Shiba Inu Breeders...

edited January 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)

So John and I took Ninja and Portia to our local dog park last night and we saw another Shiba Inu there.  His name was Cosmo and he was 7 months old.  He was quite the opposite of Ninja.  Anyways, I was talking to the owners and they were saying that there are only 8 states in the US that are registered to breed Shiba's?  I was just wondering if this was true or not.  She said she did 4 years of research before getting her Shiba Inu!   


  • edited January 2008
    Four years of research on Shiba Inu, or four years of research looking for the type of dog she wanted?
  • edited November -1
    ... a long time
  • edited February 2008
    4 years doing research on a shiba inu and looking for the perfect shiba inu i guess. Im not sure what made her so into getting a shiba inu...but she was saying that whenever she would see one, she would chase them down and ask the owners a bunch of questions about the Shiba...she even searched for a shiba meet in california and went to it to get information about the breed. She is super crazy in love with the Shiba Inu. She even went as far as to call herself a "Shiba Stalker" lol. She was pretty funny, seemed like a really cool down to earth person.
  • edited January 2008

    Shiba stalker - lol

    No, I mean that is cool, I wish everyone did that much research before buying, or adopting, any breed - especially a breed like the Shiba. If everyone took it that seriously then there would be a lot fewer Shiba rescues out there.

    As for the number of breeders - if she did 4 years of research, she probably knows what she is talking about - tho I have to admit, the number sounds pretty low... but to be honest, I'm not sure I fully understand what she was trying to say... was she saying that there are only Shiba Inu breeders in 8 states in the US?

    If she loves Shibas she should join this forum.  :c)

  • edited November -1
    Yes, only 8 states that are registered to breed Shiba Inu's in the whole US.  It totally slipped my mind when we were talking...I kept saying "ive heard" and "some people mentioned" which is all from this forum...but i totally forget to tell her about it.  Im sure ill see her again at the dog ill have to remember next time.  But she did say she usually take him to the large dog side, but there was a very rough german shepard that day that he was scared of, so they brought him to the small dog side.  He was an awesome little guy though! 
  • edited November -1

    Is it possible that maybe there are only eight breeders in the US who are Nippo (that's it isn't it, the Japanesse dog authority) certified for breeding shibas.

    There are way, way more than just 8 breeders in the USA.  I'd say there are more than 8 in Wisconsin, with only one, maybe two, producing really high quality shibas.


  • edited November -1
    hmm ic ic that makes sense. Yeah I was thinking there would have to be way more than 8 in the whole US.
  • edited November -1

    I have learned (through this board) That all shiba owners are crazy in one way or another! Sealed

    I agree with Brandon and I know there are a few of us who have gotten pups from not the best breeders.  I have truly learned the art form of searching for a great breeder!  We have done extensive research on all of the (3) breeds that are and will be a part of our family but that is a long time.  By the time we get our Akita it will be 1 year.  The Shiba was about a year and our Sasha was about 8 months.

    Side note:  Niko REFUSES to play with small dogs.  If she goes in with the small dogs she protests.

  • edited November -1

    Hmmm...I wonder if this person went to the BSA show??? Sounds interesting, which dog park did you go to? Kei is up to date on all his vaccines. He is getting his rabies at the end of the month. Maybe I can take him too? I think it'd be fun for him to play with other pups his age. The cats are no fun because they don't want to play and Lynx won't put up with his humping -grins-. There is only one pup right now he can play with, he needs more friends -smiles-. 

    One of my roomies, at the the new place I moved into this month, LOVES Shibas. She has always wanted one, but I guess hasn't had the time for one. She is inlove with my Shikoku, but I guess Kei is just a "semi-reliever" until she is finally ready for her Shiba, lol.

