日本 四国犬 - Japanese Shikoku Ken - Club & Registry



  • edited November -1

    Well, I am late to this thread because I just didn't notice it.


    But I am happy to participate and help out in any way.


  • edited November -1
    Hello Corina,
    I know I haven't been super-active on the board, as well as being rather new to it, but I've long been interested in the native Japanese breeds, and I am *beyond* thrilled that this club is being started. I currently own two Shibas, and am looking to (eventually) branch out into one of the other breeds (Hokkaido and Shikoku are topping the list). I am interested in becoming involved in the club, and would love to know how I could be of service.

    I currently write for The Canine Chronicle, and I noticed there is some interest in working on a book for the breed. It sounds like a fascinating undertaking, and if I could be at all useful in that arena, I am your girl. Please let me know what I could do to help!
  • edited November -1
    We can use all the assistence we can get. It's gonna be a group effort to pull it all off. We will definitely appreciate your services. I am pretty busy as well and also suffer from lack of personal internet at home, so I've unfortunely have not been very active on the forums (not like I use to). I shall pop in every now and then though to check up on things and for updates.

    Glad to have you aboard.

    I'm currently lagging on getting those Shikoku member apps. out, I appolgyize for that. Working on it, as with everything else.
  • edited November -1
    Well I will certainly be thrilled to help - it's very exciting to be here for the beginning!

    I'm fairly certain I have a twin sister who will be on board as well :D.

    No worries on the busy-ness factor - I know how it goes - I've got a ton of articles I'm working on, a dog I'm trying to teach to track, and another job to pay the bills, as well as grad school to look into!

    Just let me know when the apps come out - I am so excited to be a part of this!
  • edited November -1
    *pokes the thread* :O~
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