Boz - The "Original" Shiba

edited June 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
This is Boz. He is the first Shiba that I ever met. He belongs to my Aunt and Uncle and is about 10 years old now. Boz is really sweet, loves everyone, always jumping up on people. Also, he's kind of fat, has been for a long time. He had LP - 4 that needed surgery when he was young, then my Aunt backed over him once (accident!) and broke the poor guys hip. So well, he can get around but can't run like crazy or anything.

These are some pictures from Memorial Day when he was at my parents house. Two weekends before that we were at a pig roast at his house, he guarded the grill/roaster like it was his job, sat and watched it, hoping it would magically open up and toss him pork, which it did when I was near it, I mean he's fat anyhow right?

Memorial Day-0007-1

Memorial Day-0003-1

Boz and his boy (Quinn, also 10):
Memorial Day-0004-1

Memorial Day-0005-1


  • edited November -1
    Boz! He's the one that started it all - huh? How cute, he looks so cute at 10 years young!! I think you should frame the first and third pics for your aunt, uncle and cousin!!
  • edited November -1
    Another great Brandon story... "...which it did when I was near it..." You are too funny in your sharing of stories. I always get a good picture and feel for the moment.

    Give Boz hugs from me and The Jake Man
  • edited November -1
    Aww, hes so cute. And very beautiful and red. :)
  • edited November -1
    What a great face Boz has!
  • edited November -1
    A beautiful old gentlemen!! He looks great.
  • edited November -1
    Great looking old guy! Once you see a Shiba for real, you're hooked.
  • edited November -1
    He doesn't look that fat to me ... just a little bit maybe. Either way, he's a handsome old man, I can see why you got hooked!
  • edited November -1
    Dave - I must have done a good job hiding his weight with the camera. Boz weighs in at about 36 or 37lbs and he should probably be around 28-30 (he is tall, and big, but also fat). His nickname is sausage dog (because his body is round, like a sausage.

    He is good looking old guy. He is from the same breeder as Nemo's girlfriend Takara. Just many, many years before.
  • edited November -1
    Last weekend we had an early "Thanksgiving". My aunt wanted to start this since some of the cousins (my cousins) have their own family now and were starting their own traditions on the actual holiday. So the early thanksigiving brings this whole side of the family together. Anyhow, I took some new pictures of Boz.

    Boz with his decorative Halloween necklace thing. The hat part of bat ears did not fit.

    Early Thanksgiving-6075

    Boz the protector of the turkey carcass. He didn't take his eyes off the prize, he is dedicated to all things yummy.

    Early Thanksgiving-6111
  • edited November -1
    Yeah , he doesn't look so bad, he seems to come across more furry, the second pic looks like he has 3 chins going on, hehehhehe, it reminded me of Jiminy Glick smiling or laugh, lol, much love to Boz!
  • edited November -1
    the turkey pic is priceless. I love it!
  • edited November -1
    That turkey picture should be sent to a greeting card company. He's still a good looking old fellow even if he is a little round. I'm glad that pork "magically" appeared for him at the pig roast - he can't be expected to work for free.
  • edited November -1
    Boz has actually lost about 4 lbs. Still a bit heavy, but it's good his weight is down.

    He looks like he has three chins because he has on a leather collar, a decorative collar, and an invisible fence shock collar.
  • edited October 2008
    I love that last shot of Boz - you captured it perfectly. LOL

    *Edit: I just wanted to add that you can almost see him thinking "You will be mine, oh yes, you will be mine...".

  • edited November -1
    Love the patient Boz ---- he gets that label because of letting someone stick all those collars on him, and his turkey-gazing! Hope someone tossed him a turkey leg or something for all his hard work and patience!

    Anyway, thanks for sharing -- what a loveable doggie! Glad to hear he's trimming down a bit before the holidays, too!
  • edited November -1
    Such a cutie!

    Now here is a fat Shiba. She has lost some weight, but at 53 pounds she could barely walk!
  • edited November -1
    aww poor Yoshi
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