  • edited November -1
    Corina - the dog park we go to is Irvine Bark Park.  It is in the 5 South and you exit Sand Canyon...make a right onto Oak Canyon and it is on the right side.  Its a pretty good sized park...and all the owners there are very friendly...haven't encountered any bad experiences yet.  You should let me know when you go, so maybe we can meet up there and meet eachothers pooches!  I definately can't wait to meet Kei!  We usually go at night time around 8pm.  Its open from 6am-10pm, they are closed on wednesdays.
  • edited November -1

    Hi Romi, I joined at your invitation :)

     Finding shiba breeders is hard enough, I have a harder time getting them to respond back to me. If they do respond most of them are very curt, didn't answer any of the question I asked and basically gave me a cut off email with no room for a reply. The good thing is, I'm in no hurry for my perfect shiba so I can wait for the perfect breeder as well.

  • edited November -1


    Very good observation and assumption!  I have stated this a lot through this forum...I have learned that the hard way.  

    Good luck and your shiba will be worth it! 

  • edited November -1
    Met another Shiba owner tonight at the dog park! This time i remembered to mention this forum! So hopefully he'll join! I also finally heard my first shiba scream first hand! It wasn't Ninja, but it was the other Shiba. Its pretty hilarious. His Shiba was doing it a lot! While running around and on top of other dogs. He rescued his shiba from a was tiny! It was 2 years old and about the same size as Ninja!
  • edited November -1

    That is really odd because there are two breeders near me . The one where we got hopper and then one i have HEARD about but never got any info from our about . I thinking about breeding hopper a couple of times by the way i am located in iowa sorry i did not state that in my intro i appologise

  • edited November -1

    Man Shiba's must be popping up all over orange county!  Today was our first day for obedience classes and there was a black/tan Shiba puppy right next to us named Izzy.  It seems the more I go out with my dogs the more I see Shibas!  Or maybe I just notice them more since I have a Shiba now?  Its kind of tripping me out!  Portia got super scared when a guy tried to come up and pet her...her claws were out and she was we had to walk her around the store for like 10 mins to calm her down...she was on her nails was quite disturbing...but overall...the class was good...we taught them both "WATCH" to get their attention and a Response word. 

          OHHHH!! And Ninja went up to the other Shiba owner and let her pet him a couple of times! IT WAS AMAZING!!!  Im kind of getting the feeling that Ninja is just afraid of MEN.  My girlfriend and her boyfriend came over during the weekend and he walked up to her and she pet him once and he walked away...Anyone heard of this?

  • edited November -1
    Sasha is petrified of men.
  • edited November -1

    Romi, that's good news... i think that class will really help Ninja. There is something that happens when dogs see other dogs "working".

  • edited November -1
    any breeders local to la/orange county that you guys recommend?
  • edited November -1
    found this link from the national shiba club website. does anyone have any info on the breeders listed there? TIA!!
  • edited November -1
    Welcome. How about an introduction so we know who we're recommending dogs to?
  • edited November -1
    Hi Edwin!
    This page> lists some pointers on how to choose a shiba inu breeder and also lists breeders that have registered themselves with the National Shiba Club of America. They are supposed to adhere to the strict guidelines of NSCA to be listed on their website.
    I'm sure there are other reputable breeders out there that you will find, just be careful and very 'choosey'!
    This chart gives fantastic pointers of distinguishing a reputable breeder vs. a backyard breeder>

    Good luck, and (formally) welcome to the forum!
  • edited June 2008
    It's not always best to get a dog from a local breeder, just because they're local. Akashima Kennel has Shiba's and Shikoku's. She is located in Canada though, so you would either have to drive or get your pup flown in. But she has beautiful dogs and I think the majority people with Shikoku on the forum have gotten them from her. Not sure how many people have gotten their Shiba's from her. Here is her website link:
  • edited November -1
    thanks for the suggestions! they are highly appreciated. i actually met someone yesterday (by chance) who is a shiba owner. she got hers from a vegas breeder. her shiba is therapy certified and says her temperament is great! i would not mind going to vegas since i got a 1st hand recommendation. not sure if i want to go to canada to visit akashima. that would only work if i couldn't any in socal (or vegas or norcal). thanks. any other suggestions?
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