Hokkaido Question
I’ve been doing a lot of research and reading through the posts on this forum, and I’ve decided I want to get a Hokkaido. My question is, is it better to import one from Japan, or find a breeder in the states? I’m in Northern California, as my name suggests. Any help on the pros and cons of each would be highly appreciated.
I would suggest looking at https://masakadoshiba.com/ for Lindsays tentative breeding plans.
I know a HANA Hokkaido named Umma just had a litter - they're probably all spoken for but they might be able to help you out: https://everydayhokkaidoken.wordpress.com/
If you are looking for a pet, the above responses are great, too! And may be great to at least reach out to, anyway.
@PoetikDragon is currently in Japan (AFAIK), but their kennel is Kaiju Kennel
@Lindsayt is Hokusei Kashinoki and Umma's litter is through her kennel.
@LexterGrace is Apricity Kennel, and just had her litter placed in their new homes.