Some spam

edited August 2008 in General
Different than what you expected. Meet Zeke.


  • edited November -1
    That's odd, how come only one image is showing through?
  • edited November -1
    Corn Snake???
  • edited November -1
    yup. reverse okatee albino
  • edited November -1
    The other images may be too big.
    I had a corn snake too, also albino. She got out of her tank and we never did find her...
  • edited August 2008
    Here we go. I resized the images. in the last one that's Sasha sniffing him. she poked him with her nose, and a second after that photo was taken, Zeke flipped backwards away from her.
  • edited November -1
    wow beautiful coloration on zeke! amelanistic coloration gorgeous!
  • edited November -1
    wow! Amazing snake! Just beautiful!

    ps: when you attach an image it will only display if the file size is under ~1mb.

  • edited November -1
    My favorite! We've had 2 of these, a wild one we caught [ he was a dark red colour ] & an albino one we bought. Possibly one of my favorite snakes to own, they just have amazing temperments. Congrats! :)~
  • edited November -1
    thanks everyone!
  • edited November -1
    Ok Glacier -- someone has to say it! I admire your courage --- my mamma taught me to be "afeared" of snakes and the lessons have never left my head! No reason for it in MN --- no poisonous snakes in the northern part of the state where I grew up, but I think it was that slithery thing! Anyway, your snake is very pretty! I do have to say for me I could not get myself ever to touch one, much less have it cruise up and down, and wrap around my hand and arm. How cool that your doggie's like the snakes! I guess for all of us creatures it's what we get used to and mostly a learned response to be afraid or loving toward other creatures!
  • edited November -1
    wow, thanks a lot baanton! :-D

    My mom has a phobia of snakes. she would always try to keep me away from such 'critters', and say that they were awful and disgusting, but I liked them nevertheless. my dad liked them though, and promoted my interaction with them. so as a kid I was always catching snakes, lizards, caterpillars and mantids even though my mom objected. and even now, I still really like reptiles and insects. I am a major caterpillar collector, I catch them, then keep them until they turn to butterflies or moths. sometimes I breed them. my last major project was with the Polyphemus Moth, which I had for several generations. my dog has met all sorts of strange visitors! she was curious but fearful of my caterpillar, tried to chase the moths, licked the snake, sniffed the parrot, and eyed the salamander. :-)
    but I don't really like earwigs or spiders. funny thing is, the big tarantulas don't bother me at all, it's the small house spiders that I dislike.
  • edited November -1
    I have to agree with baanton. I've had a fear of snakes most of my life - mine has to do from having a water moccasin accidently thrown on me when I was a child (age 5). I have tried to overcome it but I can't. When I go to the zoo, I force myself to go into the Reptile house to see the snakes. The other creatures in there don't bother me at all. I love the variations in color on snakes, but I just don't do well being very close. Of course growing up in an area where you do have to watch out for the poisonous ones makes it that much harder.
  • edited November -1
    OMG!! Thank you for posting. Zeke is absolutely beautiful!
  • edited November -1
    Glacier: Your life with the insects and reptiles is fascinating! I especially like the idea of the transformative ones --- must be absolutely breathtaking to see the process of going from caterpillar to butterfly. I don't think these creatures would do well with my doggie, Josephine --- last summer when she was a puppy she loved to chase down all sorts of moths and insects and eat them --- nevermind the fancy puppy meals she got to eat from us. She had been lost in a pretty desolate area of the great outdoors for maybe as long as two weeks when we found her. I think she learned to get her own breakfast, lunch and dinner by catching anything that looked edible! Not so strong an urge this summer, so maybe some of it was just that puppy behavior, too!

  • edited November -1
    Oh wow, didn't see this thread before. He's gorgeous!!! I wish I could take him.
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