and slow them down until the hunters got there I got to wondering how they might do with finding and slowing down some of our game until the catch dogs got there mostly rabbits fox and coyote? I know a lot of people are scared of coyote packing up on a dog but that during the spring and summer when they are having pups in the winter they are alone or maybe in pairs. I ask because they are getting to be a big problem and a lot of them are getting call and trap shy. The plan would be for them to find and work them until the bigger catch dogs get there to take down the game.
Explore that blog a bit and you can read details and see some video from his hunts. Lots of boar on the tailgate.
I think boar and coyote are pretty different types of game, but I guess it's not impossible and could depend on the dog and hunting style.
Now that I think about it, there's also some guys who use random breeds as "decoy" type dogs to pull Coyotes in and then they shoot the coyotes from the top of the hill.
This is the style that I'm most familiar with